Calorie Counting Dr Oz Show



  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    He was a Paleo diet guy. Of course he would say that. Of course the stats for calorie counting is higher because it has been around much much longer. MFP is also different than most "diet" plans. You can and should stay on into maintenance (at least until you get the hang of it). Most other calorie counting plans (and yes I am including WW because counting points is the same thing) drop you once you hit your goal and don't do anything to help you eat at maintenance. They want you to regain so you can spend more money.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    OK Great. Yesterday on the Dr. OZ show the Paleo diet rep said that most people who count calories as a weight loss technique end up gaining back all and more of their weight. The statistics he quoted were high. What do you all think? I found it discouraging since that is what is working for me right now. Grrr.

    I think Dr. Oz is a quack...that said, most people who have weight control issues and lose weight end up gaining back all and more of their weight...not just calorie counters. Only about 5% of people who lose weight by any means end up keeping it off over the long term.

    The inability of so many to be unable to control their weight has little to do with there method of weight loss and everything to do with there overall lifestyle. Most people lose the weight and think they're "done"....they've crossed the finish line so it's back to "normal". The reality is that there has to be a new normal. You don't stop exercising because you hit your goal weight...something that many people has to become a part of your new "normal" has to be a part of your lifestyle. You don't stop rocking your nutrition once you've reached your goal just get to eat a little bit more...if you have a 500 calorie deficit, eating 500 more calories isn't that much...but people seem to think they hit maintenance and they can just once again start shoveling food into their faces.

    These are just a couple of the reasons people fail to keep the weight off. Really, it comes down to understanding the nutrition, fitness, health, etc...these are lifetime endeavors and you are never done.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I think that MOST diets fail, and people end up gaining the weight back. Be it calorie counting, Atkins, Weight Watchers or even Paleo...

    The think about Paleo is that they like to say you can eat whatever you want and NOT count calories. Simply eating all that meat and fat will satiate you. And for some people, that might be true. But, it isn't guaranteed. To lose weight you must be in a calorie deficit - it's simple math. People who do Atkins cut out a lot of carbs, which are energy dense. But when they come off Atkins, they put the weight back on because guess what? They start eating like they did before! People who count calories stop counting. People who eat paleo start adding "cheat" foods etc etc...

    Further, there does seem to be some influence of fat levels on various hormones in the body. People who lose a lot of weight very fast tend to have slowered metabolisms because of it, so when they go back to their "normal" levels of eating, it is too much, so they gain back what they lost plus some more.

    The key, therefore, is to watch what you eat (be it paleo, Atkins or IIFYM) but make it a change to your eating habits you can live with forever. And the simplest way to watch what you eat is to count the calories (simple yes, but not always easy!). Very low calorie diets, cutting out random food groups etc simply don't work for many people long term as they can't keep it up. Make small changes, eat at a reasonable calorie deficit and be consistent. It takes time, but then the weight didn't appear overnight either.

    Oh, and stop watching Dr Oz! That'll be the best thing you can do for your (mental) health ;-)
  • ktkdmommy
    ktkdmommy Posts: 95 Member
    I agree, I don't think its just counting calories, I think most diets fail just because people don't stick with them.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member

    And I counted every calorie in it.
  • Steph_in_Mississippi
    I don't doubt Dr. Oz is a smart man. But one day he says one thing and the next week says the total opposite. One week he will say green tea is bad for you and the next week is the best thing for you.

    I have little faith in the man's opinion.
  • sheilarosella
    sheilarosella Posts: 101 Member
    best thing I have heard all day Amen
  • jennycina93
    jennycina93 Posts: 127 Member
    Dr. Oz apparently also had a spokesperson on the show for some miracle drug that is supposed to "melt the pounds off" claiming you would lose like 9 pounds a week. Obviously we all know on MFP that there is no miracle drug or herb. That's just one example but I don't think Dr. Oz is the best person to take advice/inspiration from if these are the types of things that he promotes. Just my personal opinion.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    I think people who go on diets that completely eliminate food groups end up failing long before they have the chance to gain it all back..

