15 min of exercise… thought I was going to die. Advice?



  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Just keep up the good work. Over time it will get easier and you will be able to increase the amount of time. I would recommend that you start out with something that you actually like to do. Go for a walk, ride a bike, swim.

    You can do this and you will feel great!
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    Start of walking.Walk to the end of the driveway this week,walk half a block and back next week,walk 2 blocks in week 3...and so on...if you have access water aerobics are great for beginners.

    keep at it!! don't let it stop you. I was the same way start off slowing maybe by just walking. I used to stroll and now I walk with purpose. I have also started riding a bicycle and I also do strength training and water aerobics. I am still 150lbs over weight... don't give up
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    Well, today I tried to work out for the first time in probably months based on my doctor telling me that being obese isn't an option. She recommended that I do 15 minutes 4-6 days a week to start off. I did fifteen minutes today and seriously thought I was going to die. Maybe it's because I'm like 80+ lbs overweight. I did 3 minutes of cardio, 3 minutes of abs, 3 minutes of butt, 3 minutes of cardio, 3 minutes of arms using Blogilates. With about 1-2 minute breaks in between all of those.

    I spent about next the ten minutes coughing and then the next five chugging water. I felt like death.
    Because I moved around for fifteen minutes.

    WELL, needless to say, I'm already dreading exercising ever again based on that. So, what should I do? Start at less than 15 minutes? Turn part of that into something easier? Try something completely different? I literally did all beginner videos.


    ...but you completed the 15 minutes, next time it will not be as bad and as you get fitter, it will get easier, it is at that point you up the time you are exercising.
  • mandyohmy
    mandyohmy Posts: 2 Member
    If your Dr. thinks it's a good idea, it sounds like you're just really out of shape. Maybe try going for walks first? Build up to a workout? It's REALLY hard to get back into the swing of things after a break (no matter how long that break is) but it feels so good once those endorphins get going! I would take it easy at first and try low impact activities - don't be too hard on yourself.
  • Make sure you are breathing right, if you start panting you get tired quickly.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'd personally recommend just starting out with some walking. You really don't need to do all of that abs stuff and whatnot anyway...You'd be much better off from a pure health standpoint just going for a 20-30 minute walk at a reasonably good clip. As your fitness improves you can start adding other things in. You should ultimately incorporate some resistance work in, I just wouldn't do it the way you did it here from a pure efficiency standpoint.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Well, today I tried to work out for the first time in probably months based on my doctor telling me that being obese isn't an option. She recommended that I do 15 minutes 4-6 days a week to start off. I did fifteen minutes today and seriously thought I was going to die. Maybe it's because I'm like 80+ lbs overweight. I did 3 minutes of cardio, 3 minutes of abs, 3 minutes of butt, 3 minutes of cardio, 3 minutes of arms using Blogilates. With about 1-2 minute breaks in between all of those.

    I spent about next the ten minutes coughing and then the next five chugging water. I felt like death.
    Because I moved around for fifteen minutes.

    WELL, needless to say, I'm already dreading exercising ever again based on that. So, what should I do? Start at less than 15 minutes? Turn part of that into something easier? Try something completely different? I literally did all beginner videos.


    Start by just walking for 15 minutes until your muscles (and mind) get used to movement. You will want to naturally build up on that as you get faster and walk farther.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    but, you DIDN'T die. so keep it up. no need to scale back.
  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    I think the biggest mistake people make is jumping in trying to do too much too fast - then you feel like you'll never be able to do it, get discouraged and give up. Start walking for fifteen minutes - go for a walk, that's all. Then in a few days, try to beat your time a bit or add five minutes on if that's all you can do. "Sneak" movement in - when commercials come on during your favorite show get up and walk around, walk up and down the stairs if you have them - anything, just move.

    As you move, your ability to move will increase rapidly! I have a treadmill and when I first started exercising, I couldn't go faster than 2.5 mph and then I was breathing heavy after 10 minutes. within a week of doing it daily, I was walking 45 minutes at 3 mph. Now I use inclines and can jog/walk in intervals and I am active all day. I work up a sweat and feel amazing - not like i"m going to die.

