Do you ever wonder, why bother?



  • EreborsPrincess
    Will I be happier? Will I really feel that much better? Will I think I look better? .

    I've only lost 9 pounds (5 of those were prior to joining MFP) and I feel SO much better - physically and mentally. I have more energy. I used to have a horrible problem falling/staying asleep, but not anymore. I think I look better, and my husband definitely thinks so.

    It's worth it.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm new here, well, kinda.

    I created an account today and I picked a positive name and an inspirational photo but in reality I always wonder why I bother worrying about losing the weight. So lets say I drop my 40lbs, now what? Will I be happier? Will I really feel that much better? Will I think I look better? When I was younger and weighed 120, I thought I was fat back then!

    Is it worth all the torture we put ourselves through? All the ups and downs of dieting, the guilt when we over eat, feeling hungry.... sorry to be so negative but I really think about these things.

    I would love to hear your responses, hopefully positive ones as I have been in such a slump for almost a year now. I wasn't always like this. Fitness was my life and very important to me at one time.

    I would probably thinking of advising you, but then again why bother?

    Maybe you should just be quiet.

    Does it look as if I am bothered?

    :huh: :yawn:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I was always really happy, no matter what weight I was, except I didn't like the way I looked in pictures. Now I do it for my health and I like shopping for clothes more. I also think the me in pictures reflect how I view myself on the inside.

    Definitely this.

    Although for me, I feel like people do NOT treat me AS nicely as when I was much heavier. I think I got a lot of pity kindness from women and attention from men who were into big ladies. Now I do get checked out more by randoms, but in general I think that I'm treated less friendly by others and especially women. I used to never have young, attractive women even glance at me and now they seem to be sizing me up.
  • youcrazything
    youcrazything Posts: 32 Member
    Every few weeks I have a breakdown wondering why I try so hard to achieve so little (to me, anyway, I feel I have made no real headway despite completely overhauling my lifestyle). I get reminded I am not as young as I used to be, might never have the body I really want, and sometimes I just want to eat everything I crave without caring, skip the gym, and do all the luxurious lazy things I want!

    But I keep going. I have no idea, at the end of the day, why I ultimately bother. So I have no real advice. Ultimately it probably comes down to the "choose your hard" someone stated above. This lifestyle makes me bummed sometimes, but loathing my body made me bummed a lot more of the time. So it goes.

    I am in the same boat. I started this whole thing because I was so unhappy with my body. Now I an 75lbs down and I am still really not any happier with it. It can be really discouraging. I am trying to shift my attention to improving my fitness rather than obsessing about how I look, but that is so much easier said than done.

    I sometimes get super frustrated, feeling like I am missing out, not being able to eat what I want when I want and feeling restricted by the low amount of calories. I think, why the @$&# am I doing this? To look better? I look like crap. To feel better? Don't really have any improvement there either. So I rant and rave in my head, and sometimes to my SO (poor guy), but I keep on going because that's what I promised myself I would do.

    I think the only thing really keeping me going is I don't want to end up back where I started and that little sliver of hope that maybe someday my body will look and perform the way I would like it too.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    This is a really great thread and you've gotten so many great responses. I love it.

    Last year I could have written your post. I also lost someone really close to me. I began questioning life and started wondering "why bother".

    Well for me it is ultimately to live the best life possible. That means minimal doctor visits, being happy, energetic and active into my old age, seeing my children and grandchildren grow up. Yes, we all die sometime but it's what we do in the meantime that counts. I don't want to die prematurely of something I could have prevented. I don't want to spend my older years suffering and in pain. I don't want to be a burden on my loved ones. After a year of mulling this over in my head, I have concluded that taking care of my fitness and health is worth it. This is not torture. Having multiple doctor visits, taking a dozen pills a day, getting preventable diseases, ect IS torture and I don't want to endure that. Right now being overweight is torture. This fat is in the way of everything I do.

    Now my mindset is, I don't mind having to watch what I eat and exercising. I look forward to it every day and try to do better than the day before. It brings me happiness. Give yourself time to get back into it and reap the benefits again. Then you won't view this as torture. Good luck to you and you can send me a friend request if you like. You sound a lot like I did last year. Trust me, it is possible to be successful again after huge set backs.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm new here, well, kinda.

    I created an account today and I picked a positive name and an inspirational photo but in reality I always wonder why I bother worrying about losing the weight. So lets say I drop my 40lbs, now what? Will I be happier? Will I really feel that much better? Will I think I look better? When I was younger and weighed 120, I thought I was fat back then!

    Is it worth all the torture we put ourselves through? All the ups and downs of dieting, the guilt when we over eat, feeling hungry.... sorry to be so negative but I really think about these things.

    I would love to hear your responses, hopefully positive ones as I have been in such a slump for almost a year now. I wasn't always like this. Fitness was my life and very important to me at one time.

    I would probably thinking of advising you, but then again why bother?

    I've noticed that you never have anything positive to say---why is that? I feel sorry for you, and hope you can get it together and get happier.