Anyone taking Phentermine 37.5?



  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Dear Dr. Trogalicious,
    Shaking your head at people is helping? Condescending is helping? Just because you have an opinion about everything doesn't mean you have to open your mouth every time. Catch your breath and have another beer. I'm sure you really enjoy hiding behind your computer taking pot shots at people. You can dish it all day but taste your own swill and you realize it sucks. If this is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you need to get out more, your as sensitive as a 15 year old girl with the low self esteem too.

    Trog is condescending?!?! You have GOT to be kidding me. The only condescending person I've seen on this thread is you.

    And just so we are clear on what that means...con·de·scend·ing [kon-duh-sen-ding] adjective showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority.

    You have been the ONLY one doing that.

    Trog is one of the most supportive people, I see him giving advice and help where he can. She was asking for people who take pills. Last I saw this was a free board and people whether they take them or not can post what they want, be it their experience, them just saying no (which he wasn't the only one doing this, just the only one you seem to have thing for) because he posted a gif saying no. Nor does he say he's an expert or does he get mad at anyone who doesn't do it his way. He's the first one to always say find what works for you.

    Typically pills don't work. They also do raise health issues. I have had friends on this, their doctor required them to come in every 3 months, not just for BP issues, but to check their liver enzymes.

    And as for your remark that he doesn't know how to keep it off long term, where are you getting that from? He made a LIFESTYLE change and has been keeping it off. I know it's mind blowing that he can eat/drink what he wants, including beer and actually lose weight. Shocking I know. Sorry if that approach doesn't work for you, no need to take it out on other people in the forums.

    The thing that DOESN'T work long term for people are pills. Because doctors typically won't continue to prescribe this for the rest of your life.

    ETA: Personally, I'd listen to someone who has lost 153 lbs and has almost 3000 posts on the board where he's HELPING people over you.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Wow. The people on this website simply amaze me. I usually keep to myself and never post but this thread just annoys me. The OP said "Would love to have some friends that are also taking the Phentermine." I didnt see anything in her post about asking for anyone's opinion no matter how "helpful" you think you were.

    I started taking Phentermine on Feb 4th and so far its been perfect. No terrible effects at all. I've been able to gain control of my previous out of control behaviors. I expect to take it for about 2 more months and then come off of it. By that time, I'll have picked up some better eating and exercise habits. And no, I don't care about your experiences and no it's not your business if I "gain it all back".

    mlittle71...Not trying to be rude or anything, just stating that the pill isn't teaching you better eating and exercise habits, YOU are teaching yourself those things.

    ETA: Yes, I've tried it before, years ago. I might have lost, but it all came back because a pill isn't a lifestyle change. It's a placebo. I also felt like my heart was going to explode.
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    Wow. The people on this website simply amaze me. I usually keep to myself and never post but this thread just annoys me. The OP said "Would love to have some friends that are also taking the Phentermine." I didnt see anything in her post about asking for anyone's opinion no matter how "helpful" you think you were.

    I started taking Phentermine on Feb 4th and so far its been perfect. No terrible effects at all. I've been able to gain control of my previous out of control behaviors. I expect to take it for about 2 more months and then come off of it. By that time, I'll have picked up some better eating and exercise habits. And no, I don't care about your experiences and no it's not your business if I "gain it all back".

    mlittle71. Wow. Your callousness and general disregard for others is dually noted. I'm glad the pills didn't harm you. I really am. I wish that was the case for every other person out there who has taken a believed-to-be-safe stimulant diet pill. Because, clearly no one else has ever been harmed/killed by taking diet pills before.

    Based on my loss (sorry, "experience"), which everyone is completely free to disregard, I feel morally obligated to offer a word of caution to those people who are considering taking amphetamine pills for weight loss who may not be fully aware of the potential risks involved.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Um, I'll come at this from another angle:

    What thyroid problem do you have that you'd be able to off your meds? Thyroid problems are for life. They get "fixed" when they're being treated with medication. And being heavy doesn't cause a thyroid problem, so losing weight wouldn't require you to go off of meds, just be able to reduce the medication dosage you can take (since there'd be less of you to dose).

