Calling all shorties!



  • DianaAmorim
    Found this topic today!

    Awesome to see so many shorties.

    I am 1.51m. (I believe it is 4'11, but sorry if is wrong. I don't use the imperial/US system, just the metric). At the moment I am 56kg but would like to reach 52kg. But this last kg's are being hard to go!

    For anyone who wants, feel free to add me.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    Hello, I too am a shorty... 5 feet even.. I would love to get down to 125 and have lost 42 lbs on my own beforer coming here, but this site helps immensely. I'm very active, raising and training dogs for SAR .. I love to be outside . My husband calls me Mighty Mouse.LOL add me as a friend also if you like. We little ones can do this too..
  • Moosello
    Moosello Posts: 15
    Sooo, probably the shortest one here at 4'8! :) Started at 140 and I'm currently at 128.5. My goal is probably 110 ish? I don't know, I've always been a bit curvy.

    Currently working out 3 times a week and eating about 1400 calories.
  • Dama3321
    Dama3321 Posts: 4
    Fellow shorty here xD I'm 24, 5'3, and I have a long way to go for my goal. Glad to be your friend if you'd like to add me!
  • Fit4Life004
    Fit4Life004 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I am a college senior about to graduate in 6 weeks! I have been working out and eating a low carb diet but my inconsistency has not helped me and I not at the weight I was hoping for, for this week. I am 5'1 on the petite side and currently 116. Last week I was in the 113's so my weight fluctuates a lot! Anways I am striving for a 6-8 pound weight loss in 6 weeks, maybe more but I want to be realistic. Do you think this is a doable goal? I plan on sticking to my Ketogenic Diet and working out 5-6 times a week. 4-5 days cardio and 2-3 days weights. I am also going to do 2-3 group cardio classes a week. Since I am at my last 10 pounds to lose I know its going to not be easy because my body will want to hold on to the weight but what are some tips. I started a journal to write down everything I eat and my exercise for the day to keep track and I already took measurements. I haven't been under 113 in months. I am using my graduation weekend as a goal to motivate me because my whole family will be visiting and we will be spending a lot of time by the pool at the hotel and I want to look and feel great! Tips? Comments? thanks!

    add me for support!
  • Pmsylvester
    Pmsylvester Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I'm 5' even and currently 155 lbs. would love to get down to 115 but I'll see how things are going at 125. I'm 52 years old. Except for pregnancies, spent my 20s, 30s, and 40s at around 104. Have always been on the low side calories wise to maintain so losing has been very difficult so far. I used MFPs calorie counter but gained two pounds eating at 1200 calories. I've dropped calories down some but not at enough of a deficit to be losing. Know I should be increasing my activity to create sufficient deficit to realize a loss, but daily dog walks, and twice a week to the gym is all I've been able to manage and that's not enough. Doesn't matter, I'll get there and I refuse to give up. Keeping the faith.
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm 5'1" CW 165 and GW of 120. I plan on reevaluating when I get closer to my goal though!
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
    4ft 11????
  • NidiaG24
    NidiaG24 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Everyone I am 6'1" and guys always say "Hey shorty". So this shorty is on this thread.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    4ft 9 here :smile:
  • kristinlitla
    kristinlitla Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I'm also a shortie - 5ft :) Would like to have some shorty friends as well (no guys though, sorry). Most of my MFP friends aren't very active on here, so I'd love to have more friends to keep me more motivated.
  • purpleleopard76
    purpleleopard76 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 38 yrs old, mum to two boys age 7 and 10 and from Hamilton, Scotland.

    Currently at 166lbs and trying to get down to around UK size 8-10. I am currently size 12-14 so a little bit to go.

    I used to think that I wanted to get down to 130lbs, but now I really don't care what that number on the scale is, as long as I get to the dress size I want. Since I am weight training (and absolutely love it!!), I am building lean muscle while losing the body fat so there's every chance that the scales will never get to 130lbs and I am absolutely fine with that :happy:

    I use a fitbit to track my calories burned and I eat anywhere from 1600-2000 cal a day depending on my workouts and how busy I've been that day.

    I will send a friend request to everyone before me on this thread and anyone coming after me can send me a friend request if they like.

    Also, if you are on fitbit and would like a new friend my link is

    Looking forward to meeting you all :drinker: