I got hurt feelings



  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    come out, come out, poets, from whereever you are
    and brighten this thread with your lyrical star
    stand up and stand out for all to see
    the whimsy and joy of your own poetry

    do not hesitate, do not fear or be shy
    for all stars may twinkle in this open sky:
    metered and rhymed or unmetered and free
    somber or giddy; lengthy or brief

    in eras past verse was highly esteemed
    these days, it seems, it needs to be redeemed
    from an age and a culture unkind to the arts:
    distractions wrack minds; ennui engulfs hearts

    do not rob yourself! do not abdicate
    the power, the privilege, the right to create
    every man, every woman, every child on earth
    is baptized by the fire of art at birth

    come out, come out artists, from whereever you are
    and brighten this thread with your creative star
    stand up and stand out for all to see
    your own art's power and majesty

    ...or just post dirty limericks. that's fine with me. :bigsmile:

    Awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • adlace
    adlace Posts: 375 Member
    Tally HO! This thread is back!
    time to wax poetic, like a maniac
    I won't take any flack
    I'm catching a cold, or maybe I'm just a hypochondriac
    could be I just need a snack
    after the laughing attack
    for I just learned that the Face of Bo. was once Handsome Jack
    That silly Doctor Who,and the whole time/space track...
  • greetstrz
    greetstrz Posts: 25 Member
    I'm so glad you poets have kept this thread going,
    it's adding your words, that keeps the thing growing.

    Though I think in rhyme when I do my runs,
    though I'll make up stories when I work on my guns,
    though I create new words when I'm on a long walk,
    though I'll answer in rhyme when I'm having a talk....

    ...I haven't been able to find my way back here,
    so maybe I lied and I can disappear.
    Or maybe it's just that I can not outrhyme,
    that a day has 24 hours and no extra time.
    If my life was a sportsgame, I would earn extra seconds,
    every virus that caught me, every unruly presence,
    every time that I tripped, every time the train 's late,
    I would be granted a minute and the day would inflate.
    So I could come up here way more often,
    this haven of words, and you people that soften,
    all of my hurts, in body and mind.
    Time acts like a guard and it keeps me confined.
  • catita1025
    catita1025 Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome back OP to this wonderful post
    I read all the way through that’s better than most
    I laughed and I giggled and gave such guffaws
    At the wonderful verses. Applause, oh applause!
    As I chew my dinner, a salad I enjoy
    I wonder about the words that I can employ
    To keep this thread going ‘cause I want to see more
    Of the possible verses – just what is in store
    For all of us readers? We are fans can’t you tell
    Of the wordsmiths among us who craft a such a spell?
    With their rhymes and their meter that goes on and on
    I hope it continues well past the next dawn!
  • JuanitaLynne
    JuanitaLynne Posts: 17 Member
    This thread's so friggin funny
    It's made my day sunny...

  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Now you may all think I'm an amatuer poet
    My weight loss is new
    (Though I already know it)
    But I have been writing since before I was fighting
    To lose these fat flabs which are quite frightening
    And this thread has proven to be quite enlightening

    I want a good steak and some Pringles to stuff
    Down in my gut, but my belly would puff!
    So instead I might have some asparagus spears
    And an Oreo or two (to help dry my tears)
    As I cry for the Pringles that have since disappeared
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Hey there's activity, it's not completely dead,
    Let's see what comes spilling out of my fat little head,
    Not much I guarantee but something for sure,
    Just don't expect it to be too beautiful or too pure.

    That's not my MO, it's not my style,
    I won't even keep you for that long of a while,
    Cause it's not the volume but rather the value of words,
    That keeps you feeding here like so many birds.

    One more set of thoughts before I flee,
    It's about us's and them's and you's and me,
    I use incorrect plurality because it is fun,
    That's all I have to say now, my work here is done.

    (Going to mcd's)
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Enjoy your McDonald's, enjoy it I say!
    But still remain healthy at the end of the day
    That place had betrayed me a good while ago
    When they tossed the Angus Mushroom burger out the window
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member

    I got hurt feelings.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    Takin' back da power, whompin' s*** in da shower.
    Muthaf***in' water droplets, 50 miles an hour.
    Swimmin'in an ocean of shampoos, gels an' lotion.
    Towel dry my f***in' a$$crack, back an' forth motion.
  • tomaspetro
    tomaspetro Posts: 1,507 Member
    being*****s couldn't *** ***** person
    synergistic coug*** we*** a ** worsen
    jiggling fl*** upon the***** in** quagmire
    folding my f** into ************** desire
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I got hurt teeth they're all throbbing in my skull,
    Tie some strings around them I could use a hearty pull,
    Not one or two I think... at least 4 or 5,
    The pain is so intense it's a miracle I'm alive.

