Calorie Burn- Working at a restaurant?



  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I can't set it at lightly active because I'm not always working. So on days where I don't have work, I just do light activities, which I would presume would make me sedentary. If you aren't supposed to count work, then why does MFP give you the option to record the amount of calories you burn cleaning?

    You do to count cleaning either, or cooking, or just any normal activity. Count actual exercise only.
    Please explain, clearly, how 5 hours of physical exertion from work is not burning calories, while 5 hours of gym time is.

    Haha my mom is a house cleaner and she logs all of her house cleaning activities separately. So it made sense to me log it separately. But I don't know. Clearly I'm not an expert.
    For the record, I agree with you. I think those who claim that only 'intentional exercise' counts often have a poor understanding of how many calories daily activities can burn, and also tend to unintentionally separate out traditionally gender-divided chores into 'exercise/not exercise' based on which gender traditionally filled those roles.

    If your daily activity is set to sedentary, then you would be ok logging activities such as cleaning. But, if you do that for a living or if cleaning is part of your daily activity and you've set your activity level accordingly, then, no, you wouldn't log it since it would be double counting the activity.

    OP: Please take the advice of others. You don't need to lose more weight.
    I recognize we've moved on in the discussion, but for many folks in the restaurant and hospitality industries, the number of hours you work in a given week is no indicator of the number of hours you're working the next week, or the week after. For those folks, it's probably most accurate to set activity at 'sedentary' and log individual burns.
  • SKINNYsupermodel
    okay, so I have an eating disorder. I binge, eat like 3000-4000 calories, then eat really low (about 500-1000 cal) a day for a week or so, don't feel hungry AT ALL, then suddenly someone gives me a huge serving of food (usually one of my parents, because they want me to eat more) and it sparks a huge appetite and I eat an enormous amount again. I've gained a couple of pounds (my parents request) but I hate it and I really need the weight to come off. I hate the way I look and would love to lose about 10lbs. So there. You can all help me now, because I don't know what to do. I've been doing this for over half a year. Its so ingrained in my mind that I can't get out of it.
  • SKINNYsupermodel
    Honey, you are very underweight. Why are you trying to lose more weight? I can guarantee you, it will not make you happier.

    Really, see a doctor.

    Because I hate the way I look. And my doctor has said I'm perfectly healthy. Blood tests done and everything.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I can't speak for everyone, but the advice to go see a doctor isn't necessarily to see a medical doctor. Hating the way you look could have more to do with your mental perception of yourself than what you physically look like. If you lost 10 pounds, you'd most likely just want to lose 10 more. And 10 after that.

    Please believe me when I say that losing more will not help you feel better about yourself. Look for a therapist that specializes in eating disorders and body dismorphia. I wish you the best.
  • autumn_skye
    autumn_skye Posts: 156 Member
    Options counts your steps and makes adjustments daily in MFP for your steps. So, on the days you are working in the restaurant and are more active, it will give you a calorie adjustment. On the days you just do your desk job, you may not get an adjustment. You may even find that the Fitbit motivates you to get more steps in on your desk-jobs days.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Obviously if you were weak and dizzy you needed to eat. Your body needed the extra calories today.

    Working at a restaurant and in some retail places can burn a lot of calories. I know tomorrow I will easily burn over 1000 calories doing my 8 hour shift at Costco. Costco on a Saturday is crazy ( Don't go if you can help it )

    On my mere two days off ( I am working nearly full time ) I go to school where I am sitting but I also walk around campus. I try to do 90 minutes of exercise ( cardio ) on my days off. And do at least 60 on my work days.

    So yes it is very possible you burned 1000 calories in your 5 hour shift!

    What you can do is set your activity level to lightly active ( for work ) and add in any other cardio exercises you get in for the week. That's what I do.
  • SKINNYsupermodel
    Costco is awesome!! and yes, absolutely hectic on Saturdays!! I've learnt that the hard way, haha. Thanks for the advice :)