


  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member

    addicts are different they don't have that cut off point, it is an illness and i feel for them but i will not be lectured by the non drinking by choice brigrade who come up with all sorts of low IQ crap

    Yes, but since the thread is about sobriety, which implies that it's for people with some level of addiction/dependence, this really isn't the place for it. (Yes, I thought the don't understand drinkers, not fun comment was also misplaced.)

    Good point and if you look at my first post i simply stated my situation with drinking, it wasn't me who started this, life isn't black and white, how people treat drink is a very personal thing and everyone is different, i have not once said anything negative about people with addictions but as usual some people love the drama and mock outrage, i think some on here need to take life a little less serious, maybe a beer, joint and cheeseburger would do them a world of good in between calculating their tdee and calorie content of a green bean
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Good point and if you look at my first post i simply stated my situation with drinking, it wasn't me who started this

    I agree that it wasn't you who started it. Can you be the one who lets it end?
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    *Bonus side effect of getting sober*

    A friend of mine stopped drinking last year after a health scare. Just from cutting out the weekend binges and the daily 6 pack or 12 pack or whatever it was that he drank (it was a lot) he's lost almost 100 pounds and he's not sick all the time. :flowerforyou:
  • dburkhol
    dburkhol Posts: 10 Member
    The OP started this thread as a celebration of her sobriety and to offer her support to those in need. I don't recall her chastising anyone who drinks, or telling anyone what they should or should not do.

    Lots of people on this thread think they know alot about alcoholism. Let me tell you that until you have lived that particular brand of hell, you know not of what you speak.

    Thank you Silver for sharing your experience, strength, and hope.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Only those who have a problem with alcohol have to bash those of us who do not drink. I love having fun sober. As far as those who only drink on the weekend in excess you are what's called a functioning alcoholic. My husband was one so don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. My husband was nonviolent. His only abuse of me was neglect. I was basically a single parent with a drunk for a husband. He went to work and worked hard. He was killed in a automobile accident the day after a night of moderate drinking for him and because he blood alcohol was .1 I was out over 50,000 dollars of insurance. It was .02 over. This could happen to those of you who think it can't. Been there, done that and had to clean up his financial mess. He functioned like he was not under the influence but he was. For 5 years of my life after that accident I barely survived financially so don't you dare put me down because I don't drink.

    I am not putting you down i wish people would read posts properly, all over the world there are people who go to the pub/bar.drink at home over the weekend, according to doctors and the do gooders they are alcohol dependant, most have happy lives, treat their familes well, function normally and have no problems with health, they enjoy a drink and god forbid get a bit tipsy, addicts are different they don't have that cut off point, it is an illness and i feel for them but i will not be lectured by the non drinking by choice brigrade who come up with all sorts of low IQ crap

    one poster actually said they have never drank and tried to play high and mighty, it's like saying i have never eaten chicken but it is rubbish

    You can drink, get drunk and be a normal decent person, everything is an issue with some people, no wonder head doctors drive Mercedes

    Haha buddy, trying to compare someone never drinking and someone never eating chicken is totally opposite things.

    You're right I said I've never drank and I'm DAMN proud of it and have every right to be. I'm extremely strong-willed and will never break the values and beliefs I hold when it comes to alcohol. Don't EVER try to question my sobriety. Not once in this thread have I acted as if I am better than someone who drinks, because I don't feel that way at all. I'm no better than someone who consumes alcohol. So don't go putting words in my mouth and try to make it seem like it's something it's not.

    I agree i have never consumed caviar and never will, i will never eat fish eggs, it is against all i hold sacred, if there is a thread on this subject i will certainly dive in even though i have no knowledge on the subject whatsover

    I told lewis hamilton the other day that he changes gear to soon, i might not have a licence myself and he certainly looked at me strange but i am confident he took it on board
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member

    addicts are different they don't have that cut off point, it is an illness and i feel for them but i will not be lectured by the non drinking by choice brigrade who come up with all sorts of low IQ crap

    Yes, but since the thread is about sobriety, which implies that it's for people with some level of addiction/dependence, this really isn't the place for it. (Yes, I thought the don't understand drinkers, not fun comment was also misplaced.)

    Good point and if you look at my first post i simply stated my situation with drinking, it wasn't me who started this, life isn't black and white, how people treat drink is a very personal thing and everyone is different, i have not once said anything negative about people with addictions but as usual some people love the drama and mock outrage, i think some on here need to take life a little less serious, maybe a beer, joint and cheeseburger would do them a world of good in between calculating their tdee and calorie content of a green bean

    Kindly GTFO. What are you doing in a thread about sobriety talking about how people should have a drink once in a while?
    And if you BINGE drink once a week, you have a problem.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Only those who have a problem with alcohol have to bash those of us who do not drink. I love having fun sober. As far as those who only drink on the weekend in excess you are what's called a functioning alcoholic. My husband was one so don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. My husband was nonviolent. His only abuse of me was neglect. I was basically a single parent with a drunk for a husband. He went to work and worked hard. He was killed in a automobile accident the day after a night of moderate drinking for him and because he blood alcohol was .1 I was out over 50,000 dollars of insurance. It was .02 over. This could happen to those of you who think it can't. Been there, done that and had to clean up his financial mess. He functioned like he was not under the influence but he was. For 5 years of my life after that accident I barely survived financially so don't you dare put me down because I don't drink.

    I am not putting you down i wish people would read posts properly, all over the world there are people who go to the pub/bar.drink at home over the weekend, according to doctors and the do gooders they are alcohol dependant, most have happy lives, treat their familes well, function normally and have no problems with health, they enjoy a drink and god forbid get a bit tipsy, addicts are different they don't have that cut off point, it is an illness and i feel for them but i will not be lectured by the non drinking by choice brigrade who come up with all sorts of low IQ crap

    one poster actually said they have never drank and tried to play high and mighty, it's like saying i have never eaten chicken but it is rubbish

    You can drink, get drunk and be a normal decent person, everything is an issue with some people, no wonder head doctors drive Mercedes


    And you are?
  • sundog10
    sundog10 Posts: 1,469 Member
    13 years for me. I am probably a lot older than most of you on here who are sober and happy for it. Consider yourself so amazing for getting sober when you did. I spent so much of life suffering in my alcoholic disease and being so miserable.
    But i am thankful for each and every day now and never looked back. and a special congrats. to the OP for posting her story. evern though we might be years apart in age, i totally related to your story. I was the shy kid who agonized doing anything socially unless I took those few drinks. and it was downhill from then on
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Only those who have a problem with alcohol have to bash those of us who do not drink. I love having fun sober. As far as those who only drink on the weekend in excess you are what's called a functioning alcoholic. My husband was one so don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. My husband was nonviolent. His only abuse of me was neglect. I was basically a single parent with a drunk for a husband. He went to work and worked hard. He was killed in a automobile accident the day after a night of moderate drinking for him and because he blood alcohol was .1 I was out over 50,000 dollars of insurance. It was .02 over. This could happen to those of you who think it can't. Been there, done that and had to clean up his financial mess. He functioned like he was not under the influence but he was. For 5 years of my life after that accident I barely survived financially so don't you dare put me down because I don't drink.

    I am not putting you down i wish people would read posts properly, all over the world there are people who go to the pub/bar.drink at home over the weekend, according to doctors and the do gooders they are alcohol dependant, most have happy lives, treat their familes well, function normally and have no problems with health, they enjoy a drink and god forbid get a bit tipsy, addicts are different they don't have that cut off point, it is an illness and i feel for them but i will not be lectured by the non drinking by choice brigrade who come up with all sorts of low IQ crap

    one poster actually said they have never drank and tried to play high and mighty, it's like saying i have never eaten chicken but it is rubbish

    You can drink, get drunk and be a normal decent person, everything is an issue with some people, no wonder head doctors drive Mercedes

    Haha buddy, trying to compare someone never drinking and someone never eating chicken is totally opposite things.

    You're right I said I've never drank and I'm DAMN proud of it and have every right to be. I'm extremely strong-willed and will never break the values and beliefs I hold when it comes to alcohol. Don't EVER try to question my sobriety. Not once in this thread have I acted as if I am better than someone who drinks, because I don't feel that way at all. I'm no better than someone who consumes alcohol. So don't go putting words in my mouth and try to make it seem like it's something it's not.

    I agree i have never consumed caviar and never will, i will never eat fish eggs, it is against all i hold sacred, if there is a thread on this subject i will certainly dive in even though i have no knowledge on the subject whatsover

    I told lewis hamilton the other day that he changes gear to soon, i might not have a licence myself and he certainly looked at me strange but i am confident he took it on board

    Considering my education background, I know plenty about alcoholism.

    I don't need to be an alcoholic or a drinker to write a comment to the OP congratulating her on her sobriety.

    I find it funny because you are trying to say I have no knowledge of the subject, yet you are far from sober and according to you, aren't an alcoholic (even though you are a binge drinker). So what the hell are you doing in this thread? :laugh:

    Like I said before, you continue to make an *kitten* out of yourself so I think it's best if you just stop.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member

    addicts are different they don't have that cut off point, it is an illness and i feel for them but i will not be lectured by the non drinking by choice brigrade who come up with all sorts of low IQ crap

    Yes, but since the thread is about sobriety, which implies that it's for people with some level of addiction/dependence, this really isn't the place for it. (Yes, I thought the don't understand drinkers, not fun comment was also misplaced.)

    Good point and if you look at my first post i simply stated my situation with drinking, it wasn't me who started this, life isn't black and white, how people treat drink is a very personal thing and everyone is different, i have not once said anything negative about people with addictions but as usual some people love the drama and mock outrage, i think some on here need to take life a little less serious, maybe a beer, joint and cheeseburger would do them a world of good in between calculating their tdee and calorie content of a green bean

    Kindly GTFO. What are you doing in a thread about sobriety talking about how people should have a drink once in a while?
    And if you BINGE drink once a week, you have a problem.

    Yes i believe my arms will fall off any day now, if you believe i have a problem that would bother me why? an expert in being dull is not a credential you know, GTFO by the way is it not past your bedtime
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    you guys can put the person causing trouble on ignore instead of letting him derail the thread.


    and then celebrate your sobriety, etc.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Only those who have a problem with alcohol have to bash those of us who do not drink. I love having fun sober. As far as those who only drink on the weekend in excess you are what's called a functioning alcoholic. My husband was one so don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. My husband was nonviolent. His only abuse of me was neglect. I was basically a single parent with a drunk for a husband. He went to work and worked hard. He was killed in a automobile accident the day after a night of moderate drinking for him and because he blood alcohol was .1 I was out over 50,000 dollars of insurance. It was .02 over. This could happen to those of you who think it can't. Been there, done that and had to clean up his financial mess. He functioned like he was not under the influence but he was. For 5 years of my life after that accident I barely survived financially so don't you dare put me down because I don't drink.

    I am not putting you down i wish people would read posts properly, all over the world there are people who go to the pub/bar.drink at home over the weekend, according to doctors and the do gooders they are alcohol dependant, most have happy lives, treat their familes well, function normally and have no problems with health, they enjoy a drink and god forbid get a bit tipsy, addicts are different they don't have that cut off point, it is an illness and i feel for them but i will not be lectured by the non drinking by choice brigrade who come up with all sorts of low IQ crap

    one poster actually said they have never drank and tried to play high and mighty, it's like saying i have never eaten chicken but it is rubbish

    You can drink, get drunk and be a normal decent person, everything is an issue with some people, no wonder head doctors drive Mercedes

    Haha buddy, trying to compare someone never drinking and someone never eating chicken is totally opposite things.

    You're right I said I've never drank and I'm DAMN proud of it and have every right to be. I'm extremely strong-willed and will never break the values and beliefs I hold when it comes to alcohol. Don't EVER try to question my sobriety. Not once in this thread have I acted as if I am better than someone who drinks, because I don't feel that way at all. I'm no better than someone who consumes alcohol. So don't go putting words in my mouth and try to make it seem like it's something it's not.

