Splenda - not so innocent......



  • favoritenut
    favoritenut Posts: 217 Member
    Anything with less than 5 calories per listed serving size can be labeled as no calorie or 0 etc... This is not news.

    What I love is that some people will grab some spray butter and see that it says "0 calories for 5 sprays" then go "OMG it's calorie free butter!". Then they open the top and pour it on...adding hundreds of calories of liquid butter/margarine. Dosage isn't a hard concept.

    I actually didnt know this and I totally go spray crazy with my Butter Spray. So do I assume that every 5 sprays is about 4.99 calories?

    yes, I tried it once and thought it was icky, rather eat real butter, but my nutritionist told me that people think the whole bottle is zero calories, when actually the whole bottle can be over 1000calories, and people have used the whole bottle in one sitting,
    crazy when you think of that.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Thought I would post this as I found it interesting and I'm sure a lot of people here use this product.
    I still use it here and there but now I know how to account for it (it is not a free food!). I personally think it is insane that they are allowed to post the nutritional information for 1 tsp on their package for Granular (the one for baking) - who uses 1 tsp when baking?!?! It is a product that has plenty of carbs and calories so use with caution.

    This was a response from a slenda rep on another page I visited in the past (I saved it for my own reference):

    "The caloric and carbohydrate content for SPLENDA(R) Brand Sweetener is as follows:

    SPLENDA(R) Granular
    1 tsp = 0.5 gm carb = 2 calories
    one half cup = 12 gm carb = 48 calories
    1 cup = 24 gm carb = 96 calories

    *1 tsp. = 1 serving

    Packet of SPLENDA(R)
    1 packet = .9 gm of carb = 4 calories

    *1 packet has the sweetness of 2 tsp of sugar

    Note: Per U.S. labeling laws, anything with less than 5 calories per serving, is properly labeled as "zero" or no-calorie.

    The caloric and carbohydrate content for sugar is as follows:

    1 tsp = 4 gm of carb= 16 calories
    one half cup = 96 gm of carb= 385 calories
    1 cup = 192 gm of carb = 770 calories

    Note: The calories and carbohydrates in SPLENDA(R) No Calorie Sweetener come from dextrose and/or maltodextrin, which are added for bulk. Sucralose, the sweetening ingredient in SPLENDA(R) Brand Sweetener, has no calories and is not a carbohydrate.

    Granular - sucralose, maltodextrin (0.5 gram per serving)
    Packets - sucralose, maltodextrin and dextrose (less than 1 gram per packet)"


    (In a perfect world, ^this would have been the first and last response in this thread.)
  • kickivale
    kickivale Posts: 260 Member
    OP, research is always welcome in my book! It's the best way to get to the body and mind you want.
    I agree, unclear labeling on food items is pretty shady, whether or not it's considered common knowledge. If there is an INGREDIENTS LIST on bottled water why isn't this info on a packet of Splenda?
    Sharing can get dangerous on the internet but don't let it be a deterrent.
    (this is where in your mind you see that nice "the more you know" shooting star with rainbow trail)

    edited for grammar, essentially
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Note that in the UK any calorie amount has to be listed.
    So you don't get 0 calorie spray, you get one calorie spray. A can of coke zero has 1.5 calories or something and so on.
    Stelvia is even lower in calories, but as I found you need to mix it with sugar for baking - my protein brownies made BEFORE I read this were pretty disgusting (though my friend ended up finishing them off anyway.)
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    I am a new member, and realize this thread is about splenda but it caught my eye. I have heard that stevia is better for you than splenda. Does anyone know anything about Stevia?
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I am a new member, and realize this thread is about splenda but it caught my eye. I have heard that stevia is better for you than splenda. Does anyone know anything about Stevia?

    It's not that one is inherently better for you. Some people have intestinal issues with Splenda (stomachaches... flatulence, etc.), whereas others overdue Splenda intake thinking it is truly "0" calorie. Stevia is plant-based and is the same concept: not quite 0 calories, plant-based so perhaps less digestively disruptive for some, but may be more so for others. Some people can notice the taste differences between all three and might have a preference.

