15 min of exercise… thought I was going to die. Advice?

Well, today I tried to work out for the first time in probably months based on my doctor telling me that being obese isn't an option. She recommended that I do 15 minutes 4-6 days a week to start off. I did fifteen minutes today and seriously thought I was going to die. Maybe it's because I'm like 80+ lbs overweight. I did 3 minutes of cardio, 3 minutes of abs, 3 minutes of butt, 3 minutes of cardio, 3 minutes of arms using Blogilates. With about 1-2 minute breaks in between all of those.

I spent about next the ten minutes coughing and then the next five chugging water. I felt like death.
Because I moved around for fifteen minutes.

WELL, needless to say, I'm already dreading exercising ever again based on that. So, what should I do? Start at less than 15 minutes? Turn part of that into something easier? Try something completely different? I literally did all beginner videos.



  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Well, today I tried to work out for the first time in probably months based on my doctor telling me that being obese isn't an option. She recommended that I do 15 minutes 4-6 days a week to start off. I did fifteen minutes today and seriously thought I was going to die. Maybe it's because I'm like 80+ lbs overweight. I did 3 minutes of cardio, 3 minutes of abs, 3 minutes of butt, 3 minutes of cardio, 3 minutes of arms using Blogilates. With about 1-2 minute breaks in between all of those.

    I spent about next the ten minutes coughing and then the next five chugging water. I felt like death.
    Because I moved around for fifteen minutes.

    WELL, needless to say, I'm already dreading exercising ever again based on that. So, what should I do? Start at less than 15 minutes? Turn part of that into something easier? Try something completely different? I literally did all beginner videos.


    Well I'm (depending on how you look at it) 120lbs overweight and I can do 2 45 minute back to back classes :)
  • thatfitgeek
    thatfitgeek Posts: 54 Member
    First off, kudos to you for exercising! Way too go! I think you (and your doctor) should judge how much you exercise but I would do the same thing tomorrow and the next day and the next. Do it for a week and it if isn't any easier day 7 than it was on day 1, go back to the drawing board. Best of luck(:!
  • lovelayla
    lovelayla Posts: 123
    Start of walking.Walk to the end of the driveway this week,walk half a block and back next week,walk 2 blocks in week 3...and so on...if you have access water aerobics are great for beginners.
  • JSE81
    JSE81 Posts: 114 Member
    Do more, it gets easier.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    one classic beginner mistake is thinking that exercise done for purposes of burning calories has to be done at a breakneck pace. that's a recipe for burnout after a couple of weeks. all you need to do is start moving more. instead of trying to go as fast as you can on an elliptical for 15 minutes... or do as many jumping jacks in a row as possible... or jumping rope doing fancy rope tricks for 15 minutes, you can simple go for a walk or jog at a casual pace that you can sustain for much longer. a half hour or hour of walking at a casual pace can burn a surprising amount of calories for somebody who is 80lbs overweight. forget that silliness about "the ideal fat burning zone" for your heart rate. if you want to start getting that weight off, pick exercises that you can do frequently without burning yourself out doing. walking. jogging. swimming. etc.
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Start slow try walking for 20 mins. Whatever works, just stick with it!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Just keep going. It'll get better each time. I know that's tough to do at first, but you have taken the first steps and now it's just a matter of keeping going. I love Blogilates and think that the workouts are great for beginners, but Fitness Blender has some great beginner and low impact options also on youtube. Definitely check out youtube. Look up "beginner cardio" and I have no doubt that there will a very long list of full length workouts to check out. But it will get better. Maybe try doing some light cardio along with strength training. Also, don't forget to stretch! I actually do a 10 minute additional stretch after each workout to keep me loose with minimal pain if it's been a tough session. There are great stretching videos on youtube as well! And if you continue to hate doing the videos, maybe consider another form of exercise. Swimming, walking, hiking, dancing, weights, hula hoop. There are so many!
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Well, today I tried to work out for the first time in probably months based on my doctor telling me that being obese isn't an option. She recommended that I do 15 minutes 4-6 days a week to start off. I did fifteen minutes today and seriously thought I was going to die. Maybe it's because I'm like 80+ lbs overweight. I did 3 minutes of cardio, 3 minutes of abs, 3 minutes of butt, 3 minutes of cardio, 3 minutes of arms using Blogilates. With about 1-2 minute breaks in between all of those.

    I spent about next the ten minutes coughing and then the next five chugging water. I felt like death.
    Because I moved around for fifteen minutes.

    WELL, needless to say, I'm already dreading exercising ever again based on that. So, what should I do? Start at less than 15 minutes? Turn part of that into something easier? Try something completely different? I literally did all beginner videos.


    Well you did accomplish that first 15 and I am wondering if you felt a sense of accomplishment (after you caught your breath)?
    I mean, you did a great job.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I agree with the others about walking. When you get to where you can walk for 15 minutes without feeling like you will die, add another 5 minutes or a few minutes of something else. Don't go straight to high intensity stuff. As you get healthier/fitter, find new things to add in.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    The good news is you didn't die. :D

    Don't stop. You'll improve more and more each time.
  • rdsxfn
    rdsxfn Posts: 58 Member
    Congrats on your first day!!!! You're one step closer to a healthier you! Pace yourself. Every journey begins with a first step. Congrats on taking your first step today! You can do it!
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    walk - walk at a pace you can manage - if you walk for 15 mins and feel ok - keep walking a bit faster

    once you can walk briskly for a hour - if you are on a treadmill start to increase the incline - if you are outside find some hills to walk up and down or stairs
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I had the same experience!! I do a 20 minute video and when I first started one of my 7yo's asked me if he needed to call someone. lmao All I could think was that I was sooooo out of shape - I had no idea. My word.