    ^^^ This, you can help it with diet, pills, and trying live as healthy as you can but you'll never be "cured" because thyroid issues are due to an improperly working thyroid. You can fix your levels but that doesn't mean you can get off your meds or not have to worry about it anymore. The best thing to do is to find the right dose for you and to try and stick to it the old fashioned way. I am newly diagnosed but I still lost about 40 pounds before being diagnosed, working hard the old fashioned way. Mind you had to work harder due to this issue but still worked hard. Just keep working and accept the fact that there will be downfalls. I've had mine, I've been watching my weight fluctuate up and down these past few months since starting medication and it's a pain. But I'm still here, that's an important step. Just keep trying. If you have to start over then start over, it's okay. It's hard and stressful. Also, find others on here with thyroid issues that comiserate in the sucktasticalness of this diagnosis and to provide adivce from their experiences. This is my opinion.

    for the record, I do not take phentermine and avoid taking pills at all, except for those which are required for medical reasons (synthroid and BC)
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Dear Dr. Trogalicious,
    Shaking your head at people is helping? Condescending is helping? Just because you have an opinion about everything doesn't mean you have to open your mouth every time. Catch your breath and have another beer. I'm sure you really enjoy hiding behind your computer taking pot shots at people. You can dish it all day but taste your own swill and you realize it sucks. If this is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you need to get out more, your as sensitive as a 15 year old girl with the low self esteem too.

    Trog is condescending?!?! You have GOT to be kidding me. The only condescending person I've seen on this thread is you.

    And just so we are clear on what that means...con·de·scend·ing [kon-duh-sen-ding] adjective showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority.

    You have been the ONLY one doing that.

    Trog is one of the most supportive people, I see him giving advice and help where he can. She was asking for people who take pills. Last I saw this was a free board and people whether they take them or not can post what they want, be it their experience, them just saying no (which he wasn't the only one doing this, just the only one you seem to have thing for) because he posted a gif saying no. Nor does he say he's an expert or does he get mad at anyone who doesn't do it his way. He's the first one to always say find what works for you.

    Typically pills don't work. They also do raise health issues. I have had friends on this, their doctor required them to come in every 3 months, not just for BP issues, but to check their liver enzymes.

    And as for your remark that he doesn't know how to keep it off long term, where are you getting that from? He made a LIFESTYLE change and has been keeping it off. I know it's mind blowing that he can eat/drink what he wants, including beer and actually lose weight. Shocking I know. Sorry if that approach doesn't work for you, no need to take it out on other people in the forums.

    The thing that DOESN'T work long term for people are pills. Because doctors typically won't continue to prescribe this for the rest of your life.

    ETA: Personally, I'd listen to someone who has lost 153 lbs and has almost 3000 posts on the board where he's HELPING people over you.

    ^^^ I second this. Trog is super helpful and has accomplished what I hope to do. Lose it and maintain that loss and live an awesome and fun-filled life. He can have a bit of snark and sarcasm, admittedly but that is only because he's been here long enough and heard it 100 times. He has great advice if only people listen.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Courtkizer - not to make this thread go sideways, but I was on the keto group yesterday and was flabbergasted to read there was calorie counting involved. I didn't think that was needed on paleo or low carb diets. You can reply to me directly if you like.


    The only thing that works is a calorie deficit. That's why calorie counting is effective and these fad diets often are not.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    This is just the first page....
    Not only did my heart start palpatating with prolonged use, it started to become less effective. When I stopped using it, my appetite returned to normal and I unfortunately gained all of my weight back.
    Not to make you panic but I took it and I ended up in hospital with a panic attack =-(
    I'm a pharmacist, and I think this drug is dangerous and addictive. I don't like dispensing it. There is inherent risk in prescribing an amphetamine like drug to an obese person, because they are already at a higher risk for cardiovascular events...the drug only makes the risk higher. The drug has addictive potential and can cause behavioral issues, mood changes, and even psychosis. In clinical trials, it did not cause that much more weight loss versus diet and exercise alone...especially when you consider the cost of the medication (usually not covered by insurance) and the additional risk you could be putting upon your body. In addition, these meds can only be used short term, so any benefit you get from it will likely go away, once you have to discontinue it.
    I tried Phentermine twice, as in two pills, and the side effects sucked so badly for me that I tossed the rest of the bottle. So there's no way to say exactly what will happen with you without actually trying it. Good luck.
    I have tried it. You have to be smart when using it. It made me have no appetite with bad headaches and I didn't eat and I got sick...just be smart.
    I took Phentermine a few years ago for about 5 months... I dropped about 30 lbs

    Then I noticed it made me extremely edgy and touchy, and overall just more easily agitated all the time. My heart felt like it would explode out of my chest at times, horrible horrible stomach aches if you don't eat enough. Make sure you eat!

    So that December, I got off of the pill. Gained all of weight back instantly plus some. When I say instantly, I mean within 2 months, it was back. I didn't have the energy to workout obviously, because my body wanted that pill.

    Bottom line: It will work, you will lose weight, but the side effects are extremely horrible, not to mention the withdrawals and weight gain you'll experience once you give it up.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    This is just the first page....
    Not only did my heart start palpatating with prolonged use, it started to become less effective. When I stopped using it, my appetite returned to normal and I unfortunately gained all of my weight back.
    Not to make you panic but I took it and I ended up in hospital with a panic attack =-(
    I'm a pharmacist, and I think this drug is dangerous and addictive. I don't like dispensing it. There is inherent risk in prescribing an amphetamine like drug to an obese person, because they are already at a higher risk for cardiovascular events...the drug only makes the risk higher. The drug has addictive potential and can cause behavioral issues, mood changes, and even psychosis. In clinical trials, it did not cause that much more weight loss versus diet and exercise alone...especially when you consider the cost of the medication (usually not covered by insurance) and the additional risk you could be putting upon your body. In addition, these meds can only be used short term, so any benefit you get from it will likely go away, once you have to discontinue it.
    I tried Phentermine twice, as in two pills, and the side effects sucked so badly for me that I tossed the rest of the bottle. So there's no way to say exactly what will happen with you without actually trying it. Good luck.
    I have tried it. You have to be smart when using it. It made me have no appetite with bad headaches and I didn't eat and I got sick...just be smart.
    I took Phentermine a few years ago for about 5 months... I dropped about 30 lbs

    Then I noticed it made me extremely edgy and touchy, and overall just more easily agitated all the time. My heart felt like it would explode out of my chest at times, horrible horrible stomach aches if you don't eat enough. Make sure you eat!

    So that December, I got off of the pill. Gained all of weight back instantly plus some. When I say instantly, I mean within 2 months, it was back. I didn't have the energy to workout obviously, because my body wanted that pill.

    Bottom line: It will work, you will lose weight, but the side effects are extremely horrible, not to mention the withdrawals and weight gain you'll experience once you give it up.

    kind sir, please keep your logic to another forum community.
    there is no room for that here.

  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    My mom suddenly died at 59 from a brain aneurysm (i.e., massive hemorrhagic stroke) immediately after starting a stimulant diet pill regimen. It wasn't phentermine, it was PPA/ephedra-based - but both are pharmacologically similar to amphetamine. Our family sued the manufacturer and the drug is no longer on the market, but that doesn't bring my mother back. Seriously, it's just not worth it. I would like to ask you to please exhaust all your other options before resorting to a stimulant diet drug. At least consider safer options first. For you and your family. Please. Much love & support in your weight loss journey.

    I really wish people would pay attention to posts like this. Look at the risks, OP. Please.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I'm a pharmacist, and I think this drug is dangerous and addictive. I don't like dispensing it. There is inherent risk in prescribing an amphetamine like drug to an obese person, because they are already at a higher risk for cardiovascular events...the drug only makes the risk higher. The drug has addictive potential and can cause behavioral issues, mood changes, and even psychosis. In clinical trials, it did not cause that much more weight loss versus diet and exercise alone...especially when you consider the cost of the medication (usually not covered by insurance) and the additional risk you could be putting upon your body. In addition, these meds can only be used short term, so any benefit you get from it will likely go away, once you have to discontinue it.

    I'm also a pharmacist, and I agree with all of this.

    I've also lost 50 pounds before, gained it back while I was pregnant, and am now losing it again.

    The second time has been much easier, because I already know I can do it with just diet and exercise. Please give yourself the pleasure of knowing that it was you and only you that lost the weight :).

    Good luck!
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Dear Dr. Trogalicious,
    Shaking your head at people is helping? Condescending is helping? Just because you have an opinion about everything doesn't mean you have to open your mouth every time. Catch your breath and have another beer. I'm sure you really enjoy hiding behind your computer taking pot shots at people. You can dish it all day but taste your own swill and you realize it sucks. If this is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you need to get out more, your as sensitive as a 15 year old girl with the low self esteem too.

    I will be ever understand the mentality that if when some people think others are being mean on the internet so they reply back by being mean... Is this a pot, kettle type situation?

