200+ (Week 48) "Hot for Halloween"



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sarah- OMG! Are you feeling okay today??

    Morning ladies. I'm spending most of the morning today in another team building exercise. This time luckily does not involve trust falls and effective communication skills, but it's a cooking class! Cooking w/ yogurt. I'll let you all know what I end up making.

    Plan on hitting the rec center after work today for some crosstraining. The vegging for the rest of the evening.

    Anyone watch Glee last night? It was good... not spectacular. Anyone else notice how skinny Rachel has gotten? Holy collarbones batman!

    Anyone watch the Biggest Loser? Wasn't a terribly exciting first show, but of course it still got me to weep like a baby. What I do find a bit frustrating that like all shows, they totally cast the most attractive foks. I mean clearly by looking at these people they already are pretty good looking and when they drop all that weight, they are going to be knock outs. And plus, how is it possible to be that overweight and not have a double (or triple) chin? Why can my body not jump on that train? Also, some of these people were former athletes, marines, have lost a lot of weight before, so you know those people are going to do well. I don't know... perhaps I'm just getting a bit jaded with the show. Will I still watch? Hell yeah. What I did find a bit refreshing was that while there are some SUPER on the show, and I'm sure everyone is "obese", there are some people who are like under 300 pounds. I don't know... in some ways I just relate to them more. But OMG everyone on the show has a sob story this year!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: I am so eager to watch the seasons of Glee and the Biggest Loser. We don't get them here in Germany so I have to watch them once they are up on Project Free TV (which they aren't up on yet). Sigh...I miss the States!!! I am especially eager to see my friend on the Biggest Loser. A team building exercise involving cooking could be cool - let us know how it goes.

    Sarah: OMG!! How scary. I hope you are taking it easy and I also hope your docs have done all the test they need to do to rule out anything serious. When I was in basic training in the Air Force, I came down with some kind of virus and while I was standing in formation waiting to be dismissed to go to the clinic, I totally passed out. So, yeah, being sick can do that to you.

    Lacey: how exciting - a mini vacay!!! Have fun! And you're right - my little incident actually facilitated me meeting 3 additional neighbors. Yay.

    Well, we did our dog walk and then Gabe & I did Insanity Max Cardio. I'm still planning on getting my 1800 minutes this month, but I'll have to buckle down to get it done in the next 8 days. I stepped on the scale (finally) and saw that I'm down almost 2 pounds so that's incentive to keep my butt moving. Have a great day!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I took yesterday off work and it was the best decision ever. It was a good day. I haven't had a chance to catch up with your posts though so I will have to find time for that tonight. Work is kinda busy right now.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Not feeling any ill effects from passing out. The hospital was mostly precautionary on my part and liability cya on the part of the amtrak people. However, I am home again sick today as I was up all night sneezing and coughing. grr!!

    Also, I got so many reproving looks in the hospital every time I answered "none" to "who is your primary care doctor" that I scheduled an initial appointment with one next week. I have lots of excuses for this (hate going to the doctor, moved a lot, overall am healthy except for the overweight thing, etc), but am giving in and at least making a good faith effort to find one I can tolerate.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Lunch break! Got caught up! Yay!

    I pawned my wedding rings (and a set of earrings) yesterday. I definitely didn't get paid what I wanted, but it felt good to get rid of them. Its enough to cover the cost of terminating my directv contract. One of my sister's friends randomly found out I'm interested in buying a wii and she's trying to sell hers. She has a lot of accessories to go with it and only wants $150 for it, so I think its all timing up just right. First I will order the converter box and rabbit ears that will be needed to keep the local channels. Once those come in and I unplug the directv and make sure I can still get the local news, then I will cancel directv.

    I have a 3.7 mile charity walk on Saturday for diabetes. A lot of people in the office are freaking out (and didn't sign up for it) because its almost 4 miles and I keep trying to tell them that 4 miles is nothing. Even though thats the farthest I've ever walked/jogged, its still not that big of a deal to me.

    Amy- You can watch Glee on fox.com the day after the episode airs usually. I don't think nbc posts the entire BL show though.

    Sarah- I would have been more embarassed about passing out in public than anything. Hope everything is ok.