    Ok not 5 more like 6 maybe 8,
    Hurry up and yank them before it gets too late!
    My mouth is held together with old mudpies and gum,
    Tiny ropes and woodboards nailed in... geez do I feel dumb.

    I made some bad decisions, ones I can't take back,
    Hurt feels would be an improvement, I'd gladly take that Mack.
    In fact I have no gums left it's all just twig and bone,
    This is only manageable with a steady diet of hydrocodone. :(

    I eat the pills like candy in fact it's all I injest,
    It would fit my macros if I could only eat the rest,
    Ok I have one real tooth left it's hiding out in back,
    Please don't take that one, cut it some toothy slack.

    It needs a break, just like me, it's the only one,
    Please give me some hurt feels instead then I could feel done.
  • tomaspetro
    tomaspetro Posts: 1,507 Member
    Not quite done. Don't give me the last word.

    When uncomfortable content comes to mind,
    choice of words can seem unkind.
    Offense please, none be taken
    cause I'm talkin' bout constipatin'.

    Yes, the malady of grunt and groan,
    gritted teeth and spitting foam,
    sweating brow and efforts spurned,
    perhaps some calories should be earned!

    Effort vast throughout my tail,
    all, it seems, to no avail.
    Butt, before I leave a bloody trail,
    the cure for me is in this tale.

    Prunes I tried, and apples too,
    carrots peas and fibrous food,
    chocolate and whole wheat crackers,
    and other things(all non lip-smackers).

    Finally and gladly found,
    rewarding me with plopping sound.
    Magical, my new found fruit,
    rewarding me with more than toot!

    No need, my friends, to pull my hair,
    normal now, I sit in chair.
    Fist raised high I do declare,
    my savior is the lowly pear!
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Although I read, although I stared
    Regarding poop I haven't cared

    I'm reaching deftly for my tissue
    But constipation's not an issue

    And so I quest and so I thrive
    For other goals, or four or five

    I think the one that's here to stay
    Is just to keep the pounds away.
  • tomaspetro
    tomaspetro Posts: 1,507 Member
    you made laugh, for that I'm pleased
    after all, I could'a sneezed
    Thanks so much for bustin my bubble
    I hope it tweren't too much trouble
    I got goals, I've seen to that
    they had to wait wait for one good bowel movement.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I like to work real hard on my tennis swing,
    As you can tell from my name tennis is sort of my thing
    But when I finally manage to hit a wonder shoot
    Nobody comments, no one gives a jot.

    I've got hurt feelings, I've got hurt feeling
    You could of least said well done dude.
    I've got hurt feelings, I've got hurt feelings.
    I think you're just damn right rude!
  • tomaspetro
    tomaspetro Posts: 1,507 Member
    for cryin out loud, quit your complainin
    do somthin now to hold your pain in
    Look at the size of your partner in tennis
    surely ain't some big time menace
    looks 2 foot six and that with shoes
    you been drinkin some stinkin booze?
    besides if you did hit a wonder shoot
    I simply wouldn't give a hoot.
  • dirtmagnets
    dirtmagnets Posts: 116 Member
    Before this week I wasn't brave enough
    to venture into this forum for it seemed rough
    But now I am here and I've found this great thread
    And I've laughed 'til I've cried and then shook my head
    You're stuck with me now, I hope you don't mind
    I had no idea that HERE my people I'd find...

    I have a sick, coughing kid - he is only three
    and staying up nights with him is hindering me
    Today my mind is not as sharp as I'd like
    So I'll end my poem now and go back to the tyke.
  • tomaspetro
    tomaspetro Posts: 1,507 Member
    How dare you, I say, claim lack of courage
    4 kids in tow like a barbarian scourge.
    dirt magnets are they, not you my friend
    and one who is sick, your life's got a trend
    keep writing rhymes if they make you happy
    and get those kids to take a long nappy.