i have 5 months to loss 80-100 lbs { help } any ideas



  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    What everybody else has said. If you are short-statured, remember than even a 20 pound weight loss will make a huge difference in your appearance! Slow and steady is the best way. I've been at this since November, and have lost about 4 pounds a month on average. I am tall, and so it doesn't show as much, but I can tell a difference and I feel so much better. I'm going to see an old college friend in May, and I'm hoping I'll be 10 pounds down by then, but any amount will be great. And I'm really hoping to hit 40 pounds gone by my birthday this summer, but I know that I will be down by SOMETHING and that's great, too.

    From your posts, it sounds like you want to lose the weight to prove something to your family or others. Don't. You should only do this for YOU. You know you'll feel better, look better when you lose weight.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Don't fall into the trap of setting a large and possibly unattainable goal. Pick a shorter term goal like lose 8 lbs. by St. Patrick's Day and then pick another when you get to that one. Since you've not yet even started with diet/exercise, you have no clue how quickly or slowly you're going to lose weight. The 3500 calories equal 1 pond of weight loss is an average not an absolute.

    Since you've taken the first step and gotten on MFP, eat the calories it suggests, get some exercise and see where that takes you. There's a learning curve at the beginning, so tweak things as you go along and you'll be successful.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Set MFP to lose 1lb a week - you'll find you actually lose more in the first few weeks which will give you a great start. IF you find you're not too hungry or weak, consider upping it to 1.5 or 2lbs.

    Find exercise you love. Do it five times a week.

    Then reward yourself with a fake tan and a really flattering swimming costume and look awesome in your progress pictures.

    Then keep going and write us a success story a few more months down the line :flowerforyou:
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I suggest to start strength training along with daily cardio right away. This way when July comes around, and have lost weight but (may not have lost the entire 80 or so) you will look great in your new bathing suit. Keeping toned up while being in a calories deficit is the most realistic way to look good no matter what size or weight you are. Get yourself a spray tan or go tanning the few months before so you look nice and tan at the beach too. This is what I would recommend. We get so focused on the final number sometimes that when we face the occasional and inevitable set backs we get discouraged. Keep giving yourself smaller goals along the way too.

    I have been doing this for 28 weeks and counting with exercise, drinking water, and eating within my calories and only have lost 55 so far. I am saying this to you because your goal of 80-100 isn't as realistic if you don't want to be flabby in the process. Just start a plan, work the plan, and you will keep seeing weekly results. Even after fifty pounds your body will start showing curves you forgot you had. Get yourself a good and flattering bathing suit. This is key to feeling sexy at the beach. I live in Florida and have a community pool I swim in. Having a good suit and beach attire is important to me and makes me feel more confident and sexy. You can do this and remember, you are sexy now because you are a woman. Losing weight is what will make you more healthy.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Your best bet to lose that much weight that fast is to lop off a limb.

    Which I hope you won't do.

    Adjust your expectations so you don't suffer burnout and ragequit. After all, wouldn't 40 pounds lost in that time be better than nothing?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You'd have to lose a minimum of 2/3 of a pound per day. That means you'd need a deficit of 2345 calories every day. Let's say you get 1000 of that by limiting your intake. That means every single day you'd have to burn off 1345 calories through exercise. That's about the equivalent of running a half marathon. Every day.

    Follow the sexy pants link. Eat at a moderate deficit. Get some exercise. You will look better by July, and much better than if you make yourself ill trying to lose too fast.
  • HereWeGoSteelers
    I have lost nearly 80 lbs in less than 4 months. That was not the timeline that I set for myself but it happened. I would agree with the comments already submitted. You don't need to rush it or set a goal/timeline that may be unrealistic. I can tell you how I lost weight though if it will help. The biggest change I made was in my eating habits. My focus was on a lifestyle change and not some temporary diet. In this sense, my goal is that I lose the weight, get healthy, and stay that way. I'm still a long way from my goal but I know that I will continue striving for it. I cut no major food groups from my diet. I stayed away from sugars and focused on low sodium. For breakfast, I eat toast (40 cal wheat bread) with light butter (no more than a tablespoon within my day), and a fruit (usually an apple). I would have a 10:00 am snack of some kind (usually a cheese stick). My lunch would have a protein (hard boiled eggs, chicken breast, or shrimp being the norm), two or more types of green veggies, and another fruit. I would have no more than two fruits a day. I would have a mid afternoon snack as well (usually a granola bar that is higher in protein but low in sodium). For dinner, I would follow the same pattern as lunch except no fruit. I would maybe include another starch (sometimes a sweet potato - no more than twice per week). I had no cheat meals or days. This worked for me and my wife. It could be worth a try. Of course you can put your own spin to it and see what works.
  • weightywarrior
    You mentioned in another thread that you had your first HCG shot yesterday? I hope this isn't how you are hoping to lose all this weight so quickly? Very unhealthy and extremely stupid. I did this many many years ago (before I knew any better). At the time it seemed to work, but I got very sick and then put on 20kg (44lbs) in ONE month! That was the start of my dieting yo-yo!

    I sincerely hope you have decided to NOT go down this path.
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    I'm your height, and my goal is around 80 lbs. I am currently on track to meet that in a year. I stick to a low calorie diet and exercise 1-3 hours a day, 6 days a week. Without going into dangerous territory, I can't lose any faster than that - my body is small (underneath all the fat), so even when I'm cutting calories to 1200, that's only enough of a deficit to lose 1.5 lbs a week.

