5 lifestyle mistakes to STOP making



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    What if a factory made it from whole foods from scratch?
    You can take it as you want. A burger made from fresh meat would be better than a burger made from meat and having additives to it to make it last on the shelf.
    eating nothing but sugar
    Are you saying the food it's self is 'crap', or the lack of selection of different foods is crap?
    There's been a good few very 'fit' people on here with high muscle and low body fat that regularly eat the sorts of food you describe on a daily basis.
  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    When given the choice, why would I want to add an unnecessary additive to my body when I can have a natural form of the same product? My Opinion.

    I would rather eat real meat, real vegetable, real fruit than a chemically engineered or altered form.

    My opinion! Didn't say you couldn't eat these foods and still lose weight.
  • measem1
    measem1 Posts: 16 Member
    Some good advice. I have added exercise to my life and started to loose weight again. I was planning on raking my yard again today but broke my rake...Get paid next week so have to wait to replace...In meantime guess I need to walk or do my Wii exercises...Haven't been doing those for a while since got depressed and discouraged because my weight wasn't going anywhere. Depressed cause I lost my job. Now the holidays are done so back to exercise and weight loss for another 8-9 months...Always take November and December mostly off...
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    When given the choice, why would I want to add an unnecessary additive to my body when I can have a natural form of the same product? My Opinion.
    Why would you not want to use an additive? What have you based your opinion on? I'm ignoring the 'uncessary', because you're more likely to find 'unnecessary' in home cooking if anything, I'd say - do you think a company trying to make a profit is going to add things that aren't needed?
    Saying it's your opinion doesn't explain 'why'.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Define crap?

    I have seen diaries where people are eating nothing but sugar in the form of chocolate, ice cream, biscuits, sweets and fizzy drinks, and I'm talking daily, not the occasional bad day. No veg, no grains, no whole foods period, and dairy in the form of ice cream. Of course they're gonna loose weight if they're under their calorie goal. But surely that's not the whole point of any of us being here, and it's just not healthy. This horse ain't that high.

    Sounds like it could be my diary. When I started I could have cared less about anything other than I had to lose a huge amount of weight, so I didn't focus on the nutrition so much as I did the calories. Now that my health has improved and my weight has dropped I focus a little more on everything else. But I eat ice cream almost daily and it is usually one of the few dairy items in my diary. But again I'm good with that, and since my health is improving, blood work improves every time I go, I'll stick with what's working. And the horse is pretty damn high.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    When given the choice, why would I want to add an unnecessary additive to my body when I can have a natural form of the same product? My Opinion.
    Why would you not want to use an additive? What have you based your opinion on? I'm ignoring the 'uncessary', because you're more likely to find 'unnecessary' in home cooking if anything, I'd say - do you think a company trying to make a profit is going to add things that aren't needed?
    Saying it's your opinion doesn't explain 'why'.

    I don't really have a dog in this fight but I don't think your analogy makes any sense. The reasons a business would add an additive do not have to be related to the health of their consumers. What's needed for a business might relate to coloring the product to be more appealing to consumers, adding chemicals to preserve the product longer while it sits on the shelf, and so on. These are most certainly related to profit, but are not necessarily in the customer's best interests.

    I suspect the other poster was trying to say that they would prefer not to eat these other substances, if given the choice, because they are simply related to the appearance/preservation of the food and are not naturally found in the food. A simple example would be a locally picked, organically grown apple versus one shipped across the country, grown using pesticides and coated in wax. Not to say you'll die if you eat the latter, but given the choice I'd pick the former. Other examples include fish injected with dye so that the meat is more visually appealing - given the choice, I'd rather have fish without added dyes.

    In short, there are tons of reasons a business would add something to a product for reasons relating to their business that are not necessarily in the best interests of their customers. Saying they would never add something that isn't "necessary" because of "profit" is confusing business interests with consumer health.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I skip breakfast and I don't snack. I prefer big lunch. Bigger dinner. This works for ME. Really well.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Then it's merely the definition of "unnecessary" we're discussing, I would suggest.

    Many, many, many 'home' recipes use ingredients added for the colour.
    Colour is part of people's enjoyment of food.
    As a customer, I'd certainly prefer my food not to go off :). More, I'd prefer to pay less than for food which only have a short shelf life.
    (It's ironic that a lot of people go for 'fresh' food over frozen, when often the fresh was previously frozen anyway, but then has a much shorter shelf life.)

