We broke up :-(



  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    and all I want to do is eat chocolate.

    I would love some help and support on avoiding comfort foods... please.

    Omg, do you realize what this means?! Sweet freedom!!! Go forth and live life. There is NO reason to seek out another relationship, right now. Break ups are THE BEST for finding yourself, again...and doing whatever the hell you want to.

    I know. I've been married, twice (currently married), and I just know that men and romantic relationships are overrated. Don't tell my husband that. haha! :wink:
  • thylordclifford
    thylordclifford Posts: 17 Member
    I agree with Hornsby. Go for a long walk., treadmill,.. or kick the hell out of a cardboard box until you are tired
  • farfalla2015
    and all I want to do is eat chocolate.

    I would love some help and support on avoiding comfort foods... please.

    Omg, do you realize what this means?! Sweet freedom!!! Go forth and live life. There is NO reason to seek out another relationship, right now. Break ups are THE BEST for finding yourself, again...and doing whatever the hell you want to.

    I know. I've been married, twice (currently married), and I just know that men and romantic relationships are overrated. Don't tell my husband that. haha! :wink:

    That's really good advice! I've been married before too, won't do that again.
  • katielauren2001
    katielauren2001 Posts: 171 Member
    Exercise lots it helps with feelings of depression. Start with healthier alternatives, if you want something sweet find a natural recipe which is nice but without the naughtiness.
    I recommend thevedge.org for delicious recipes that promote a healthy life style. However there is no harm in having a small treat once a week, because it will keep you motivated if you allow yourself once in a while.

    Talk to a friend, have plenty of laughs and most of all enjoy the weight loss experience. Make sure you do it for you and no one else, don't give up just have the determination and will power to get through it. You will feel better, it is just now you feel sad but it will and does pass - you will just feel guilty after bingeing.
  • toiletski
    toiletski Posts: 126 Member
    Fun fact: Doctors in the 1800s used to perscribe chocolate as a cure for a broken heart.
    Have your chocolate indulgence for just a day. Then you better work that *kitten* off!!!
    Turn that sadness into anger and punch the hell out of a bag you pretend is his stupid head. Haha
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    okay, so we have intense cardio/running/lifting/ and QFT..... I don't know what that is :embarassed:

    QFT == quoted for truth
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    sorry to hear you're going through this. When I went through this last summer, it was walks....long, long walks with the dog. Gives you time to think things through, makes you body feel good and keeps you out of trouble with chocolate & alcohol :)

    Good luck.
  • faeriecake
    faeriecake Posts: 18 Member
    If you're a member of a gym, and want an amazing revenge bod but don't know how, seek out some classes. I always like the kickboxing classes so you can channel your inner rage! Also when I'm really mad, I go trail running (basically jogging in a forest). If you have any nature preserves nearby with trails, plug in your headphones and go running! It's a great workout too because you have to jump over stuff and you feel like you are an action hero in a movie.
  • csmith1289
    Going to the gym might help! That helps me whenever I'm going through something.. and I've always been an emotional eater but I've finally gotten that under control for the most part.
  • jjking54
    jjking54 Posts: 113 Member
    and all I want to do is eat chocolate.

    I would love some help and support on avoiding comfort foods... please.

    Omg, do you realize what this means?! Sweet freedom!!! Go forth and live life. There is NO reason to seek out another relationship, right now. Break ups are THE BEST for finding yourself, again...and doing whatever the hell you want to.

    I know. I've been married, twice (currently married), and I just know that men and romantic relationships are overrated. Don't tell my husband that. haha! :wink:

    I'm a man and I'll agree that we, and relationships, are generally overrated. :smile:

    As has been said ... get thee to the gym ASAP and wear yourself out with weights and/or cardio.

    As for chocolate ... indulging in some dark chocolate (80-85% stuff) is not terrible if you keep it within reason. And the chocolate endorphins are still there. It can be a bit high in fat, but there's just not as much sugar so it's a little more "friendly."
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    and all I want to do is eat chocolate.

    I would love some help and support on avoiding comfort foods... please.

    Omg, do you realize what this means?! Sweet freedom!!! Go forth and live life. There is NO reason to seek out another relationship, right now. Break ups are THE BEST for finding yourself, again...and doing whatever the hell you want to.

    I know. I've been married, twice (currently married), and I just know that men and romantic relationships are overrated. Don't tell my husband that. haha! :wink:

    I'm a man and I'll agree that we, and relationships, are generally overrated. :smile:

    As has been said ... get thee to the gym ASAP and wear yourself out with weights and/or cardio.

    As for chocolate ... indulging in some dark chocolate (80-85% stuff) is not terrible if you keep it within reason. And the chocolate endorphins are still there. It can be a bit high in fat, but there's just not as much sugar so it's a little more "friendly."

    ^^Yep!!! Good words here! :bigsmile:
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    Try a piece of 98% cocoa...that might turn you off chocolate! And it's not bad for you, in moderation.
  • farfalla2015
    I don't have a gym membership and i don't want one. I have every workout DVD imaginable in my house. I think kick boxing will help.

    I also have a treadmill.

    I wish the weather would get nice so I could for for walks outdoors.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    and all I want to do is eat chocolate.

    I would love some help and support on avoiding comfort foods... please.

    Omg, do you realize what this means?! Sweet freedom!!! Go forth and live life. There is NO reason to seek out another relationship, right now. Break ups are THE BEST for finding yourself, again...and doing whatever the hell you want to.

    I know. I've been married, twice (currently married), and I just know that men and romantic relationships are overrated. Don't tell my husband that. haha! :wink:

    All this. I was depressed as **** in the spring/summer after my divorce -- I drank a lot, stopped counting calories, etc -- but now that it's a year past I've come to realize that my marriage held me back in a lot of ways. (The same is probably true of my ex-husband, but it's not exactly a topic we discuss often.)

    You now have total control of your life. You get to make every decision without having to wonder how it affects someone else. You are going to be awesome and there is nothing to hold you back.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Because avoiding things you enjoy is sustainable....

    Best advice: Get a bar of dark, dark chocolate. A little will satisfy the craving and you won't blow your calories/macros.
  • bzenga
    Muster up some strength, put yourself together, and go to the gym. 20 or so minutes in, you'll start feeling a little better. Put some loud music on (no taylor swift or sad songs) and GET LOST in what you're doing. Escape it all for a little bit.
    Break-ups suck but i hope you feel better soon, girl
  • gelendestrasse
    Try comfort exercising. The endorphin rush will do you good. I also recommend spicy food, but in moderation since we're all trying to loose weight...
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    It may sound stupid, but when having relationship issues, I lift weights. I picture pushing out the negative in my life with each exhale. Sorry to hear about your break-up, but food will NOT make you feel better. xo

    It doesn't sound stupid at all. That's a great idea but what do I do while at work?

    Look at inappropriate things on the internet. Laugh loudly. *kitten* furiously.
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your break up :( *huge hugs*

    Honestly if you feel like comfort eating try to do it with healthy foods like some fruit and try some angry exercise like some mentioned lol, punch / kick some bags, even scream into a pillow if you need to. It's alright to cry

    Good luck getting that revenge body, and you will <3
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Eat your feelings. I eat mine in the form of Cheez Its and Mello Yello Zero. It's 0 cal, so it's ok.