    I would say Stevia is like the Jewel of the sugar kingdom.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    I am a new member, and realize this thread is about splenda but it caught my eye. I have heard that stevia is better for you than splenda. Does anyone know anything about Stevia?

    It's not that one is inherently better for you. Some people have intestinal issues with Splenda (stomachaches... flatulence, etc.), whereas others overdue Splenda intake thinking it is truly "0" calorie. Stevia is plant-based and is the same concept: not quite 0 calories, plant-based so perhaps less digestively disruptive for some, but may be more so for others. Some people can notice the taste differences between all three and might have a preference.

    I would say Stevia is like the Jewel of the sugar kingdom.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I am a new member, and realize this thread is about splenda but it caught my eye. I have heard that stevia is better for you than splenda. Does anyone know anything about Stevia?

    It's not that one is inherently better for you. Some people have intestinal issues with Splenda (stomachaches... flatulence, etc.), whereas others overdue Splenda intake thinking it is truly "0" calorie. Stevia is plant-based and is the same concept: not quite 0 calories, plant-based so perhaps less digestively disruptive for some, but may be more so for others. Some people can notice the taste differences between all three and might have a preference.

    I would say Stevia is like the Jewel of the sugar kingdom.

    Except that it tastes like poison. If it tasted good, it would be everywhere. They would make a new Diet Coke with Stevia. But they probably tried, and it tasted like Drano.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I am a new member, and realize this thread is about splenda but it caught my eye. I have heard that stevia is better for you than splenda. Does anyone know anything about Stevia?

    It's not that one is inherently better for you. Some people have intestinal issues with Splenda (stomachaches... flatulence, etc.), whereas others overdue Splenda intake thinking it is truly "0" calorie. Stevia is plant-based and is the same concept: not quite 0 calories, plant-based so perhaps less digestively disruptive for some, but may be more so for others. Some people can notice the taste differences between all three and might have a preference.

    I would say Stevia is like the Jewel of the sugar kingdom.

    Except that it tastes like poison. If it tasted good, it would be everywhere. They would make a new Diet Coke with Stevia. But they probably tried, and it tasted like Drano.

    Jewel is an acquired taste.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I am a new member, and realize this thread is about splenda but it caught my eye. I have heard that stevia is better for you than splenda. Does anyone know anything about Stevia?

    It's not that one is inherently better for you. Some people have intestinal issues with Splenda (stomachaches... flatulence, etc.), whereas others overdue Splenda intake thinking it is truly "0" calorie. Stevia is plant-based and is the same concept: not quite 0 calories, plant-based so perhaps less digestively disruptive for some, but may be more so for others. Some people can notice the taste differences between all three and might have a preference.

    I would say Stevia is like the Jewel of the sugar kingdom.

    Except that it tastes like poison. If it tasted good, it would be everywhere. They would make a new Diet Coke with Stevia. But they probably tried, and it tasted like Drano.

    Jewel is an acquired taste.

    Wait.. you meant Jewel the singer? Nevermind :laugh:
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I detect some butthurt in the force. What else is new...
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Anything with less than 5 calories per listed serving size can be labeled as no calorie or 0 etc... This is not news.

    What I love is that some people will grab some spray butter and see that it says "0 calories for 5 sprays" then go "OMG it's calorie free butter!". Then they open the top and pour it on...adding hundreds of calories of liquid butter/margarine. Dosage isn't a hard concept.

    Not everyone knows this - I was not aware companies were allowed to be deceptive like that, I do NOW but at some point everyone has to learn it for the first time - or were you special and born knowing this?

    I was just trying to be helpful. You're response was rather snarky and know-it-all-y.

    I was overly snarky too. I apologize for that. I understand you're new, and this is actually good information. We tend to be a little reactive about "artificial sweeteners are evil" threads which happen constantly.

    Thank you. I am not saying they are evil. I was just trying to let people who didn't already know this info know so they can account for it. I am doing keto so my carbs are very low (under 20), it's pretty crucial for me to know if I'm eating an extra 2 or 3 carbs a day hidden in my food somewhere. Since learning this I have drastically cut down my use but still do use it here and there.

