Friends became Distance



  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    Have you ever noticed when you started to live the healthy life your friends became distance? Not that you actually have time to communicate with them because we are all a bit busier than before especially with going to the gym and working out on a regular. What is up with that? I am married with 2 kids and do not have enough time for myself as it is, but a jealous friend hate on you because you do not have time to hang out. I look at my family and fitness is my priority and everything else comes last.

    They put you as high on their priorities list as you put them. Completely normal, and it has nothing to do with jealousy.

  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    If all you're talkimg about is health and fitness, I don't blame the.
    It gets old.

    One of my friends would only talk about this trip he was going on and it got so incredibly boring to listen to it. He thought I was distant because I was seeing someone new. Nope, I straight told him I was sick of hearing about his trip.

    So, it might be them. It very well could be you OP.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I don't understand the question. You say that you spend less time with your friends because you're busy with family and fitness and everything else comes last. But you think your friends are distant? Feel free to correct me if my translation was incorrect.
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    Did you hang out in your sports bra with them?
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Did you hang out in your sports bra with them?

    Too soon....too soon.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Did you hang out in your sports bra with them?

    Too soon....too soon.

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Have you ever noticed when you started to live the healthy life your friends became distance? Not that you actually have time to communicate with them because we are all a bit busier than before especially with going to the gym and working out on a regular. What is up with that?

    Sounds like YOU became distance (sic), not they.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I've found that it's really just a matter of growing up and getting older more than anything else. When I was in my 20s I had a ****load of "friends"...most of whom werre really just party buddies and really good aquaintances. I got married when I was 30 and that changed a lot..."friends" slowly but surely fell by the way side as we all started moving in our own directions and down our own paths in life. Five years later my first boy was changing...then my second I have a very small number of very, very good friends...and even then, we see each other maybe a few times per month. I no longer have any single friends at all...just nothing in common and they don't understand the first thing about family responsibilities.

    I would also add that it doesn't sound like it's your friends who are being distant...sounds like you are consciously making the decision...which is fine and perfectly reasonable for any number of reasons...but you shouldn't blame your friends.
  • toiletski
    toiletski Posts: 126 Member
    Focusing on fitness doesn't mean pushing aside everything else. I did that for awhile, what a horrible decision. I didn't even want to go out to dinner with my family and friends for my own birthday cause I just wanted to go to the gym. Never again.

    Try to balance Faith, Family, Friends, Finance and Fitness :)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Did you hang out in your sports bra with them?

    Too soon....too soon.

  • Waggoner83
    Waggoner83 Posts: 112 Member
    This particular friend do not want to have anything to do with fitness what so ever. Me asking her to go to the gym is almost like asking her to jump off a bridge with me. Good try!:smile:
  • Waggoner83
    Waggoner83 Posts: 112 Member
    Focusing on fitness doesn't mean pushing aside everything else. I did that for awhile, what a horrible decision. I didn't even want to go out to dinner with my family and friends for my own birthday cause I just wanted to go to the gym. Never again.

    Try to balance Faith, Family, Friends, Finance and Fitness :)
  • LCgymnast
    Your friends will come around. Its always tough when others see your success and working on yourself. I don't know why though. Friends should be there to support you in every way. You could be the catalyst for improving their own lives. However If they can't come around....well there are more friends in the sea.
  • Waggoner83
    Waggoner83 Posts: 112 Member
    Your friends will come around. Its always tough when others see your success and working on yourself. I don't know why though. Friends should be there to support you in every way. You could be the catalyst for improving their own lives. However If they can't come around....well there are more friends in the sea.
  • Waggoner83
    Waggoner83 Posts: 112 Member
    Focusing on fitness doesn't mean pushing aside everything else. I did that for awhile, what a horrible decision. I didn't even want to go out to dinner with my family and friends for my own birthday cause I just wanted to go to the gym. Never again.

    Try to balance Faith, Family, Friends, Finance and Fitness :)
  • Waggoner83
    Waggoner83 Posts: 112 Member
    I've found that it's really just a matter of growing up and getting older more than anything else. When I was in my 20s I had a ****load of "friends"...most of whom werre really just party buddies and really good aquaintances. I got married when I was 30 and that changed a lot..."friends" slowly but surely fell by the way side as we all started moving in our own directions and down our own paths in life. Five years later my first boy was changing...then my second I have a very small number of very, very good friends...and even then, we see each other maybe a few times per month. I no longer have any single friends at all...just nothing in common and they don't understand the first thing about family responsibilities.

    I would also add that it doesn't sound like it's your friends who are being distant...sounds like you are consciously making the decision...which is fine and perfectly reasonable for any number of reasons...but you shouldn't blame your friends.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    you def answered my question (whether you meant to or not). thanks!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Actually I found shift work did that - different days off - different hours off - a shift worker's schedule does not work well with someone who works bankers hours Monday thru Friday. Sad but true.

    +1 million to this. I've been doing shift work for the past four years and it is a lifestyle killer.

    I haven't had this problem with fitness goals, though. Most people are supportive or don't care one way or the other.

    Definitely kills your lifestyle. Trying to make plans with other people who work shift work is ridiculously difficult. I've found if I'm only working a few hours, I miss out on seeing people and hearing about plans. I end up seeing the photos post-event. :(

    If people aren't going to be supportive, that's their issue. Big life changes certainly sort out who your real friends are that's for sure!
  • VioletNightshade
    I had friends disappear when I lost 50lb because I was no fun to eat with any more - I wouldn't sit there and gorge on pizza and follow it up with ice cream. Instead, I'd order a salad with the dressing on the side and have a breadstick or two to accompany, but they felt I was "showing off" or something. At one point I had a falling out with one person I thought was my friend, where I sarcastically apologized for trying to avoid the heart disease which is so common in my family and lose the weight which makes it difficult to look myself in the mirror by taking better care of myself, and we haven't spoken since. Recently, I heard that there was a rumor I'd caught some disease (AIDS or HIV or something) that was causing me to lose weight. I am neither HIV nor AIDS positive, thank the forces that be (but, of course it can't be that I'm being mindful of what I eat and have started exercising more. No, no, I'm sick, that must explain it!), and found out my grandfather was saying I was on a vegan diet, so at my last large family dinner, I got to defend my eating choices from my misinformed family who were sitting there stuffing their faces with fatty foods covered in gravy while simultaneously telling me that I'm killing myself with my dietary decisions... That was rich coming from them. I'm not now, nor have I ever been vegan, so I don't know where he got that, but then came the facebook messages from family members telling me I needed to eat protein and that I was doing unhealthy things and that I'm beautiful the way I am (funny, considering almost all of them are overweight and haven't seen me in years).

    People get ridiculous when they see you changing, and seem to feel that you're doing things to put them to shame. I'm currently at the point where I'm trying to find the humor in their attacking me for trying not to slowly kill myself through food when they claim to care about me and want me to be happy. If they really wanted me to be happy, they would congratulate me for my hard work instead of berate me for making a decision they've chosen not to. I don't sit there and tell them they're making horrible decisions, even though the majority of them are far past being in the morbidly obese category and I'm not any more. My health has improved drastically and I'm off of all of my medications (with my doctor's approval, of course). My cholesterol is still higher than it should be, but that may be hereditary, and I'm working on it. I'm a work in progress, and that's ok with me. They can choose to cheer me on, join me, or stay in my past. The choice is theirs, and I'm fine with whatever they choose.