    I just did the modified version as best I could - which was not perfect by any means. I just kept going and it has been about 6 weeks and I'm still at it. I'm still not *good* and still do the modified versions but I am getting a little better and my blood pressure was down when it was checked so I'm happy. My knees are killing me though. I'm not sure if that will go away or if I'm doing something wrong or what.
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Congrats on your start, but you may have over done it for your first session. Start out walking 15 minutes and add an additional 5 minutes each week. I was in the same shape when I started and I can easily do 60-90 minutes of exercise now! You can do it! Just don't stop..you will be amazed at what a difference you will feel walking every day!:smile:
  • Mr_Starr
    Mr_Starr Posts: 139 Member
    Start slow try walking for 20 mins. Whatever works, just stick with it!

    ^ This.

    If it helps... a year ago I was pretty much in the same boat as you. I was horribly out of shape, and to make it worse i had leg/back injury which made it impossible to even walk a full block.

    But i found i could bicycle.... So i started biking. I had great results and in a few weeks I was up to biking for half an hour a day. I still had difficulty walking a block, but the weight was falling off. I then started with water aerobics a few times a week, then to walking.

    Long story short.... I followed the advice to keep in slow and steady. I picked exercises that I could do and keep at (biking, walking, swimming, yoga, etc). I have lost over 60 lbs since last July. My health stats are all normal now (except i am still overweight). And I have recently added strength training, and I am training for my first 5K in many a year!

    So keep at.... start slow, but steady. If walking works for you... do that. With MFP (counting calories) and walking (or biking, swimming, etc) you can lose the weight!
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Don't stop! I started slower than you, and that may be something you need to talk to your doctor about. I started at 291 pounds and hadn't been very active, but despite being morbidly obese, I didn't have any major health concerns. I made my starting goal 3x/week, 20 minutes a day, and all I did was the treadmill on about 2.0-2.5 mph. I got used to it for a few weeks, bumped it to 30 minutes and then gradually built up my speed. Next I added elliptical and alternated between the two, working on increasing speed, resistance, and incline.

    So, you totally don't need to jump in 4-6 days a week full bore. You may burn out and not make it a habit. Small, sustainable, forward-moving steps.

    It took me a few more months before I was ready to do yoga or strength training and almost a year before I moved from machines to free weights. Now I do a lot of workout.

    My whole me me me point --- start small, build up, don't do too much out the gate. I just wanted to give you an example so you saw what someone else had done too :)

    You've got this!
  • WillowThorn
    WillowThorn Posts: 37 Member
    Here's another vote for walking. I have about the same amount to lose as you do, but I've been taking a 3 mile walk every day for several years now l so I'm actually pretty fit for my size (it's the portion distortion that gets me). It's amazing what a difference walking makes. It's the perfect place to start if you haven't done much exercise. From there you can build on other exercises and work your way up to more challenging activities. Take it slow - if you push yourself too much at first then you're more likely to give up. Good luck!
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    Adding my name to the list of those suggesting walking. That's pretty much the only thing I'm doing right now & it gets me sweating & my heart rate up. I was actually kind of surprised at how serious walking can be when you walk at a faster pace for 15+ minutes. I did a half hour at 3.5 mph tonight & was dying by the end of it, but you could easily do the same amount of time at 2.5 mph, or do less time and less speed, or less speed and an incline, or something like that. I like walking because it's easy but I still feel great like I do after any other workout.

    I would also suggest a Fitbit or something similar to motivate you to walk! I didn't start doing extra walking until after I got a Fitbit Flex, & now I live to reach my step goal & see all the fancy graphs!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    First of all, forget about "exercising". Right now, you are just "mobilizing". That means you are just getting your body moving. Intensity is irrelevant. Pick something easy, comfortable, and within your capabilities. You only have to work a little harder than you are right now. If that means walking 2 mph, or even less, that's fine.

    If all you can do is five minutes of walking, then walk 5 min. Rest a minute or two and try to walk 5 more.

    You will increase your endurance before you know. Once you feel comfortable walking 15-20 min non stop, then you can think about increasing the speed.

    For now, I would just stick with the lower-level cardio. Don't bother with the other stuff. You can add that in a couple of week.

    Set yourself up for success, not failure, by being good to yourself and taking baby steps.

    You'll be fine. Congrats on taking the first step.
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    Wow! You really went at it full tilt. Don't! Exercise should make you feel like you have done something good, even if it was a challenge. Feeling like death, hating it and never wanting to do it again isn't the way to go as you can see.
    I'm in with the walking suggestion. Start there for your 15 minutes. Increase it as you can, even if its only by a minute at a time. When that starts to feel comfortable (not necessarily easy but something you have a handle on) then add something else like the Biolates. Play around with different things until you find something you enjoy. Anything that gets you up and moving is perfect for now. Good for you for doing this!