What do to do with your big clothes when you get small?



  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I kept the one pair of pants that I use for that pic - you know the one :)

    everything else got donated - luckily they did pickups as it was a lot of clothes

    and i will probably need to do another wave, but at least there is a lot less of it this time so I can probably just drop them off in a donation box
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I donated them to Goodwill.

    I went through wondering about the "what ifs" as I was packing them into bags. And then I had this moment of clarity. There is no what if. I'm never going back to where I was. That's what a lifestyle change entails. So I packed it up and dropped it off. Felt great too.


    I sold mine at first. I had loads of professional and very nice stuff in sizes 20-24 do I made quite a lot at my garage sale last summer (publicized with permission on a local area Facebook page for plus size ladies to swap clothing). Then as I slowly discarded the last of my 20's and some 18's, I sold it in smaller "lots" via Craigslist and donated the rest. Now I find that few people show interest in 1X and 18 on those forums so I just donate it all as I continue to lose.

    For me it was a matter of things looking TERRIBLE on me after a certain point. A dress that was great on me at 260 lb didn't look so hot at 240 but by 225 it was literally falling off and making me look sloppy, frumpy, and hideous. Even my husband and mom (and a few friends) had to bring this to my attention at first. Now I'm pretty well aware of it and get rid of jeans (another example) when I start to see a major sag in certain areas or find that I can remove them without unbuttoning/unzipping (I have a smaller waist and enormous hips so for me that means they're WAY too big). It's not difficult for me like it was in the beginning...I happily part with stuff.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    I would get rid of them!

    I plan on reselling some of my old jeans ( barely worn ) to Plato's Closet. They are already a size too big on me!

    Other clothes I will just give away. A couple times a year I go through my closet and give things away to the Salvation Army. There is a store not too far from where I live.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Mostly trash. It was ceremonious. The items with tags went to my hair dresser who told me that I shouldn't try to lose weight in November because Thanksgiving would make me fat again. Now she has the fat clothes.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    I hold onto them until I don't want them any more; then I donate them. I hate the idea of giving something away that I might for whatever reason need again (what happens if my dog dies, I break my leg, and my husband leaves me all in the same week? You better bet there's Ben & Jerry's in my future in that case). But after I don't feel like I need them any longer, it's not hard to let them go.

    I'm not giving them away as a "There! This will keep me from gaining weight!" And I'm not keeping them as a "I can overeat as long as they're here!" Neither of those mindsets work for me. I'm keeping them until I don't feel like keeping them any more. When they become meaningless, then I know my new body is really mine.

    This has happened two or three times during the seven years I've been shrinking. It's ... anticlimactic, kind of, but also very soothing. I don't have to slam doors behind myself; one day I just realize I don't want to open them any more.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Oh, and also, if something happens years from now and you gain some weight back, you buy clothes that fit. People's bodies change all the time for all kinds of reasons, not just weight. You're going to be buying new clothes in a few years whether you're at your goal weight or not!
  • amberflo143
    amberflo143 Posts: 94 Member
    Donate them or get them out of the house! You don't need them and never will again!!
  • seasonsanna
    Sell what's worth selling and donate the rest.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I kept one pair of size 24 for comparison, and I still have (now I sleep in them) my 3x tee shirts. Everything else that still had life in them, I donated, quite a few bags a few times in the past 600 days I've been here.

    I think it was Big Bros/Big Sisters...whoever mailed me a card telling me they'd be in my area got it...was a no brainer, try it on, wash it, bag it, set it at the curb. LOL

    Working on the next bag, got a card in the mail yesterday p/u next week ....found out my size 16s make me look ridiculous (I've been wearing shorts & sweat pants..tried those 2 pr on for a work meeting, and no way....dashed off to Walmart for a pair of size 10 chinos.

    Most of my stuff was worn thru...thigh rub killed many jeans/pants and stuff just got thread bear from wear ...those obviously got trashed. What kills me is the last few bags of stuff were pretty much NEW stuff as I didn't have a lot of smaller stuff in the closet.

    If I keep the clothing around, I'm liable to again yo yo back into fitting into them and I do NOT want to do this process again.
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    I've got a huge bag to donate to Goodwill I just haven't made it over there to drop it off yet. I am keeping the one pair of capris I was wearing when I decided to change my life though.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,052 Member
    Yes I donated mine too except a couple of pants which got taken in at the waist to fit.
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    yep I set fire to all mine thus far...lol. don't want them lurking around cause I will never fall back there...nor would I "condone" that to anyone else.....so fire it was. now the plain white ts got sent to the garage for oil rags.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    Out they go - as another commenter said "selling what's worth selling" and donating the rest.

    What I'm really enjoying is downsizing the stuff I finally fit into. It's so much easier to let go once I know that I fit into it again - oh, yeah. It's ok, but I really don't need it or love it THAT much.

    Not worried about going back, because I've done this after unplanned back surgery and (to a lesser extent) after having children. So I've got 100% confidence.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Throw it out. I'm never going back there, so I don't need the clothes.

    I sleep in some of my old tee shirts, it makes me feel good to know that tee shirts that used to be tight on me are now big enough to be night-dresses.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Jeans I just throw out, but shirts I keep to sleep in.
  • action_man
    action_man Posts: 21 Member
    I'm not giving them away as a "There! This will keep me from gaining weight!" And I'm not keeping them as a "I can overeat as long as they're here!" Neither of those mindsets work for me. I'm keeping them until I don't feel like keeping them any more. When they become meaningless, then I know my new body is really mine.

    This has happened two or three times during the seven years I've been shrinking. It's ... anticlimactic, kind of, but also very soothing. I don't have to slam doors behind myself; one day I just realize I don't want to open them any more.

    I tend to agree with this. Its taken me a long time to get rid of my old clothes. Not because I ever thought I'd wear them again but more of a "that's a nice shirt, I can't get rid of that" or "well I don't have one of those that fits me properly so..." But one day I realized they weren't relevant to have around anymore. I wasn't going to wear them, they didn't look good on me anymore. I have a few old shirts just to wear for yard work or car stuff just because I'm not going to buy new clothes to get dirty in.
  • silversociety
    silversociety Posts: 222 Member
    Give it to a thrift shop. All of it. Don't look back.
  • Beautyandthebeef
    I duno I've gone down quite a few sizes but I guess I'm cheap and still trying to wear clothes that don't exactly fit anymore
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    If it is a dress or a skirt I really love, I get it altered.

    Otherwise I donate it to charity.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    I donate my clothes. I don't need clothes to fall back on because I'm never going to allow myself to be that big ever again. I am in control now, so I don't need any crutches. My 6-year old son weighs about 72 pounds and I have lost a little over that. I cannot imagine gaining all of the weight back and feeling like I am carrying him around again. No thank you.