When To Weigh?



  • bonham04
    bonham04 Posts: 1
    I have enjoyed weighing once a week, Monday morning after a number 1&2 and before eating/drinking anything....I feel that that gives the truest sense of where I am at over a period of time. it also gives me something to look forward to as mondays suck in general as I know that I will at least consistently show weight loss over the long run as long as I am true to accuracy of providing a good calories count and I am committed to statying below the red line (I have done this a few times, starting and stopping). It also keeps me from obsessing daily.
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    I'm actually an obsessive weigher so I usually step on the scale 5-6 times a day. The main reason for me, though, is because I like to see my fluctuations and figure out what certain foods, water intake and exercise does to my weight. I'll usually take the weight from the morning, naked, after the bathroom and before I eat or drink anything. But sometimes my weight from one morning to the next will be higher if I had too much sodium the night before or if there's a lot of protein hanging around in my belly. I also take measurements which I find to be even truer indicators. So I find nothing wrong with obsessive weighing as long as you don't get yourself bent out of shape over what the scale says. :)
  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday's for me. First thing in the morning, after a pee, but before I get showered.

    I think I might be a bit of an obsessive person in this area, so I have to force myself to only do it once a week… if I did it everyday I'd go mental.

  • TLwineguzzler
    TLwineguzzler Posts: 289 Member
    I weigh myself every morning after I've been to the loo, and before I eat or drink anything.
    However, I'm able to not obsess over the fluctuations that I see during the week.

    If you're comfortable with your weighing routine and aren't getting stressed about the numbers then carry on with what you're doing :)

    This is me Monday to Friday and then take the lowest of the 5 readings :)
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    I think this routine should follow a purpose.

    Some days I weigh myself 2 or 3 times/day. Because I am training hard on challenging environments (e.g. heat), this serves not only for weight-management purposes but for hydration levels in preparation for the following workouts.

    Sure, losing 4 pounds is good, but losing 4 pounds in 6 hours on the bike when you have another hard training session soon just means you're awfully dehydrated..

    Other than that, consistency is key.
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    Officially once a week at my doctors office - Friday morning and I try to wear roughly the same thing. I do have to confess I check on my home scale more often just to see how I am doing but I do not "count" more than one day a week.

    The geek in me is trying to look for a pattern in the chart - seems like I have two"slow weeks" (less than a pound lost) and followed by a "big" week (around two pounds lost).

    Find what works for you - I have so much weight to lose that as long as the trend continues overall down, I don't sweat it. I am preparing myself for if/when (hope for if but pretty much expect when) I plateau - will start tracking measurements during that time.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I always weigh in the morning after I pee and in the same clothing/lack thereof.

    I try not to weigh everyday. and I use my Thursday weight as my log. Usually I get on the scale every other day - and I take measurements on Thursdays too. Sometimes the scale moves, sometimes the tape measure. I usually feel pretty good as long as one or the other went in the right direction
  • thatfitgeek
    thatfitgeek Posts: 54 Member
    From an RN perspective...weigh in the morning, after void, naked. this is your weight before you add meals and exercise, which bulk up your stomach (food) and muscles (exercise/movement) Weight gain overnight of 2 pounds or greater than 5 pounds in a week is most likely fluid and not fat. your body won't make fat overnight that fast, but retaining fluid such as that time of month, heart problems and the amount of salt you ate the day before will dictate how much fluid you retain.

    I do weigh every day, once in the morning (see above) and right before I go to bed. Why? Because if I have more than 2 pounds fluctuation from morning to night, I know I have taken in too much salt and the next day I try to drink an extra glass of water to get rid of it. And if it is within a pound of the morning weight, I look forward to weighing the next morning because I know I will have some weight loss. It also keeps me focused on my goal. Scales and clothes don't lie. So if I want to lose weight I have to be focused on that. The only time I don't weigh is when I am out of town on a trip. I put in lots of walking then so any extra calories get absorbed and I am usually down at least a pound and generally 3 to 4 when I get back.

    Do what keeps you motivated.

    This helped so much! Thank you!
  • Changeisachoice
    Changeisachoice Posts: 63 Member
    i weigh every morning but only record weight and measurments on Friday mornings.
  • christydlong
    christydlong Posts: 9 Member
    Weigh first thing in the morning after using the restroom and before drinking or eating anything. Also, try to do it the same day every week.
  • carissa321
    Hahaha this made me giggle!

    This is what I do too :-) I find that it helps to motivate me ... especially if the scale goes up one morning ... I try harder that day and am usually rewarded by it going back down the next.

    Like others said, as long as it's not stressing you out ... weigh yourself as much as you want.

    Just record your weight once a week though, same day same time and all that :-) Mine is Monday morning ... after peeing *lol* ... I usually find that I under eat during the week and then over eat a little on the weekend and have a weight loss Monday morning. Saturday morning .. no weight loss from the week of healthy low cal eating .. I think, for me, my body needs that trick of eating low cal, high cal, low cal, to make it lose.

  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I hate the scale so I very rarely weigh myself. I use the way my jeans fit as a guide. If I must weigh I only do it once a month so I can see my progress (or lack of)!
  • bobbiejof33
    I had to get rid of my scale, I became obsessive. Now its 8 am Saturday mornings at my friends house. We do our measurements as well and keep a little book so we can really keep track :)
  • prettyBhaug
    I weigh myself every Wednesday after I go to the loo. Kudos to you for doing it 2x a day, I'd go insane
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    I weigh in every day in the morning after using the toilet (and if I manage to take it, after my walk). The important part is the consistency, so if you're weighing in once a week, do it on the same day at about the same time in your routine.
  • BridgetWolfbear
    BridgetWolfbear Posts: 21 Member
    I weight myself in the morning about the same time as the last. I only weight myself once a week. Best Wishes!
  • fitmomforu
    fitmomforu Posts: 80 Member
    ^^^Agree. That time of month makes everything wonky:)
  • jnb143
    jnb143 Posts: 62 Member
    TMO makes me depressed to look at the scale. I've avoided the scale once I start seeing symptoms. It's really discouraging