    I'm assuming you are doing keto due to an epileptic condition, so sorry about your epilepsy and it's good that you are able to realize about your carbs due to this medical condition. But people using the calorie counting tool should be more than aware. Also, people with such medical conditions should be reading the labels anyhow.

    I think people are reacting so strongly to your post is because it sounds very alarmist and demonizing. I understand due to your medical condition (since you are doing keto and very concerned that carbs could be deterimental to your condition), that such information is important...but even so, it's not something that is OMG, the sweetner is a lie! type of thing.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You should have titled it ...Splenda: not so sweet.

  • huneydrop
    I am not doing keto due to an epileptic condition - it is a lifestyle choice that has improved my health and quality of life.

    Just a simple post copying and pasting something I found and thought was interesting (the "not so innocent" part was meant to be funny but I now know this is the wrong audience for such things). Based on the PM's I've gotten and comments in the thread I was successful in spreading the information to people who did find it interesting and didn't know about the calories/carbs. That was all I was trying to do.

    Use it, don't use, doesn't matter to me. I was just trying to make sure people know what was in it so they could account for it in the carbs/calories. I'm such a cow, I know.
  • huneydrop
    You should have titled it ...Splenda: not so sweet.


    Yes - I like that! But still would have got the same reaction I fear.........
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am not doing keto due to an epileptic condition - it is a lifestyle choice that has improved my health and quality of life.

    Just a simple post copying and pasting something I found and thought was interesting (the "not so innocent" part was meant to be funny but I now know this is the wrong audience for such things). Based on the PM's I've gotten and comments in the thread I was successful in spreading the information to people who did find it interesting and didn't know about the calories/carbs. That was all I was trying to do.

    Use it, don't use, doesn't matter to me. I was just trying to make sure people know what was in it so they could account for it in the carbs/calories. I'm such a cow, I know.

    Ummm...have they been logging their food? I'm not sure how people wouldn't know if they log things. And why would you say you are a cow? That doesn't sound like a very healthy mindset :( I hope you talk to someone about that. Getting healthy isn't just a physical thing. :(
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    Why are we caring about this? Does anyone eat 1/2 cups of splenda a day? And hey, all those chemicals have to have some calories right? Stop worrying about your calories and worry about what it does to your glucose levels and how it affects the way your body stores fat.
  • huneydrop
    I am not doing keto due to an epileptic condition - it is a lifestyle choice that has improved my health and quality of life.

    Just a simple post copying and pasting something I found and thought was interesting (the "not so innocent" part was meant to be funny but I now know this is the wrong audience for such things). Based on the PM's I've gotten and comments in the thread I was successful in spreading the information to people who did find it interesting and didn't know about the calories/carbs. That was all I was trying to do.

    Use it, don't use, doesn't matter to me. I was just trying to make sure people know what was in it so they could account for it in the carbs/calories. I'm such a cow, I know.

    Ummm...have they been logging their food? I'm not sure how people wouldn't know if they log things. And why would you say you are a cow? That doesn't sound like a very healthy mindset :( I hope you talk to someone about that. Getting healthy isn't just a physical thing. :(

    It's called sarcasm darlin'............... :wink:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am not doing keto due to an epileptic condition - it is a lifestyle choice that has improved my health and quality of life.

    Just a simple post copying and pasting something I found and thought was interesting (the "not so innocent" part was meant to be funny but I now know this is the wrong audience for such things). Based on the PM's I've gotten and comments in the thread I was successful in spreading the information to people who did find it interesting and didn't know about the calories/carbs. That was all I was trying to do.

    Use it, don't use, doesn't matter to me. I was just trying to make sure people know what was in it so they could account for it in the carbs/calories. I'm such a cow, I know.

    Ummm...have they been logging their food? I'm not sure how people wouldn't know if they log things. And why would you say you are a cow? That doesn't sound like a very healthy mindset :( I hope you talk to someone about that. Getting healthy isn't just a physical thing. :(

    It's called sarcasm darlin'............... :wink:

    Mmhmm. :flowerforyou:

    But I'll just say (just in case) that there are services that will help you for free or on a curve basis when you need it. :) Best of luck OP :)