    Victoria- I would have been very shaken up about the client passing out too. I'm sure it got your adrenaline going for the rest of the day. Eww about the cat presents though! :sick:

    Kristina- I'm kinda getting sick of the BL and the contestants they choose. Its like if you don't have a sob story to sell, they won't cast you. I only watched the second half of the show last night, but it seemed to follow the same recipe for all their other seasons.

    Lacey- have a great trip!! I've always wanted to visit the north west! It seems real pretty there! I would take a million pictures.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - you have to really like rain to live in the Pacific Northwest. REALLY like rain. It makes it all pretty and green, but the eternal grey sucks. Did you notice when they were in Portland on BL how grey the sky was? That is how it is here for a good 8 months out of the year.

    Kristina and Amy - Glee was awesome last night except for Rachel. She was seriously pouty and all woe is me the whole show. Like overdoing it way too much. She was highly annoying. Great singing though!

    On BL - The asian girl whose first little brother drowned in the pool with her and then the whole car accident thing? WOW OMG WTF!?!? I cannot even imagine having to live through that. I wanted to smack her father.

    Today has been all sorts of crazy. The whole month at work has been one insanity after the next. One late job after the next. One fire to put out after the next. I hope October is better, lol.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Kendal--I was mortified...but not as much as I would have been had I worn the dress I originally planned on. Thank goodness I decided not to at the last minute and wore my normal pants outfit. :laugh:

    Amy--Both Hulu and NBC websites are posting full episodes of Biggest Loser season 10 online. Online episodes are typically posted the day after they air on TV. Lots less commercials too!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal--I was mortified...but not as much as I would have been had I worn the dress I originally planned on. Thank goodness I decided not to at the last minute and wore my normal pants outfit. :laugh:
    hahaha!!! yeah! That was some divine intervention!

    Lacey- no, I could not deal with 8 months of gray skies. But I'd still like to visit. :smile: And I agree that Rachel was too pouty and selfish in the lastest episode.

    With the sun going down earlier, I can't come home and sit for an hour before going to the park. Lexi and I went 4 miles in an hour and 5 minutes. I was kinda scared that I wasn't going to get my last .33mile lap in cause it started lightening, but other people were ahead of me so it motivated me to jog as much as possible. Got a nice 952 cal burn from it. I think the few times my hrm wasn't getting a good reading, I didn't put it on correctly. I think my sports bra had gotten under it and the chest strap didn't have a good skin connection.

    I've taken the first step of getting rid of directv. I've ordered a tv antenna online. I earn points by shopping online. My tv in the living room is new enough that it won't need a converter box, but if I want to watch anything in the bedroom, I will need a box. I will wait till I earn enough points online till I get a walmart giftcard to cover some (or all) of the cost of the converter box. Hopefully it won't take too long. A sister's friend somehow found out I was thinking of getting a Wii and she's looking to sell hers. She's including 4 controllers w/the jelly covers, 2 nunchucks and a couple games for only $150. Thats a great deal, especially for so many controllers. Thats about what I was looking to spend, and considering there's all the extras, I think I'm going to take her up on it.

    Somehow I've started using this board to talk about all my random thoughts of the day and less about weight loss.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- I totally use the board sometimes that way as well. We're here to support one another!

    I'm pretty cranky today. I think it's a combination of lack of sleep this week and approaching TOM. I always get a bit more morose and weepy the days leading up and the first couple of days of TOM, and also the fatigue just doesn't help. I might try and powernap it at lunch in hopes of making it through the rest of the day. AND even though I've been eating pretty well today, I'm up another pound. almost 182. motherbleeper. I know it's mostly TOM. apparently I just should weigh myself for like that week and a half because it just gets SO discouraging. Tomorrow's number isn't going to be pretty, even if I do well today.

