eating WHATEVER I want but not getting full



  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    Another approach: do you have to feel full? I often go to bed hungry but knowing I've had my right calories and nutrients so I won't die when I wake up. :o)

    I never go to bed hungry.

    right!?! :laugh:
    Thats torture :explode:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Another approach: do you have to feel full? I often go to bed hungry but knowing I've had my right calories and nutrients so I won't die when I wake up. :o)

    I never go to bed hungry.

    I eat up to 3000 and still go to bed hungry. :D
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    Increasing protein and fiber will help you out. Veggies contain lots of fiber and help to act as fillers and help you to feel full. Maybe have some cucumber (or whatever finger veggie you like) and a bit of light ranch with your sandwich.
    Protein helps to make the full feeling last longer. It takes longer to digest.
    Drink a glass of water before the meal.

    Personally I have veggies with every meal. When I have eggs, I'll put tomatoes in with them. For lunch I'll have sliced cucumber, raw broccoli, raw cauliflower, baby carrots or whatever other veggies I feel like with a bit of ranch dip make with light sour cream. For dinner, I'll have a mixed green salad with dinner. I always make sure I eat the veggies and protein first.

    Lastly, eat slower. It can take 20 minutes for the full signal to reach your brain. Most of us eat way to fast and finish our meals in 5 or 10 minutes. I concentrate on putting my fork down between bites and chewing my food slower. If you pay attention you'll notice most people load their fork up with the next bite before they are even done chewing.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Yup, the IIFYM MFP experts assert that you can eat whatever you want. Just use "willpower" and practice "moderation" and the quality of food matters not at all. Honestly, that's just illogical imo. If your body is not being adequately nourished (I'm talking micro nutrients) then it will not be satisfied.

    For me, the food matters. Completely. I spent over 20 years restricting calories and trying to use willpower and moderation and I always failed. My end results were poor self esteem, depression, pre-diabetes, binge eating disorder, morbid obesity and many other illnesses. Then I changed the food, set my macros to something that makes more sense than MFP defaults and immediately I stopped being sick and started losing fat.

    So do what works for you, but if eating whatever you want isn't working, try changing what you "want" to eat. Honestly, I'm not deprived at all by eating ribeye steaks, eggs, bacon, salads, butter, etc. I LOVE the food I eat but there was an unpleasant time of adjustment for a short time after I eliminated the sugar and grains. Best decision for me, ever. No food is worth being sick and fat over; at least not from my current perspective.

    PS. More water and fibre don't actually add the micronutrients that the body is seeking, so that advice never worked for me personally. If you aren't full, you need NUTRIENTS.

    I think you're confused as to what IIFYM really is

    UM, no I'm not. Most people here follow MFP default macros, which is a big problem in and of itself. Then add in eating nutrient poor foods because they are "eating what they want" because no one should ever be "deprived" and that's the problem with IIFYM.

    I might know something after 20+ years of low cal/low fat useless dieting.

    I'm advising others who are struggling with something that does not work for many people (eat anything you want IIFYM). If it works for you, then aren't you blessed.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    ok, so I know that as long as you have a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. Here's the problem. I cannot get full on the meals that I really love to eat, so it's a problem eating WHATEVER I want. For instance, this is what I feel like having today.
    Breakfast= coffee with cream and sweetnlow, eggs and cheese, grits, and toast
    Lunch=Bologna and cheese sandwich with mayo, small bag of doritoes, coke
    Dinner=homemade chicken pot pie, rice, sweet tea

    I haven't estimated the calories in that yet, but if it's about 1200, I know I can eat it, but I betcha I won't get full and when the late evening comes around, I've be craving junk food like sweets or something. Anyone else have a problem just eating what their body wants them to eat but not feeling full?

    Ha....1200.....Maybe in just the chicken pot pie..........Breakfast......probably 4-500........Lunch.....about 1k...........Dinner about 1k. So yeah. You are in the 2500-3k range more than likely (assuming portion sizes etc). If you are worried about being full cut out the sugary drinks. Add more lean protein and leafy greens.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Lean meats are your friends. I had a steak for lunch and turkey breast for dinner today with mashed potatoes and veggies and I'm at 1200 calories right now so I still have room for a late evening snack.
    Foods that have low calories help. Get stuff that you like but also is a lot for low calories.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Personally I have doubts that your 'body' wants you to eat those things, it's probably your cravings that are dictating your choices from habit/comfort.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Protein and healthy fats will help keep you full longer. Also, try choosing more whole foods vs processed foods. It's not necessarily about clean eating but about how your body reacts to these things. I've found these types of food just make me feel full longer. For example, I feel fuller eating my slow cooked steel cut oats with fruit than I do eating instant oatmeal.

