Vent It Thread...



  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Dear stupid people that call me and when I tell you how to fix your issue you'd rather complain for 15 minutes that it was an issue in the first place. Then you complain for 10 minutes over the fact that you had to wait on the phone for 4 minutes.

    Actual conversation

    Guy: I can't get on the internet
    Me: Do you have an Ethernet cable plugged into your computer?
    Guy: Yes
    Me: What does the other end go to?
    Guy: Nothing it's just tangling off the desk.
    Me: Plug it into the lower port on your phone
    Guy: 10 minutes of cussing, *****ing, moaning and saying he can't do it...

    Finally after me re-assuring him that it does indeed fit he gets it done. I swear some people just don't have brains and I feel bad for his poor wife/girlfriend if he does have one.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Dear women of MFP,
    Please stop posting about your periods.

    Yes! I'm pretty sure you at least walked at some point in time while you had, why are you now asking how to exercise with it?
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Dear "Victim" military guy I work with. NO, my decision to tell the commander to get rid of you was not about your race. Unless, stupid & lazy with a false sense of self importance has become a race category, if so, then I guess I am racist. You spent 14 years sucking on the Government teet. Never ONCE did you try to learn your job and every time I called you out on it I was being "Racist" Everytime I afforded you the oppurtunity to learn, it was a "Trap" to make you look bad.

    Also, thanks to the Senior leadership who jumped to defend you because "The Old Civilian was out to get this poor misunderstood young brutha" (their words not mine). Thaks for playing the Race/Victim card for every new Military boss that showed up AND thanks to those Bosses for not listening to me, I mean HOW the F#*K would I know anything about a job I've been in for almost 30 years and HOW would I know any better than you on the worth and capability of a guy you've known for a month but I have known since he joined the military.

    Also THANKS to the Kindler gentler Idiot officers who "Just want to give the kid a chance" NO!! don't listen to me, what the hell do I know about him. You have an Academy Degree, so of course you know better. Just forget about my Degree and almost 30 years of doing this job. Thanks you young Air Force guy for taking up the majority of my time when I had real troops with real problems over in Afghanistan, I'm sure they are on your side, I mean after all they had to take your place when you "Hurt your knee" at the last moment and couldn't deploy. how did you hurt it? OH IT WASN'T FROM WORKING!! it was playing Ball, because you couldn't be bothered to learn your job BUT you are at every intramural game and every volunteer oppurtunity that comes up. These seem to take precendence over learning what your Govt has been paying you to do for over a decade, LOSER!!
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Dear boss,

    I have read the law and know what I am and am not allowed to do according to said law. I will not break the law for this company in order for us to recoup $200.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Dear women of MFP,
    Please stop posting about your periods.

    ^Especially when you decide to use ketchup bottle as a descriptor.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I second this.
  • favoritenut
    favoritenut Posts: 217 Member
    Dear Know-it-All co-worker

    My job is mine, not yours, quit running around every day complaining that you are so far behind but then have time to talk at the counter, and do my job! I'm bored and would love to do my own your own.

    And when I tell you something, it doesn't mean I want your advice or your expertise...especially when my son broke his foot, I don't remember seeing a medical degree hanging in your cubicle!

    and quit listening to everyone's conversations...we don't want you telling us what to do! it doesn't concern you!
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I really have nothing today (surprising!) but I'll come back tomorrow with something, I'm sure.....

    Let it out! You feel a little bit better!
  • Dear swimming pool lanes and bags of lawn fertilizer,

    You are longer and heavier than I previously remember. Please adjust yourself to the "Carter-era" lengths and weights I remember from the late 70's.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Facebook has these stupid "Look back" videos that show most popular photos and posts since you've been on there. There must be something in the algorithm that deletes exes. It kind of made me sad that there isn't a single photo or post regarding my ex husband. I don't know why it made me sad. Nostalgia, maybe.
  • wohui
    wohui Posts: 2 Member
    Close to the end of a project, and it's all falling apart at once! Gah. I have 3 days to get it together, (well, 2 and a half now), one of which is a public holiday, and if I see one more Aborted Scenario error message I might have a fit.

    And I am hungry.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Dear Boss,

    Don't belittle me about my 3 1/2 year old mentally slow son not being potty trained when your 9 year old ADD daughter still wets the bed.
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    Thank you George Lucas for Jar Jar Binks who TOTALLY ruined the ENTIRE Star Wars franchise.

    All of my other problems seem trivial when I think of this monumental blunder.

    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • Dear MFP,

    what is with that ad saying I should 'eat this', with a picture of an open hand holding what looks like a wet wood tic. It's disgusting!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    To the young lady at the gym with the yoga pants. There was 8-10 other guys drooling over you, please stop following me around. Yah effed up my focus! :angry:

    Besides I had to fart.
  • To the young lady at the gym with the yoga pants. There was 8-10 other guys drooling over you, please stop following me around. Yah effed up my focus! :angry:

    Besides I had to fart.

    You should have done it next to her and then gave her a disgusted look.

    That's what my husband does to me. :angry:
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    To the young lady at the gym with the yoga pants. There was 8-10 other guys drooling over you, please stop following me around. Yah effed up my focus! :angry:

    Besides I had to fart.

    You should have done it next to her and then gave her a disgusted look.

    That's what my husband does to me. :angry:


    My luck it would be considered a mating call...
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    We close at 8
    Someone calls at 7:58 and the first thing she says is "Oh good, I waited till right before ya'll leave figuring I'd get through" ...


  • runforestrun35
    runforestrun35 Posts: 480 Member
    dear patient,
    i know you are wearing your glasses, i need to know if they work... you are the 20th person to ask me if I am sure they need them to read the chart... NO! I want your blind self to struggle for 15 minutes... and yes, it IS blurry without glasses... that is the point of glasses...duh. and tape is smooth on one side and sticky on the other.....And yes.... the eye drops burn, man and get over it! ok... I feel better! Thanks for listening!