    The high today is going to be 87, so I'm not sure about running today. I should hit the gym again after work then to get my workout in, especially as it's last chance workout day. Tomorrow I might get the run in with my coworkers, who are way too fast for me... so I don't know how I feel about that. Might go out to dinner to celebrate and friend's dissertation defense. We'll see. I really just feel like climbing into bed and not emerging until Monday next week.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi all,
    Today was a busy day. We sold DH's car so we had to do all the junk that went along with that. It actually didn't take too long & we were back home by 11 am. We did school and then took the dog on a walk. During our walk, we came to quite a big hill and I asked Gabe if he wanted to race up it a couple of times. So we did some hill sprints while the dog watched. Gabe can sprint like the wind so I wasn't surprised that I was behind him every time but I was surprised that I almost caught up with him a couple of times. Gabe even told me that I was getting faster. (I love it when he gives me compliments cuz they always come out of nowhere) Later on, I slogged my way through my B210K workout - it was tough after doing the sprints earlier but I got through it! We found out at DH is not coming home on Dec 18th, like he thought. He is instead coming home on Dec 23rd. I know that 5 days shouldn't matter a lot but our anniversary happens during those extra days and he's already missing my birthday & Thanksgiving. :sad: At least he'll make it home for Christmas. <sigh>

    Kristina: I'm cranky too! I gave myself a time-out and watched the newest episode of Glee this afternoon on the Internet (I STILL can't watch the biggest loser as there are limited web sites that show American TV shows outside of the United States - I always get an error message that the show is not available in my location when I try to go directly through the tv network web sites :angry: ) Maybe you shouldn't weigh yourself when your TOM is right around the corner as it just bums you out and it isn't REAL weight gain that it reflects.

    Kendal: that Wii deal sounds like a good deal to me. I love my Wii.

    Sarah: Unfortunately, Hulu and NBC don't allow people outside the US to watch their shows. I have to go through Project Free TV and they don't have the newest Biggest Loser yet

    Have a great day everyone!
  • pinbotchick
    Howdy gals!!! Sorry I've been busy. Managed to run 8 miles on the treadmill this morning. I'm getting tired of this training. I can't wait for the race to be over. It turns out I'm flying to Phoenix the weekend before the race. Not sure if I told you ladies. My quick lunch break is over. I hope respond individually later.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria, I can't imagine running 8 miles on a treadmill. UGH. I have to hand it to you!!

    Still feeling cranky. And TOM arrived-- no surprise. I know my emotions like clockwork. I'll weigh myself in the morning for weekly weigh in, even though I know it'll be up due to TOM and then won't weigh again until it ends probably, because it gets so discouraging. The only bright spot is that my heaviest part of it should be done by the time I do my long run on Sunday

    It's hot outside. Blech. I know I should go to the gym today, but I totally have no motivation. Will really try and force myself to go, but will probably only do 30-45min instead of my hour, as I have a dinner to go to around 6:30 (another reason weigh-in will suck like who tomorrow).

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: 8 miles on the treadmill?!?!?! How do you NOT go into a coma? I did my 4 miles on the treadmill and, by the end, I was so bored I wanted to strangle myself with my headphone cord.

    Kristina: Sucks about the TOM. Mine has inflicted itself upon me today too. For some reason this month, my body thought it would be really fun to have 2 periods spaced 2 weeks apart. I don't know what THAT'S about but I am freaking tired of it.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I think I too have been smacked up side the head hard pretom BS. I am all cranky and tired and woe is me and feeling sorry for myself...for no other reasons than the normal ones. I want to curl up on the couch, drink hot tea with lemon and honey and watch movies.
    Last night I didn't eat dinner because I was still full from lunch so I made Gracie her GF mac and cheese, added some canned salmon and frozen peas and called it good. We sat down and watched Prince of Persia. That is a pretty good movie. I could look at Jake G all day all buffed out like that! Yummo!
    Then I watched Survivor. Man that one swim instructor lady is looney! I am rooting for the older team. And Fabio. He is funny.

    Greys starts tonight. yeay!

    Kendal - thats a good price for all that stuff and the Wii. Controllers are expensive.

    I gotta get going at work here..bleh
  • pinbotchick
    Hey gals - I worked til 7:45 then went out to dinner with DH and shared a wet burrito plus beer.

    Kendal the Wii is awesome and you got a great deal!!

    Amy - The first 3 miles were the worst on the treadmill. Then the "endorphins" kicked in and the rest flew by. I was listening to a really good book in the last 3 of 8 hours so I was distracted.

    Kristina - I only got to 65 here today and rained all day. But the tree colors are wonderful.

    I'm home this weekend and will be happy to rest.

    Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    meant to do this last night..

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: new thread y'all!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: