Frustrated doesn't even begin to cover it



  • nkovacs1954
    nkovacs1954 Posts: 64 Member
    Take that scale, remove the battery, hide it in a closet or throw it away. The number on the readout is not a measure of your success, it only measures your bodyweight. If you've been exercising you've been building muscle. How are your clothes fitting? Looser in the pants and tighter in the arms.
    Continue the work and think of the long term goal...
  • lorisshelton
    lorisshelton Posts: 1 Member
    Make sure you are drinking enough water -- take your weight in pounds and drink half that much in ounces -- every day! Another downside to just using the quick add calories feature is that you don't know your nutritional breakdown of what you are consuming. Make sure you have a good ratio of carbohydrates (good ones -- non starchy veggies, not necessarily grains) to fat to protein. And also watch your sugars.

    I understand your frustration, I've been hovering around the same weight for over a year and just can't lose the last 5 pounds, and then every month I go up again. Ditch the scale, use the tape measure. Good luck.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    A scale is KEY - I found that by weighing -that often times (OK ALMOST ALL THE TIME) my portions were way larger than I thought they were. I am getting much better at knowing what a portion looks like - so that if I am not at home I can 'eyeball' it (I am not taking my scale out with friends) However, I have a digital scale at home (2 actually) and a crappy one (needle and dial) at my office. It's amazing how easy it is to have an extra 1/2-1 portion of cereal or PB or something and not even realize it. Especially if you don't SEE that correct portion often.

    Whenever I see that scale not moving I get ANAL about weighing it - I always find that I am overestimating my portions therefore eating more calories than I thought. As soon as I get back on track - I see that scale move again!