    I agree i have never consumed caviar and never will, i will never eat fish eggs, it is against all i hold sacred, if there is a thread on this subject i will certainly dive in even though i have no knowledge on the subject whatsover

    I told lewis hamilton the other day that he changes gear to soon, i might not have a licence myself and he certainly looked at me strange but i am confident he took it on board

    Considering my education background, I know plenty about alcoholism.

    I don't need to be an alcoholic or a drinker to write a comment to the OP congratulating her on her sobriety.

    I find it funny because you are trying to say I have no knowledge of the subject, yet you are far from sober and according to you, aren't an alcoholic (even though you are a binge drinker). So what the hell are you doing in this thread? :laugh:

    Like I said before, you continue to make an *kitten* out of yourself so I think it's best if you just stop.

    i am sober five days a week and you telling me to stop will do what precisely, can you list the pinions that you think are valid and the whole forum can bow down to your wishes

    good luck to the op by the way which seems to have been lost with the pitch fork brigrade
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Also, It is clear he is seeking attention. Dont give him what he wants:smile:
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    I want to apologize to Laura, this isn't how this thread was supposed to go.

    I am so incredibly proud of you, and you will always be an inspiration to me.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member

    addicts are different they don't have that cut off point, it is an illness and i feel for them but i will not be lectured by the non drinking by choice brigrade who come up with all sorts of low IQ crap

    Yes, but since the thread is about sobriety, which implies that it's for people with some level of addiction/dependence, this really isn't the place for it. (Yes, I thought the don't understand drinkers, not fun comment was also misplaced.)

    Good point and if you look at my first post i simply stated my situation with drinking, it wasn't me who started this, life isn't black and white, how people treat drink is a very personal thing and everyone is different, i have not once said anything negative about people with addictions but as usual some people love the drama and mock outrage, i think some on here need to take life a little less serious, maybe a beer, joint and cheeseburger would do them a world of good in between calculating their tdee and calorie content of a green bean

    Kindly GTFO. What are you doing in a thread about sobriety talking about how people should have a drink once in a while?
    And if you BINGE drink once a week, you have a problem.

    Yes i believe my arms will fall off any day now, if you believe i have a problem that would bother me why? an expert in being dull is not a credential you know, GTFO by the way is it not past your bedtime

    The fact that i don't NEED alcohol to have fun makes me the opposite of dull.
    And if you want to talk age, too bad your 44 years of life experience brought you so little wisdom.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Personally, I've never been a drinker. Don't understand why anyone would find it fun.

    If it wasn't fun people wouldn't do it, my old man said never trust a teetotaller and he was right

    A bad tasting liquid that results in a lower IQ? No thanks, I'll pass & keep my brain cells.

    There have been many people who could be classed as a genius who have drunk to excess never mind in moderation. anyone knows this so as a non drinker who seems blissfully unaware of such a fact i wouldn't mention IQ levels

    For anyone who has misread my posts to clarify for the mock outrage brigrade

    Addiction is a terrible thing as i have stated
    Drinking is fun otherwise people wouldn't do it
    I drink too much at weekend according to doctors but don't bother during the week
    My point that non drinkers are a little dull/can't have a laugh may seem like putting a small group into one pot but the replies so far doesn't help their cause

    Awaits a "think of the children" reply from the usual Oprah crowd

    Do you know one of the easiest ways to spot an addict in denial? They say things like this:
    non drinkers are a little dull/can't have a laugh

    to justify things like this
    I drink too much at weekend

    I drink too much according to doctors not me, and as they keep changing their mind who cares, an addict cannot blissfully go without alchohol for five days and be an addict, that is my defintion, i know addicts and they wake up and want a drink their life revolves around it, if weekend drinkers are addicts then a few billion people are addicts according to this rule, common sense really has gone to pot

    As a working full-time addiction counsellor, you are very wrong. I can see your are making your own definitions and guidelines that are against those of the DSM (so the criteria does not keep changing like you claim) in order to defend your position on your alcohol use. Just because you can go 5 days straight without a drink DOES NOT mean you do not have a problem.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Thank you for sharing! There is a lot of addiction in my family. I don't have addiction, but I also don't always handle alcohol well (even just a couple drinks can sometimes plummet me into a bad place of dealing with my past trauma). So, it's something I think about. I didn't drink for a decade, and for me that was a good thing (I stopped during that time frame because I had so many bad experiences with it when I was younger). It's always good to share because you never know who you might help. It's not an easy thing to talk about! Thanks so much!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I want to apologize to Laura, this isn't how this thread was supposed to go.


    For the record, I did send a request asking that the derailing post be removed -- and I sincerely hope that it is.

    OP, I wish you the happiest life, filled with sobriety (and kitten and rainbows and sunshine :smile: ) and thank you for reaching out. Though I am not an alcoholic, I love one and seeing people like you gives me hope.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Only those who have a problem with alcohol have to bash those of us who do not drink. I love having fun sober. As far as those who only drink on the weekend in excess you are what's called a functioning alcoholic. My husband was one so don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. My husband was nonviolent. His only abuse of me was neglect. I was basically a single parent with a drunk for a husband. He went to work and worked hard. He was killed in a automobile accident the day after a night of moderate drinking for him and because he blood alcohol was .1 I was out over 50,000 dollars of insurance. It was .02 over. This could happen to those of you who think it can't. Been there, done that and had to clean up his financial mess. He functioned like he was not under the influence but he was. For 5 years of my life after that accident I barely survived financially so don't you dare put me down because I don't drink.

    I am not putting you down i wish people would read posts properly, all over the world there are people who go to the pub/bar.drink at home over the weekend, according to doctors and the do gooders they are alcohol dependant, most have happy lives, treat their familes well, function normally and have no problems with health, they enjoy a drink and god forbid get a bit tipsy, addicts are different they don't have that cut off point, it is an illness and i feel for them but i will not be lectured by the non drinking by choice brigrade who come up with all sorts of low IQ crap

    one poster actually said they have never drank and tried to play high and mighty, it's like saying i have never eaten chicken but it is rubbish

    You can drink, get drunk and be a normal decent person, everything is an issue with some people, no wonder head doctors drive Mercedes

    Haha buddy, trying to compare someone never drinking and someone never eating chicken is totally opposite things.

    You're right I said I've never drank and I'm DAMN proud of it and have every right to be. I'm extremely strong-willed and will never break the values and beliefs I hold when it comes to alcohol. Don't EVER try to question my sobriety. Not once in this thread have I acted as if I am better than someone who drinks, because I don't feel that way at all. I'm no better than someone who consumes alcohol. So don't go putting words in my mouth and try to make it seem like it's something it's not.

    I agree i have never consumed caviar and never will, i will never eat fish eggs, it is against all i hold sacred, if there is a thread on this subject i will certainly dive in even though i have no knowledge on the subject whatsover

    I told lewis hamilton the other day that he changes gear to soon, i might not have a licence myself and he certainly looked at me strange but i am confident he took it on board

    Considering my education background, I know plenty about alcoholism.

    I don't need to be an alcoholic or a drinker to write a comment to the OP congratulating her on her sobriety.

    I find it funny because you are trying to say I have no knowledge of the subject, yet you are far from sober and according to you, aren't an alcoholic (even though you are a binge drinker). So what the hell are you doing in this thread? :laugh:

    Like I said before, you continue to make an *kitten* out of yourself so I think it's best if you just stop.

    i am sober five days a week and you telling me to stop will do what precisely, can you list the pinions that you think are valid and the whole forum can bow down to your wishes

    good luck to the op by the way which seems to have been lost with the pitch fork brigrade

    You're missing the point. Typical denial behavior.

    By definition, a man is at high risk of becoming an alcoholic if he has 15 or more drinks a week; for women, 12 or more drinks a week; in general, anyone who has five or more drinks per occasion at least once a week.

    Based on what you have said, I'm 99.9% positive your weekend binges fit the above descriptions.