    Think of how you can make your choices healthier and make some compromises. Like having some baby carrots, pea pods and or an apple with your sandwich. You could stil have the chips if they fit in your calories but maybe only eat a few and fill up on the healthier options instead.
  • wannastayfit
    wannastayfit Posts: 25 Member
    To be honest, I haven't felt "full" in a long time. It's like I had to learn what it feels like to be satiated/satisfied without being packed full. Certain high-fiber foods, I noticed, are a little heavier in the stomach and help quite curb cravings quite a bit:

    1. Cream of Wheat - 110cal/serving
    2. Oatmeal - 150cal/serving
    3. Sweet Potato - 89cal/100gram (raw weight)

  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member

    Breakfast= coffee with cream and sweetnlow, eggs and cheese, grits, and toast
    Lunch=Bologna and cheese sandwich with mayo, Small bag of doritoes, coke
    Dinner=homemade chicken pot pie, rice, sweet tea

    Breakfast: Cream, 2 Tbls, 100; 2 eggs, 140, 1/4 cup cheddar cheese, 80; 1/4 cup dry grits (no seasoning or butter), 130; 2 pieces wheat toast, 140. total for meal: 590

    Lunch: Doritos,140; 1 can coke, 140; 2 slices Oscar Mayer bologna, 180; two pieces wheat bread, about 140, 1 piece American cheese, 70. total for meal: 670

    IF your goal is only 1200 cals a day, you hit approx. 1260 with just breakfast and lunch. You have no caloric room for dinner, let alone a snack.

    You are probably eating many more cals than you think, plus these items aren't necessarily very satiating, so you're hungry. Also, 1200 cals a day is very low.

    Edited to make it visually clear.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Yup, the IIFYM MFP experts assert that you can eat whatever you want. Just use "willpower" and practice "moderation" and the quality of food matters not at all. Honestly, that's just illogical imo. If your body is not being adequately nourished (I'm talking micro nutrients) then it will not be satisfied.

    For me, the food matters. Completely. I spent over 20 years restricting calories and trying to use willpower and moderation and I always failed. My end results were poor self esteem, depression, pre-diabetes, binge eating disorder, morbid obesity and many other illnesses. Then I changed the food, set my macros to something that makes more sense than MFP defaults and immediately I stopped being sick and started losing fat.

    So do what works for you, but if eating whatever you want isn't working, try changing what you "want" to eat. Honestly, I'm not deprived at all by eating ribeye steaks, eggs, bacon, salads, butter, etc. I LOVE the food I eat but there was an unpleasant time of adjustment for a short time after I eliminated the sugar and grains. Best decision for me, ever. No food is worth being sick and fat over; at least not from my current perspective.

    PS. More water and fibre don't actually add the micronutrients that the body is seeking, so that advice never worked for me personally. If you aren't full, you need NUTRIENTS.

    I think you're confused as to what IIFYM really is

    UM, no I'm not. Most people here follow MFP default macros, which is a big problem in and of itself. Then add in eating nutrient poor foods because they are "eating what they want" because no one should ever be "deprived" and that's the problem with IIFYM.

    I'm not a retard, and I might know something after 20+ years of low cal/low fat useless dieting.

    I'm advising others who are struggling with something that does not work for many people (eat anything you want IIFYM). If it works for you, then aren't you blessed.

    IIFYM is not eat anything you want. Learn what you are talking about before you try to bash it. IIFYM is still focused on eating approximately 80% healthy and the other 20% from "junk". It does require people to set up accurate/realistic goals and not low ones so they can just eat sweets.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    1200 calories will never satisify you. I suggest you eat more and move more. You are just torturing yourself.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I know that everyones body is different and everyone loses differently but let me tell you my experience.

    I can't eat many carbs. Just cannot. I've tried the "eating whatever you want but staying under 1400 calories" thing and I was hungry ALL THE TIME! Even when struggling to eat under my calories I was barely losing.

    When I am eating whole veggies, meats and fruit, I am not only able to lose weight but I do not get carb cravings. Honestly the worst cravings I get are when I am really stressed out and all I want is a big bag of chips and pop. Its a mental thing though not an actual craving. I am currently eating very carefully mainly for IBS issues but the weight loss is a very welcome side effect.

    My body cant tolerate sugar. I have to be careful WHICH fruits I eat and low fructose types are the only ones I can tolerate.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Yup, the IIFYM MFP experts assert that you can eat whatever you want. Just use "willpower" and practice "moderation" and the quality of food matters not at all. Honestly, that's just illogical imo. If your body is not being adequately nourished (I'm talking micro nutrients) then it will not be satisfied.

    For me, the food matters. Completely. I spent over 20 years restricting calories and trying to use willpower and moderation and I always failed. My end results were poor self esteem, depression, pre-diabetes, binge eating disorder, morbid obesity and many other illnesses. Then I changed the food, set my macros to something that makes more sense than MFP defaults and immediately I stopped being sick and started losing fat.