    I think people who go on diets end up failing. I try to avoid saying that. For me, a "diet" is a thing you do for a while. By definition, if you end your diet and go back to what you were doing before, you'll have the same result. Presumably, that's get fat again for most of us. I may not count calories as vigorously as I am now for the rest of my life, but I hope that if I do stop, I will have developed a sense of how many calories I'm actually eating. If that doesn't work, I'll be back to logging every bite. Not a diet - a healthy relationship with food.
  • kkay3182
    kkay3182 Posts: 90 Member
    Watched Dr Oz religiously for 2 years and gained 70lbs (no joke) Bought every supplement, tried all the regiments routines blah blah, not one was sustainable in the long run!! Stumbled on this site in November 2013, COUNTING CALORIES and have lost 24lbs so far not only do I feel better but I can actually do this. I always ate healthy foods, but I was clueless as to how much (read portion control) I was actually consuming
    .....Use olive oil he said!!! do you know how quickly 3tblspoons of olive oil put you in excess of your daily caloric needs... I found out here!!!
    I could go on with the list Nuts are good, sure but a handful if half my calorie needs..
    In short You cant do everything, try all the healthy things and take all the supplements and do a million routines, You have to find what works for you and you have to count calories, because no matter how healthy our diet are if we eat more than we need we will always have more LBS than we want .
    Don't get me wrong, incorporate all the healthy things you can but me mindful of their true caloric value... yes I still have olive oil but now it is carefully measured in a measuring spoon as opposed to a "turn around the pan"
    I know I am not a Dr on TV but what I am is overweight and losing it!
    I am not losing it because I want to look good, but I have been lucky thus far health-wise being fat my whole life and free of medical complications (except childhood asthma), so I decided to stop tempting fate and get my butt in shape before I am forced to!!
  • marzipan927
    Weight loss works by eating a calorie deficit, simple.

    Once you've reached that goal you eat the calories needed ti maintain your weight
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Regardless, yes a large percentage of people gain the weight back.
  • zilfig64
    zilfig64 Posts: 71 Member
    First off - Dr. Oz is a snake oil salesman - he will say anything, or get anyone on his show to make a buck. Anything he says should be taken as quackery.

    Secondly, while there is a small kernel of truth in the statement "People who count calories tend to gain back their weight." That can be said of any diet - Atkins, Paleo, Southbeach, etc. - most people who pick a "diet" are really looking for a quick fix - i.e. it took me 12 years to gain 100lbs, but I want to lose it in the next 30 days. changing how you eat is a lifestyle change - you have to want to do it and stick to it.

    The biggest point against this... Take alook at the tickers of people on MFP - virtually everyone on MFP counts calories - check out their join date, and pounds lost. I have lost 74 pounds in 10 months, and I am constantly amazed and impressed with the number of people who have lost 100, 125, 150+ pounds - or 10 lbs for that matter - all by counting calories.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    It's Dr Oz he talks out of his ****

  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    Most people who lose weight gain it back with any diet gain it back. Period. If you count calories and then stop, you'll gain it back. If you eat Paleo or low carb or grapefruit or whatever and then stop, you'll gain it back.

    You just have to be one of the ones who defy the statistics. For me calorie counting makes more sense than anything else, so that's what I'm doing...knowing that if I want to keep the weight off I'll have to pay attention to it for the rest of my life.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I'll say it yet again, if Dr. Oz recommended breathing, I'd have to reconsider my entire philosophy on the subject.

  • jennycina93
    jennycina93 Posts: 127 Member

    ^^This is great
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I've kept off my 60 pounds for ten years now and that was with first WW and then I switched to calorie counting. I would say I know just as many who have kept their weight off as who have gained.

    I won't say it is easy but am sure that Paleo guy is just pushing his stuff on.
  • emboslice94
    I can see his point in some ways.

    PERSONALLY, I find that using MFP has made me aware of portion sizing and of amounts of food. If you rely on MFP to calculate your calories all the time then when you stop and just go willy nilly, that makes sense that you gain it back. but if you learn what size various portions are and how many portions of what you need throughout the day, I think that skill will help prevent the weight returning.

    I do count calories, but sometimes I take weeks off and I just try to go off of what I've learned about portion control and how I feel with eating, and when I realize that 1. the world hasn't ended and 2. that I haven't gone out of control, I feel that calorie counting works. But sometimes, like lately, the accountability has kept me in check which is nice. But I know if my computer or phone crashed, I'd be okay without MFP.
  • jamesalytle
    jamesalytle Posts: 112 Member
    90% of what I see on that show I call BS on. It's in his best interest to say that because he gets to keep a show pitching all his amazing secrets... Not to say he doesn't have some interesting tid bits on there from time to time. I'm on the look out for these kelp noodles that are virtually no calories, great in pasta, and only have to be washed not cooked. Haven't found them yet out here in the sticks but if I do i'm going to try them.