Language Police...



  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    I am a firm believer that the way we express ourselves has a profound impact upon our results and our outlook on life in general. I have been reading lots of posts on these boards and I constantly see people phrase things as 'I am trying to...' or 'I want....' or 'I would like...'. These phrases just make me want to puke because there are a set-up for FAILURE!

    So... don't read the posts? If you have the secrets to success in life and happiness, etc... please share. :)

    I know the secret to success! Booze and um, much much playing! :smokin: :wink:

    Haha! ;D
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    On a similar note I get irritated by "the weight" - "when I lose the weight"..."I need to lose the weight". It's not "the" anything and seems to disassociate the owner from their excess weight!

    Not sure why it bugs me but it does!

    But that's what it said on the google.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    On a similar note I get irritated by "the weight" - "when I lose the weight"..."I need to lose the weight". It's not "the" anything and seems to disassociate the owner from their excess weight!

    Not sure why it bugs me but it does!

    There is nothing wrong with " the weight " and does not disassociate the user at all.

    It is usually used after the weight has already been mentioned or in direct reference to the weight a person plans to lose, or already has lost.

    " When I lose the weight ( the 20 kilos I have mentioned three sentences ago ) , my lab figures will hopefully be better " ....or " I am still obese; the weight I need to lose will hopefully push me into the overweight category ".

    Yea, you are right, I am not sure why it bugs you either.....:o).
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    On a similar note I get irritated by "the weight" - "when I lose the weight"..."I need to lose the weight". It's not "the" anything and seems to disassociate the owner from their excess weight!

    Not sure why it bugs me but it does!

    But that's what it said on the google.

    yeah... I put the word sneeze in when I google something and it tells me I'm going to die tomorrow. lol :)
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Pretty deep for MFP.

    We have trouble calculating calories in strawberries here. I think you may be micro-managing a bit.

  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    On a similar note I get irritated by "the weight" - "when I lose the weight"..."I need to lose the weight". It's not "the" anything and seems to disassociate the owner from their excess weight!

    Not sure why it bugs me but it does!

    But that's what it said on the google.

    yeah... I put the word sneeze in when I google something and it tells me I'm going to die tomorrow. lol :)

    Dang. That sucks. Nice knowing you. Probably the cancer.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,095 Member
    It all seems silly semantics to me OP.

    I know you think your post is very clever and all that but I really don't think all this exact words people use stuff matters nearly as much as you think it does.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I tried to read that epic post, but failed. (I am such a failure at things like this.)

    I want to be able to read epic posts, but just can't.

    I would like to get better at it...I really would...but I probably never will.

  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    As long as people use correct spelling and grammar, I don't care how they choose to express themselves.

    If I am trying to do something, I say I am trying to do it.

    If I want something, I say I want it.

    If I don't manage to do something, I have failed to do it.

    I am not twelve years old, and you do not speak for everyone.
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    I really appreciate that these messages are here to post and read, especially in the motivational section-as that is one area that I struggle with constantly...and yes I do use some words that can diminish my efforts so I really appreciate reading one person's perspective on how our language can affect our motivation and our results. (I am sure that someone can look at that last sentence and realize that I could use a lesson on punctuation for the lack of it...:laugh: but that is not what the intent of these blogs are for). It is not to criticize someone when they choose to share a perspective, that is just mean and self-righteous....please take them in stride and there is a wonderful saying, "take what you want and leave the rest", which I think may apply to anyone who does not like something they read. I do not believe the original author of this post, meant this as a personal judgement to any one person...but may have been hoping to offer some insight to the ones that are receptive to similar it really necessary to attack them? If you disagree, so be it....just move on to the posts that you like then please...but to banter back and forth with someone really puts a negative spin on the whole message that otherwise may resonate with people and provide them with some "aha! moment that they are grateful for, such as I was when I read the original post...

    It seems to me that you misunderstand the entire point of a forum.
  • bigmamabird
    bigmamabird Posts: 55 Member
    I JUST started on MFP three days ago and have been getting into the groove. Last night I had to work at a dance for my daughter's school and knew I was going to be in and out of the kitchen with snacks all night. Previously, I had told myself I would try to stay out of the cookies and brownies and such. Before I left I was looking around on these boards and found this thread. It was all the encouragement I needed. I decided I WOULD stay away from the treats, no try. I see you've gotten a lot of flack on this thread, but it was motivational for me. Wanted to say thanks.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I like where OP blasts people and talks about how terrible the phrase "I want" is, but then uses the phrase "we want" in the rant.

    Protip - if you're going to try and tell people what phrases they shouldn't use, you shouldn't use those same phrases in your rant.