What motivational quote kept you going ?



  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    right on my ticker :smile:
  • RockingGranny
    RockingGranny Posts: 64 Member
    September 2012 My then 2 1/2 yr old grand-daughter: "But Grammy, why, why can't you get on the floor to play with me"?

    ^^^^ I was 304LBS.

    That same week I read a quote...." SHE BELIEVED SHE COULD, SO SHE DID"

    Today, Feb 7th, 2014......176 pounds.

    My now, 4 yr old grand-daughter.....

    "I need to hydrate", << as she picks up her water bottle.
    "Daddy that is not good for you", < As Dad reaches for junk food
    "Annie-accidents" << saying "anti-oxidants" when she reaches for her berries
    "Grammy you are fun"<< As I run through the house playing TAG with her!
    "Grammy you are beautiful" << When she asked for a Ponytail in her hair just like mine.
    "I need my POSSUM". <<<saying POTASSIUM, when she asks for a banana
    "Grammy can we go for a walk"?......YES BABY, WE CAN!!!

    <<<<Ms. Kaelyn Rayne (my profile pic), and this is HOW, and WHY I keep going.....

    This grandma can appreciate your comments!! Way to go!!