What do to do with your big clothes when you get small?

Do you set fire to them? Donate them? Set fire to them and then donate them? No. That wouldn't be good. Do you keep them? Or just get rid of them?

I'm 80lbs from goal but I'm thinking real hard about it. On one hand, when I get to my goal weight I don't ever plan on being big ever again. I want this to be a forever thing. A weight and a set of habits I keep with me for the rest of my life. Plus, it would feel good to get rid of them like "I'm done with you. You're my old life. Now you're gone!" On the other hand, what if? What if something happens years from now and I gain some back? Getting fat again AND not having clothes to wear would be a double crappy situation.

What should I do? What do you do?


  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I have given some to my step daughter, but most were donated to a shelter for battered women.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    I donate them. I did keep my largest pair of pants for comparison if I reach my GW.
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    I gave them to Goodwill.
    A) It's a good cause
    B) I didn't want to have clothes I could "slide back into"
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I donated them to Goodwill.

    I went through wondering about the "what ifs" as I was packing them into bags. And then I had this moment of clarity. There is no what if. I'm never going back to where I was. That's what a lifestyle change entails. So I packed it up and dropped it off. Felt great too.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Donate. The guys at Goodwill or at the local shelters love it when you bring them yard bags full of clothes.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I've donated some to a family who lost everything in a fire a while back and also give to Goodwill.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Goodwill - or other donation place.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    If it's something that I really like, I alter it to fit my smaller frame.
    Everything else gets donated.
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    I donate them. I figure if I don't have bigger sizes I damn sure don't want to go broke rebuying larger sizes.

    Instead of buying smaller clothes full price as I shrink, I buy a few things from Goodwill, then redonate them after they are too big. Once I hit goal, I will reward myself with a shopping trip to somewhere other than Goodwill. ????

    I have kept 1 top and 1 pair of jeans from my biggest size to compare from time to time.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Also down for donating to Goodwill.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I donate them. I did keep my largest pair of pants for comparison if I reach my GW.

    This, I have the last pair of pants that I bought before starting to lose weight.
    I donated most to Goodwill, anything to get them out of my house so I wouldn't think it was OK to go back, plus I needed room in the closet for new clothes. Buying a new wardrobe in a bigger size is not going to happen!
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    Kept one pair of pants (my favorite "back then"). The rest (five large garbage bags worth) I let some friends and family go through, the rest I donated.

    I tried to sell some of the nicer stuff on FB rummage sales, but I couldn't get enough for any of them for it to be worth making arrangements, meeting a stranger, etc. If this all happened in the summer I might have had a rummage sale...but it was faster, easier, and more gratifying to drop off all those bags at Goodwill.
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    Since I had a long way to go, I wore the old baggy clothes for a while. I hated the idea of buying anything new that I would not be able to wear for long. I started as a 22W. When I could wear a regular 16, I bought what I needed to wear for work and got rid of all of the big stuff. I wore those 16s until they were really baggy. I finally got rid of those (giving to a charity thrift shop) when I could wear a 10. I still haven't bought many new clothes because my body continues to shrink even though I'm losing very little. But I'm NOT keeping stuff that's too big. I'm not going back!
  • Zomb1eMummy
    Zomb1eMummy Posts: 104 Member
    I am keeping 1 of my bigger shirts that fit kinda snug and one of my pants that fit kind of snug for future reference, but I am donating everything else. Some of it I am repurposing by cutting up and using as work out clothes because I prefer looser workout attire.
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    ' Give it away give it away give it away give it away now ' - so say the RHCP .
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I sew, so it's pretty easy to just take them in as I go.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I had lots of clothes in several sizes when I started this journey.
    I donated most of my clothes to various charity thrift shops in our area.
    I donated my really nice work suits, jackets, shoes, accessories to a group that helps people get into (or back into) the work force.

    Now that I fit my goal size (US size 6-8), I deliberately keep my wardrobe small. I culled and donated quite a bit of my current size clothes, and kept a few choice pieces I really like. Less clothes is so much easier to deal with in the morning. I careful built my current wardrobe slowly, narrowing my color palette to those colors that suit me best. Today, when I buy something new, I get rid of something current. Hubby is pleased because he now has room for his stuff in our closet so everyone wins!
  • bobkat80
    bobkat80 Posts: 347 Member
    I am saving them for next summer's yard sale. One lady who came this year was excited to find larger sized clothing and bought everything I had, so I told her to come back next year for more! I may have to tell her about MFP!
  • mars735
    mars735 Posts: 8 Member
    Get rid of them! Keeping them is like saying you plan to gain the weight back. Have faith in yourself that you'll keep it off. If you were to gain weight down the road, chances are you wouldn't want to wear the old ones you saved anyway. I did, however save a pair of my favorite large pants to remind me where i've been : )