    So do what works for you, but if eating whatever you want isn't working, try changing what you "want" to eat. Honestly, I'm not deprived at all by eating ribeye steaks, eggs, bacon, salads, butter, etc. I LOVE the food I eat but there was an unpleasant time of adjustment for a short time after I eliminated the sugar and grains. Best decision for me, ever. No food is worth being sick and fat over; at least not from my current perspective.

    PS. More water and fibre don't actually add the micronutrients that the body is seeking, so that advice never worked for me personally. If you aren't full, you need NUTRIENTS.

    I think you're confused as to what IIFYM really is

    UM, no I'm not. Most people here follow MFP default macros, which is a big problem in and of itself. Then add in eating nutrient poor foods because they are "eating what they want" because no one should ever be "deprived" and that's the problem with IIFYM.

    I'm not a retard, and I might know something after 20+ years of low cal/low fat useless dieting.

    I'm advising others who are struggling with something that does not work for many people (eat anything you want IIFYM). If it works for you, then aren't you blessed.

    Yet again you are showing that you do not understand IIFYM.
    IIFYM gives you guidelines on setting up your macros. If one is following IIFYM, they are not following MFP's macro guidelines.
    IIFYM is also not low fat or low calorie.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    To be honest, I haven't felt "full" in a long time. It's like I had to learn what it feels like to be satiated/satisfied without being packed full. Certain high-fiber foods, I noticed, are a little heavier in the stomach and help quite curb cravings quite a bit:

    1. Cream of Wheat - 110cal/serving
    2. Oatmeal - 150cal/serving
    3. Sweet Potato - 89cal/100gram (raw weight)


    These have never worked for me. I need protein and fat with my meals. Eggs and oatmeal, ok, I'm good. Oatmeal and peanut butter, doable. Oatmeal alone, I'm hungry before I arrive at work.
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    ok, so I know that as long as you have a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. Here's the problem. I cannot get full on the meals that I really love to eat, so it's a problem eating WHATEVER I want. For instance, this is what I feel like having today.
    Breakfast= coffee with cream and sweetnlow, eggs and cheese, grits, and toast
    Lunch=Bologna and cheese sandwich with mayo, small bag of doritoes, coke
    Dinner=homemade chicken pot pie, rice, sweet tea

    I haven't estimated the calories in that yet, but if it's about 1200, I know I can eat it, but I betcha I won't get full and when the late evening comes around, I've be craving junk food like sweets or something. Anyone else have a problem just eating what their body wants them to eat but not feeling full?

    ok so are you choosing that calorie amount or did MFP give it to you? If they did give you that number are you doing any exercising? If you are exercising then you also have the NET calories to consume. your profile is set to private so it is a bit tough to say one way or another if you would need to change anything that you are doing. The meal you put on here is very bland and not filled with much for nutrition. What type of bread for your sandwich ? Have a side salad with your dinner. Little changes can make a big difference. Also make sure you weigh and measure all your foods to the proper serving size. Drink LOTS of water. If you like Tea use GREEN TEA it has no calories and can count towards your water intake. Good luck with trying to figure out what will work for you.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Vegetables? Fruits? Ever heard of them?
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Yup, the IIFYM MFP experts assert that you can eat whatever you want. Just use "willpower" and practice "moderation" and the quality of food matters not at all. Honestly, that's just illogical imo. If your body is not being adequately nourished (I'm talking micro nutrients) then it will not be satisfied.

    For me, the food matters. Completely. I spent over 20 years restricting calories and trying to use willpower and moderation and I always failed. My end results were poor self esteem, depression, pre-diabetes, binge eating disorder, morbid obesity and many other illnesses. Then I changed the food, set my macros to something that makes more sense than MFP defaults and immediately I stopped being sick and started losing fat.

    So do what works for you, but if eating whatever you want isn't working, try changing what you "want" to eat. Honestly, I'm not deprived at all by eating ribeye steaks, eggs, bacon, salads, butter, etc. I LOVE the food I eat but there was an unpleasant time of adjustment for a short time after I eliminated the sugar and grains. Best decision for me, ever. No food is worth being sick and fat over; at least not from my current perspective.

    PS. More water and fibre don't actually add the micronutrients that the body is seeking, so that advice never worked for me personally. If you aren't full, you need NUTRIENTS.

    I think you're confused as to what IIFYM really is

    UM, no I'm not. Most people here follow MFP default macros, which is a big problem in and of itself. Then add in eating nutrient poor foods because they are "eating what they want" because no one should ever be "deprived" and that's the problem with IIFYM.

    I'm not a retard, and I might know something after 20+ years of low cal/low fat useless dieting.

    I'm advising others who are struggling with something that does not work for many people (eat anything you want IIFYM). If it works for you, then aren't you blessed.

    The R word? Really? Nobody remotely insinuated such a thing. Get over yourself.
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    There's a big difference in feeling "full" and feeling "satisfied".

    I would suggest adding water and bumping up your fiber.