Grrrrrr the jealous....ventage thread!



  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Oh the other one that sticks in my mind is from the skinny receptionist at work who has a home gym in her basement married to the boss and has stacks of cash.
    Never had a weight problem in her life.
    So she mentioned how good I was doing in my weightloss and I proceeded to tell her about my fitness pal and how I'd lost 19lb and was really excited because it was working and I was losing it. She then spent 1 hour telling me how I could lose weight properly by eating a piece of fruit for breakfast a cup a soup for lunch and a normal meal for tea. She also proceeded to tell me why I had put the weight on and what I had done wrong in my life. From a friend I wouldn't mind but this lady doesn't even socialise with me outside work she doesn't know why I put the weight on and if I wanted a weight loss lecture I'd find somebody who had accomplished weight loss!!! Thank goodness she doesn't work with me anymore!
  • MTDork87
    Oh the other one that sticks in my mind is from the skinny receptionist at work who has a home gym in her basement married to the boss and has stacks of cash.
    Never had a weight problem in her life.
    So she mentioned how good I was doing in my weightloss and I proceeded to tell her about my fitness pal and how I'd lost 19lb and was really excited because it was working and I was losing it. She then spent 1 hour telling me how I could lose weight properly by eating a piece of fruit for breakfast a cup a soup for lunch and a normal meal for tea. She also proceeded to tell me why I had put the weight on and what I had done wrong in my life. From a friend I wouldn't mind but this lady doesn't even socialise with me outside work she doesn't know why I put the weight on and if I wanted a weight loss lecture I'd find somebody who had accomplished weight loss!!! Thank goodness she doesn't work with me anymore!

    Oh my goodness! How COMPLETELY inappropriate! If someone tried to lecture me with "Fruit, Soup and then a meal" I'd probably do something I'd regret later...
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    I hate the "LOOK"!! It's the look you get when you know you have extra calories and you've saved them for something special, like a piece of cake and then you grab one and you get the "look" - like did you really need that piece of cake? Or you sure you need that right now? I hate the "LOOK" people give you when you go grocery shopping and people have to scan your cart and then there's the "LOOK" - I have kids that do eat junk food and they are both very tiny girls. Just because it's in my cart - doesn't mean I'm the one eating it.
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    So my grandparents and parents have all told me the past 2 years that I need to watch what I am eating. Then my cousin (she is old enough to almost be my grandma) told me that I needed to watch what I ate a lot more because it was showing. That was at in the middle of my M.Ed. Hearing all of this made me more and more depressed and made me eat more. So after I finished my M.Ed. I realized I really had gained the weight, and then I started MFP. Now that I have lost 16lbs since July, everyone in my family is worried about me. "Don't lose to much weight, you'll look sick" and "You need to eat more" and "You just don't look like you did before"...umm what? I am finally doing what they asked and now I am getting more biff about it? My grandparents are staying with us and my grandma shovels food down my throat while she is here (staying until Tuesday). She brought all the foods I can't say no too, but I am limiting my intake, and she asked me if "I was sick, like those really skinny people become". Umm what? SO confusing. My boyfriend, who I live with is extremely supportive so that's good, he just keeps worrying about my butt "WOW your butt is getting smaller, don't lose all of it, I like your big butt" That's the only thing he said to me where I stopped dead and didn't know what to say. So I told him "I can't help where the weight loss comes from, but I will tell you big butts is a thing of my family, and I doubt it will ever go away completely" lol :)
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I hate the "LOOK"!! It's the look you get when you know you have extra calories and you've saved them for something special, like a piece of cake and then you grab one and you get the "look" - like did you really need that piece of cake? Or you sure you need that right now? I hate the "LOOK" people give you when you go grocery shopping and people have to scan your cart and then there's the "LOOK" - I have kids that do eat junk food and they are both very tiny girls. Just because it's in my cart - doesn't mean I'm the one eating it.

    I get the look when I am out with friends and I just get done talking about MFP with them or something and I want to SHARE a slice of cake with them from the resturant we are at....I then have to explain to them, that I don't do this every day, and I can eat whatever I want I just don't eat like I use too and eat the whole thing. I think they think I have given in...but in all honesty even though I am trying to lose weight, I don't stop eating candy or sweets or whatever because of it. I just limit it and usually when I go out, I know if I can have it or not, because I already added everything in on here before leaving the house. People sometimes! OR when you have a cart full of healthy fruits and veggies and a cake or cookies on top of it all. I get the "LOOK"....umm ok...a box of cookies that i am taking to a cook out and probably will eat two (if that) isn't going to do me in people! lol :)
  • xDeannaGarciax
    one of the best ones I have had said to me " you'd be pretty if you were skinny" - the next "you have a pretty face" I just reply with "yeah. shame about the rest of me" haha.

    That's awful! I'm sure youir beautiful :wink:
  • xDeannaGarciax
    I hate the whole skinny minny thing and the "when are you going to stop" and "aren't you done losing weight yet?" Umm I probably will never stop because once I go into maintenance mode I still have to watch what I eat and exercise. I think people think that those lines are complimentary or something. It would be nice to just hear "you look really good" or "you look healthy" but I think people are afraid that will backfire or something.

    Aw Sarah, you do look really good. But your right I think some people are afraid to tell you that, why, I have no's really weird though.

    And we have agreed, not just "another diet" lifestyle change:bigsmile:
  • xDeannaGarciax
    I think one of my friends is kinda crazy. First of all I'm about 5'4" and 250+lbs. She told me I don't need to lose weight and I'm just big boned.......... First thing I said was "you need glasses". The girl is half my size and thinks she needs to lose weight but not me????? I mean I don't really need people up in my face telling me I'm fat and I need to lose weight but my friends don't have to be in denial about. It really makes me wonder if she's serious or if she just is trying to be nice. BTW, this is the same one that gets upset that I won't go out to eat all the time.

    I wached a show on Dr. Phil about this recently. It explained alot.
  • tater8589
    I get annoyed when I tell someone I'm on a diet and they tell me I don't need to (ah yes I do, I'm just a few pounds from overweight for my height and my belly is gross.) And my husbands friend telling me how to change my diet and workout... I do workout (a hell of a lot more than him, not to mention i'm 3 yrs older and female...different body chemistry) and my diet (though not perfect) is pretty healthy (and it might be nice if he stopped bringing crap food in, and making a quart of tea with 1.5 cups sugar... which i don't drink due to the sugar) I also get annoyed when I complain about sturggling to lose weight and get the are you preg question...GRR no if I was preg I would be happy!
  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    I've had people give me huge explanations of why they can't do what I've done. All of the reasons are out of their control and well, it's not that their lazy. First off, I never said anyone was lazy. Second, I work full-time, have two kids, and volunteer in my community. I don't have any more time than anyone else. The difference is that I've made me a priority. I don't expect anyone else to make themselves a priority. My fitness is not a threat to anyone. I just want to scream...People this is not about you!
  • StVal
    StVal Posts: 91
    I haven't anyone in my life that has been negative when it comes to being healthy. However, I know I've been a big ol' negative when it comes to my sister talking about getting the lapband. It's not that I disapprove it, it's that she doesn't put forth the effort to do anything about getting healthy and losing weight in the first place. She refuses to making healthy choices, like instead of going to McDonald's or to the taco shop and eat homemade foods and foods that are better for you like veggies and chicken, etc. And no, I don't think french fries is a healthy vegetable. She refuses to get out there and walk at least, much less do any actual exercise. I ask her questions like "when you get the lapband, do you think you can really change your eating lifestyle overnight?" or "are you going to tone up the extra skin that you will have leftover?" Her answers are always "yes", but I just think that if she really wanted to make such a drastic change, she'd start before and work herself to that point. Besides, she isn't really that much overweight that she needs it in the first place. She's just being lazy and taking the easy way out. With some exercise and healthy food choices, she'd lose her weight just as fast.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Ughh... Was visiting my best friend from Uni this past week. She and I have been good friends for 5+ years and we lived together for a few of them. She was always the skinny one (size 6-10) while I always struggled with my weight (around 190lbs/size 14). Now that I am down to approx 140lbs and a size 6-8 she jokingly accuses me of anorexia because I watch what I eat and count calories, and although she attempts to sound supportive you can see that it is just veiled disappointment and frustration in herself since she has put on weight over the last year. The entire trip I ate at least 4 times a day (small meals), and yet she continued to suggest that I looked "ridiculous" and she couldn't believe how skinny I am (I still have another 10lbs or so to lose, and lots of toning to do!). In the end I had to lecture her about the inappropriateness of her comments. Such a drag! I was really hoping she could be happy for me...
  • sherry_80
    sherry_80 Posts: 86 Member
    The problem i come across is my mom and my sister, when i actually started changing my lifestyle was before mfp.
    When my sister told me her daughter was diabetic type 1, I can"t bring sweets around, i feel bad for tempting.
    I feel guilty so i don't and i started bring other stuff that my kids like. like veg trays and fruit trays anything with dip,

    I have been doing this for awhile, I recently stopped seeing my sister and mom, because every time i tell them i am not on a diet,
    I am changed my lifestyle. My sister translates this to "YOU DON'T LOVE YOURSELF, YOUR NOT HAPPY WITH YOUR RELATIONSHIP OR YOUR LIFE" , " I HAVE LOW SELF ESTEEM" "I AM OBSESSED WITH EXERCISE" because i try something new, oh its just another fad. yeah i am done with her. I don't call or go to her house at. and i call my mom once a month.
    and i try to keep our conversation on text, because i make her read what she writes.

    I makes me laugh, because i know there's something wrong with her mind. I think its envy.
    The way i look at is I may be overweight bigger than her, but i don't have saggy skin.

    After she had her kids she lost weight very quickly and didn't know about the saggy skin that comes with it.
  • MTDork87
    Ah jealousy. This helps me when someone says something unfathomable...

    Mother Teresa's Anyway Poem

    People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
    Forgive them anyway.

    If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
    Be kind anyway.

    If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
    Succeed anyway.

    If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
    Be honest and frank anyway.

    What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
    Build anyway.

    If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
    Be happy anyway.

    The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
    Do good anyway.

    Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
    Give the world the best you've got anyway.

    You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
    It was never between you and them anyway.

    ** I feel that we could add "If you lose weight, some people will be jealous and try to bring you down. Lose weight anyway" **

  • spob
    spob Posts: 206
    Wow that was powerful and I am copying that to post on my fridge. Thanks!!!:drinker:
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Everytime I go to my parents I break into their cupboard and eat some Nutella off a spoon lol.. my mom always comments on how I can't eat stuff like that. Then I have to remind her I only eat it when I am here and its not much so I CAN eat stuff like this and its ok. My sister is the same way, if she comes over and sees a mcdonalds bag she is like "oh you are in trouble " but I remind her I work my *kitten* off everday so i can have things like that and not care.
    I don't get why they don't understand that I know exactly what I can and can't eat to keep this weight off.... nobody like the food police, I monitor myself enough on my own!
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    I went to the gym last night with my mother to renew my gym membership and to get her one. She took a look at my card (photo was taken last year) and said "Wow, you look like you're wearing a fat suit!" I'm still not really sure as to how to feel about her saying that. I'm equally torn between being really angry and crying.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I hate when someone tries to force food on me, they say things like "your so tiny, you can afford to eat it" and, "oh, one little bit is not going to hurt you"......ummm...... I am "so tiny" because I say no to the doughnuts/cookies/candy/pizza/or whatever else you may be trying to get me to eat....what annoys me even more, when I say no and they roll their eyes....ugh....:angry:
  • xDeannaGarciax
    I've had people give me huge explanations of why they can't do what I've done. All of the reasons are out of their control and well, it's not that their lazy. First off, I never said anyone was lazy. Second, I work full-time, have two kids, and volunteer in my community. I don't have any more time than anyone else. The difference is that I've made me a priority. I don't expect anyone else to make themselves a priority. My fitness is not a threat to anyone. I just want to scream...People this is not about you!

    I hear you. I'm not trying to get fit to make you jealous, it's about me and how I feel about myself and my health, not about anyone else. This is aaaaaalllllll me!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Ughh... Was visiting my best friend from Uni this past week. She and I have been good friends for 5+ years and we lived together for a few of them. She was always the skinny one (size 6-10) while I always struggled with my weight (around 190lbs/size 14). Now that I am down to approx 140lbs and a size 6-8 she jokingly accuses me of anorexia because I watch what I eat and count calories, and although she attempts to sound supportive you can see that it is just veiled disappointment and frustration in herself since she has put on weight over the last year. The entire trip I ate at least 4 times a day (small meals), and yet she continued to suggest that I looked "ridiculous" and she couldn't believe how skinny I am (I still have another 10lbs or so to lose, and lots of toning to do!). In the end I had to lecture her about the inappropriateness of her comments. Such a drag! I was really hoping she could be happy for me...

    Awww that's a bummer. It seems to be hard for people who we have relationships like that with (unless you take the journey together like my best friend and I did) to be happy and supportive and they try to be...a$$e$ because their un-happy with themselves. Jealousy can create some monsters out of people I've witnessed it first hand with some ex family members who were close like friends. Makes them crazy yet obsessed with me and all I do now. Just be happy that you feel good and look Fabulous!! That's all I can do and I have the wonderful support of my husband my kids my family and my wonderful friends I know it's a bummer:flowerforyou:
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