    Set yourself a more attainable goal - 6 lbs a month for 5 months would put you 30 lbs down, which would be noticeable and fabulous. The goal is to lose weight and keep it off - if you do it in a sustainable, measured way, you make lifestyle changes that you can keep. Drop the weight quickly and in an unhealthy manner and it will bounce right back on. Read the sexy pants link from above and good luck :)
  • kmclamb13
    kmclamb13 Posts: 220 Member
    The best way to do this is just start your weight loss journey and not give up. If you don't hit your goal I think you will lose enough to get the confidence you need to keep going.good luck and don't get discouraged.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    You will look great in a bathing suit by July, if you start now! I would not recommend eating less than 1200 caloires a day. You can eat more if you excercise and you will feel great too! Good luck to ya! :flowerforyou:
  • jasonsdragon
    jasonsdragon Posts: 21 Member
    A realistic plan is 1 to 2 # a week. if you loose more your not healthy. to loos 80 to 100 # look to next year but YES start now. No one gaines that much weight over 5 months why would you expect to loose it that quickly. I suggest you see your doctor 1st. to make sure your healthy enough to start weight loss and excersize and ask her/him for a realistic goal setting and suggestion. There is a REAL danger in trying to loose that much weight that quickly. If you are loosing this because as you say you are tired of being big and short. I am with you on that but give yourself a realistic goals and stick with good nutrition and excersize after your dr. gives you the nod. Awsome that you have started on this journey!
  • gemdood
    gemdood Posts: 20 Member

    I've been working my plan: 3 meals & 3 miles, every day...and I've been doing awesome! =)

    May have to pinch this plan - sounds like a good one!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    OP - listen to the advice of the people on MFP that have been successful. I read your post from yesterday and I realize that you are grabbing for anything that can help you be thin by a certain date. It's all fools gold. It never works and if you do lose too fast you are going to feel bad. I think you know this.

    Try this plan. I've learned these things from listening to the people that are successful on MFP.

    *eat at a healthy calorie deficit from your TDEE
    *weigh/measure/log everything that goes in your mouth
    *eat the foods you like - but do it in moderation (the hardest but most important thing to learn)
    *find something you love to do and then do it consistently
    *have patience and don't quit (even when you have a bad day or week, keep going)

    All these things build habits that will help you get healthy and to a healthy weight. There's nothing in that list that mentions drugs, restricting foods, hours of cardio or fast weight loss. It's just a recipe for being healthy in the long run.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I want an elephant that can fly me to the moon and back.
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    That's 4 pounds a week to lose 80 - not Healthy!!
  • dianalee9
    dianalee9 Posts: 134 Member
    Here's my advice, keeping in mind I am not a doctor or an expert of any kind, this is just from my own personal experience. Set an ULTIMATE goal, and set smaller goals to hit along the way to help keep you motivated (ie: lose the first 5 lbs, first 10 lbs etc, maybe run your first mile without any walking). These are YOUR goals. They may seem small to others, but they're big accomplishments for you, so make them what YOU want. I don't know anything about your fitness or activity level or workouts, but I don't think your goal is realistic or healthy for the timeframe you've given yourself. (I'm also strongly against HCG injections for weightloss) So here's my recommendation: go buy (or find on YouTube) Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and do it EVERYDAY. You will sweat! You will grunt, and maybe even swear a whole lot (I know I do), there will be days when you do NOT want to do it, and you will even try to make a bunch of excuses as to why you don't have to work out that day, TOO BAD...DO IT ANYWAY!!! Log your calories on here and STAY within your calories. On Day 1, record your weight and measurements (ALL measurements), and take pictures!! On Day 10 & 20, weigh, and measure. On Day 30 weigh, measure and take pictures. You will notice a HUGE difference in your body and you WILL be proud of yourself. And most importantly, you will realize how hard you worked and the commitment it took to get there. Once you see a big difference in your body and know what it took to get that change to happen, maybe then you'll realize that this goal of 80 lbs in 5 months is a big stretch. Stick with it though and you will get there. But Please....do it in a healthy way!!
  • j0di2013
    j0di2013 Posts: 6 Member
    This goal sounds so much like my own. I recently relocated and now have friends who are breaking their necks to turn my new destination into a vacation spot. My goal is to not be fat( or as fat) before they start rolling in. This new body I have isn't necessarily the body of my dreams and I'm ready to do what it takes to shed it. Every day is a new challenge but I think I'm getting on track. My goal is also to lose 80 to the 100 pound range. I know that sounds like a hell of a lot of weight in a short amount of time but I gained a hell of a lot of weight in a short amount of time so why wouldn't I be able to shed it? Can you imagine how good you would feel after reaching a goal of even 50? Let alone 80-100. You'd/we'd be walking on air. In my opinion it's more unhealthy to gain that much than it is to lose it. I say go for it and you can do it! Hopefully we can encourage each other. This site seems to be a great tool. Good Luck!!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Start earlier next time.

    Your aggressive goal will set you up for a whole bunch of failure. If you are truly ready to make some changes, read the link provided up thread and all of the links in it.


    There is no timeline. Setting arbitrary goals that could have a negative impact on your health is not the way to start losing.

    Lose what you can safely and go thinner than you are now. But don't give yourself an unattainable goal and ruin your whole vacation obsessing about it.

    yup. it bears repeating because it's the best answer.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    chop off both legs. 80 pounds gone. there you go.

    enjoy the beach.