    You tell him to stop taking shots at people and then proceed to take shots... Sure that makes tons of sense. :huh: Trog has helped a lot around the forums. Show some respect.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Um, I'll come at this from another angle:

    What thyroid problem do you have that you'd be able to off your meds? Thyroid problems are for life. They get "fixed" when they're being treated with medication. And being heavy doesn't cause a thyroid problem, so losing weight wouldn't require you to go off of meds, just be able to reduce the medication dosage you can take (since there'd be less of you to dose).

    I disagree with this. I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and since losing weight, I've been able to cut out my medication. I don't take anything for my thyroid now at all, where before I've taken Armour, and levothyroxine to maintain levels. If I feel off, I get a blood draw, and will evaluate with my doctor how to proceed. But for now, nothing.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I asked for an appetite suppressant from my doctor some time back because I have a voracious appetite. I also have more than 120 lbs. to lose, not 15, not 25, not 40 lbs. like many of those who are naysaying you right now.
    Just wanna point out that ticker below my post. See that? It's 153 lbs. No pills, no crashes, no stupid expectations. Count calories, be honest with yourself, and do it.. every... single... day.

    Not naysaying because it won't make someone lose weight. Naysaying because there aren't any magic pills... especially some that have cause some serious health side effects.

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I'm a pharmacist, and I think this drug is dangerous and addictive. I don't like dispensing it. There is inherent risk in prescribing an amphetamine like drug to an obese person, because they are already at a higher risk for cardiovascular events...the drug only makes the risk higher. The drug has addictive potential and can cause behavioral issues, mood changes, and even psychosis. In clinical trials, it did not cause that much more weight loss versus diet and exercise alone...especially when you consider the cost of the medication (usually not covered by insurance) and the additional risk you could be putting upon your body. In addition, these meds can only be used short term, so any benefit you get from it will likely go away, once you have to discontinue it.

    I could not have said it better myself.

    This whole thing is not easy. It took years to get become fat and out of shape, it will take years to turn the boat around. While phentermine may do well to kick start your weight loss, in my humble opinion, the risks well outweigh the pros. Don't wait to lose weight to exercise: start right now. If all you can do is walk the length of the driveway, then do that. And each day, do two more steps. And patience, patience, patience. It has taken a year to lose 10 small pounds...but damn do I feel better, look better, my clothes fit better, and my body fat % is down significantly. There are more measurements than just the scale. Use tham all. Good luck.
  • pecantan09
    pecantan09 Posts: 27 Member
    Don't take it!!!! I took it years ago and was successful, but I gained the weight back and ended up in the hospital. Small diet changes, lots of water and some activity will decrease your weight. Diet pills are not the way to go...unsafe and very dangerous!!!
  • pecantan09
    pecantan09 Posts: 27 Member
    Well said and totally agree!!!!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Um, I'll come at this from another angle:

    What thyroid problem do you have that you'd be able to off your meds? Thyroid problems are for life. They get "fixed" when they're being treated with medication. And being heavy doesn't cause a thyroid problem, so losing weight wouldn't require you to go off of meds, just be able to reduce the medication dosage you can take (since there'd be less of you to dose).

    I disagree with this. I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and since losing weight, I've been able to cut out my medication. I don't take anything for my thyroid now at all, where before I've taken Armour, and levothyroxine to maintain levels. If I feel off, I get a blood draw, and will evaluate with my doctor how to proceed. But for now, nothing.

    And if you feel off, you'd have to go back on it. You're fine now, but unless you become a miracle patient, your condition doesn't go away. I'm curious how long you've been without medication. As thyroid is notoriously slow-going in seeing changes from doses, levels, etc., I could see you going even as long as a year or so before needing medication, once again. If not, I can only wish you the most positive thoughts in hoping you're not tanking your adrenals in the process.

    Unless, of course, you have very mild instances of anything, where it's not enough to tax the rest of your endocrine system and not enough signs to make you want to take medication... however, of course, that doesn't mean you don't *need* meds, you'd just be choosing to function without them. And that most likely also wouldn't be forever.
  • StinaMarie99
    StinaMarie99 Posts: 1 Member
    I used it also, lost around 30lbs in about 3.5 months. My emotions were crazy during use! Also gained it all back, BUT with the help of MFP I am down 15lbs! Good luck!
  • Jodeshood
    Jodeshood Posts: 10 Member
    HA! Awesome. (to the guy shaking his head)