Am I the only one who HATES comments on my loss?



  • I_Atent_Dead
    The only time it bothers me is when someone comments that I look like I've lost weight/more weight but I know that I actually haven't. If they say it when I've really dropped weight, I take it as a compliment and it makes me proud of my effort. But if someone says it when I know the scale hasn't moved in a while (or has moved in the wrong direction) then it makes me doubt that they're ever really noticing a difference. I tend to be pretty vocal about my weight loss efforts so sometimes I think people are just trying to be encouraging and supportive, even if they can't really tell a difference. heh
  • ShanShan722
    Most people don't mean anything bad by it, but I understand where you're coming from. There's an inherent judgment in the question "Have you lost weight?" It can feel like that person is insinuating your old self somehow had less value than your current, thinner self.
  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    i wouldn't say that i can't stand it when people have mentioned my weight... but it does make me a bit uncomfortable/embarrassed... unless its like my mom or someone i'm really close with.
  • evolutionaerie
    evolutionaerie Posts: 21 Member
    You're not alone with that! When I first lost a lot of weight, people who hadn't seen me in a few months would invariably greet me with comments like, "Oh my god you look so GOOD!" They'd never greeted me this way before, and they stopped doing it after I gained back some of the weight, so it definitely reinforced some negative thoughts and behaviours I still struggle with, wherein I only feel that I am beautiful/worthy/sexy when I am skinny. The majority of them also didn't realise that I'd been dealing with disordered eating since early adolescence.
    I don't particularly appreciate appearance-based attention or conversation no matter what my weight is - it feels shallow and intrusive, and I'd much rather talk about ideas.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I like
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I like it in fact I kept looking forward to it . Ittook quite some time before anyone mentioned it up here at work . I work in the oilfield where it's mostly men who are the clients and I am a nurse so we take care of their occupational health testing so they only come in once or twice a yaer but they see me in the dining rooms at various camps.

    I love when they comeup to me and tell me good job and such

    ..recently a guy that was in last year came into the office because he had heard I had lost weight and we had discussed our weight at his last visit we were both really unhappy with our weight ...anyhow he came in to ask my advice because he had lost 40 pounds and wasn't feeling well , getting light headed. and just feeling weak . he was eating close to 1200 calories a day , less than me and he weighs 300 lbs ...I showed him the website hopefully he will at least learn to track his calories ...But I loved that he trusted me enough to ask what I eat , ( of course I told him he should see a Dr. it's a standard nurses response but up here if he goes to the clinic they would send him home )

    I probably get a weight loss comment every other day now , it's great ,I know exactly what I looked like and I know how much better I look so I couldn't believe it took so long hahaha for the comments to start rolling in .