    But, still, we get to WHY not to eat specific substances and if we can have a definition of the ones not to eat.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    This is great advice - for the gym.

    We all know by now that caloric control is 90% of losing weight, so for a gym to say outright that "counting calories is extreme" is right up their alley. They'd prefer that you exercise to lose weight (but not TOO much exercise - stay at the gym for 60 minutes, tops, so that the place doesn't look too busy to potential customers). And of course you should eat breakfast, because you need to keep those calories up so that your puny 200 calorie workout doesn't actually cause a calorie deficit.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Define crap?

    I have seen diaries where people are eating nothing but sugar in the form of chocolate, ice cream, biscuits, sweets and fizzy drinks, and I'm talking daily, not the occasional bad day. No veg, no grains, no whole foods period, and dairy in the form of ice cream. Of course they're gonna loose weight if they're under their calorie goal. But surely that's not the whole point of any of us being here, and it's just not healthy. This horse ain't that high.

    Question. Did they hit their macros?
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Define crap?

    I have seen diaries where people are eating nothing but sugar in the form of chocolate, ice cream, biscuits, sweets and fizzy drinks, and I'm talking daily, not the occasional bad day. No veg, no grains, no whole foods period, and dairy in the form of ice cream. Of course they're gonna loose weight if they're under their calorie goal. But surely that's not the whole point of any of us being here, and it's just not healthy. This horse ain't that high.
    What's their blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar, etc levels?

    You want to talk healthy, right?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Define crap?

    I have seen diaries where people are eating nothing but sugar in the form of chocolate, ice cream, biscuits, sweets and fizzy drinks, and I'm talking daily, not the occasional bad day. No veg, no grains, no whole foods period, and dairy in the form of ice cream. Of course they're gonna loose weight if they're under their calorie goal. But surely that's not the whole point of any of us being here, and it's just not healthy. This horse ain't that high.

    I eat ice cream daily...I guess I am not "healthy"

    curious what makes "grains" and "whole foods" superior to a biscuit...wait, don't biscuits have grains in them? If I ate a whole grain biscuit would that make you feel better?
  • bethkeysear
    bethkeysear Posts: 28 Member
    Good post. I have a struggle with the TV one….when I am not sitting in class, doing homework, or watching tv…..I am _________….well I am always doing one of those.

    I do drink sugar in my morning coffee and if I am below in calories I sometimes treat myself with a soda but it is rare.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Define crap?

    I have seen diaries where people are eating nothing but sugar in the form of chocolate, ice cream, biscuits, sweets and fizzy drinks, and I'm talking daily, not the occasional bad day. No veg, no grains, no whole foods period, and dairy in the form of ice cream. Of course they're gonna loose weight if they're under their calorie goal. But surely that's not the whole point of any of us being here, and it's just not healthy. This horse ain't that high.

    I don't think you can assume to know the whole point of everyone being here.

    For some people, it's health. For some, weight loss only. For others, weight gain or maintenance. Or body recomposition. Or they're just here to hang out.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Make a habit of skipping breakfast and you won't have to count calories.

    There is a psychological aspect to how we react to the perception of an empty stomach. Some shrug it off and go about their business, others get anxious and sit down to eat immediately- over time resulting in obesity.

    This is learned behavior and can be changed, or unlearned.

    Read the freebie first 20 pages online in the Kindle book "Breakfast: The Least Important Meal of the Day" by Dr. John Hagan.

    Steve - are you just a broken record spamming machine? All you post is "skip breakfast" and "read this book"..I hope you are getting commission for this...although, I doubt you are, as I suspect no one is buying this book..

    In a bad mood today?

    Maybe you ate something bad for breakfast. Looks like you are ripping on all the common-sense posts.

    I am in a great mood..its the weekend and I am gong to head over to the casino when I get out of here...

    You just never have anything new to add...."read this book" and "skip breakfast" are your contributions...Just thinking you might want to get a new angle, brother!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Make a habit of skipping breakfast and you won't have to count calories.

    There is a psychological aspect to how we react to the perception of an empty stomach. Some shrug it off and go about their business, others get anxious and sit down to eat immediately- over time resulting in obesity.

    This is learned behavior and can be changed, or unlearned.

    Read the freebie first 20 pages online in the Kindle book "Breakfast: The Least Important Meal of the Day" by Dr. John Hagan.

    Steve - are you just a broken record spamming machine? All you post is "skip breakfast" and "read this book"..I hope you are getting commission for this...although, I doubt you are, as I suspect no one is buying this book..

    In a bad mood today?

    Maybe you ate something bad for breakfast. Looks like you are ripping on all the common-sense posts.

    I love how people with absolutely no common sense and little sense of reality talk about common sense.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Then it's merely the definition of "unnecessary" we're discussing, I would suggest.

    Many, many, many 'home' recipes use ingredients added for the colour.
    Colour is part of people's enjoyment of food.
    As a customer, I'd certainly prefer my food not to go off :). More, I'd prefer to pay less than for food which only have a short shelf life.
    (It's ironic that a lot of people go for 'fresh' food over frozen, when often the fresh was previously frozen anyway, but then has a much shorter shelf life.)

    But, still, we get to WHY not to eat specific substances and if we can have a definition of the ones not to eat.

    I'm with you. For instance, I never buy "previously frozen" fish - if it's not fresh, I'm happy to just stick with flash frozen. That said, the best result IMO is if you can find fresh food that is naturally an appealing color, as opposed to food that is dyed an appealing color.

    As for the reason why, I don't think there's conclusive proof out there that preservatives, dyes and the like are harmful - you would hope that they'd stop selling them if such proof was actually out there. Where finances permit, I think a lot of people just rely on their gut feeling that something locally grown without pesticides and picked fresh is less likely to have any unexpected side-effects.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Make a habit of skipping breakfast and you won't have to count calories.

    There is a psychological aspect to how we react to the perception of an empty stomach. Some shrug it off and go about their business, others get anxious and sit down to eat immediately- over time resulting in obesity.

    This is learned behavior and can be changed, or unlearned.

    Read the freebie first 20 pages online in the Kindle book "Breakfast: The Least Important Meal of the Day" by Dr. John Hagan.

    Steve - are you just a broken record spamming machine? All you post is "skip breakfast" and "read this book"..I hope you are getting commission for this...although, I doubt you are, as I suspect no one is buying this book..

    In a bad mood today?

    Maybe you ate something bad for breakfast. Looks like you are ripping on all the common-sense posts.

    I love how people with absolutely no common sense and little sense of reality talk about common sense.
    I love the ignore feature.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Make a habit of skipping breakfast and you won't have to count calories.

    There is a psychological aspect to how we react to the perception of an empty stomach. Some shrug it off and go about their business, others get anxious and sit down to eat immediately- over time resulting in obesity.

    This is learned behavior and can be changed, or unlearned.

    Read the freebie first 20 pages online in the Kindle book "Breakfast: The Least Important Meal of the Day" by Dr. John Hagan.

    Steve - are you just a broken record spamming machine? All you post is "skip breakfast" and "read this book"..I hope you are getting commission for this...although, I doubt you are, as I suspect no one is buying this book..

    In a bad mood today?

    Maybe you ate something bad for breakfast. Looks like you are ripping on all the common-sense posts.

    I love how people with absolutely no common sense and little sense of reality talk about common sense.

    what is that old saying.ignorance is bliss..?
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Make a habit of skipping breakfast and you won't have to count calories.

    There is a psychological aspect to how we react to the perception of an empty stomach. Some shrug it off and go about their business, others get anxious and sit down to eat immediately- over time resulting in obesity.

    This is learned behavior and can be changed, or unlearned.

    Read the freebie first 20 pages online in the Kindle book "Breakfast: The Least Important Meal of the Day" by Dr. John Hagan.

    Steve - are you just a broken record spamming machine? All you post is "skip breakfast" and "read this book"..I hope you are getting commission for this...although, I doubt you are, as I suspect no one is buying this book..

    In a bad mood today?

    Maybe you ate something bad for breakfast. Looks like you are ripping on all the common-sense posts.

    I love how people with absolutely no common sense and little sense of reality talk about common sense.

    what is that old saying.ignorance is bliss..?

    Of course, if that were true these boards would be the happiest place on earth . . . stick it Disney!