    The key is wading in slowly - not jumping into the deep end off the high dive when you can't swim ;) Start small, be persistent, be patient. Your body is an amazing thing when you give it a chance.
  • LifeJacketWaterJogger
    LifeJacketWaterJogger Posts: 231 Member
    I recommend Leslie Sansone walk away the lbs video, it's free on you tube, start with one mile, it's ony 15 min, but it's very effective, and simple, you will lose weight with her then as you feel the need you can increase the miles, she has videos on you tube all the way to 5 miles.
  • GothicaAdore
    GothicaAdore Posts: 82 Member
    The first time I hit the gym I felt like I was hit by a bus. Keep at it, it gets easier.
  • Giddy72
    Giddy72 Posts: 33 Member
    go for a 30 minute walk to begin with?

    Set out from your house and walk pretty much as fast as you can for 15 minutes

    then turn back and try to match your pace on the way home.

    Increase the time by 1 or 2 minutes each time.

    You need to build up. You cant dive straight in!!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    but, you DIDN'T die. so keep it up. no need to scale back.

    i agree with this.
    This was me last year. I hadnt exercised in years. I did the 30 day shred and I thought Jillian was actually trying to finish me off. But because it was just 20 mins I perservered and before you know it 20 mins was over. I noticed that after awhile I got stronger and it wasnt so bad.

    Well done for your first session keep it up. It will get better.
  • From my personal experience start by moving at a comfortable pace and then once you get the hang of it you can pick up the pace and try challenging yourself.. Walking is always a good start. Don't give up! you can do it.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    I have 80+ pounds to drop. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. I will tell you what I do the most.

    Do you have access to a pool? I find swimming and water workouts just so much easier on my joints. I swim at least 30 minutes every day or every other day if I can, but I stay longer than that in the water. I stretch gently for a few minutes and then I look at the big clock they have on the wall there, and I say "okay" 5 minutes of swimming laps".

    Now when I started off that meant swimming 1 lap and pausing, and 1 lap and pausing and so forth, until I reached 5 full minutes. I also don't swim like someone being chased by a shark! I see a lot of people doing that when they come to the pool. Rapid fire 5 minute swimming and then they leave, no doubt feeling like they have had a great workout! lol I swim to the level that I am pushing myself but I am still able to to swim. Friday I swam laps for a full 5 minutes and I was quite proud of myself.

    I also do things like tread water, do all sorts of exercises like running in place and across the shallow end, stomach crunches, arm exercises, and all sorts of other things - I find them for free on Youtube and see what other things I can add.

    If you can't get to a pool you can walk (Leslie Sansone makes a 1,2 and 3 mile walk that is free on Youtube) Yoga, cleaning, dancing, basically anything that makes you move more. The other day I was dancing folding laundry. My cat was highly amused :)
  • csontos
    csontos Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you guys for the advice :) I'm going to go to my university's gym today and try walking for 15 minutes instead. I live in Florida in a kind of not so nice area (Yay student living) so by the time it's cool enough outside to walk, I kind of worry about safety (8 women were just raped in my apartment complex... Sooo yeah.)

    Good news is that I didn't wake up one bit sore, but I woke up starving instead. Oh well, I'll hopefully get used to it. I can't stay this weight for ever. I'm starting graduate school in the fall for epidemiology and I feel like such a hypocrite being obese :/
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    I'm going to echo the walking fans :) I'm not a fan of high impact exercise myself...age... knees... etc... but walking around can be done all at once or broken up... It was an eye opener when I got a step tracker and that the recommended 10000 steps a day is like 4 miles. in the beginning, take it slow - I see some people saying go as fast as you can -- Make it comfortable and enjoyable -- at least you are doing something-- then you can try other things if you want. Work on your diet as well. Most weight loss comes from your diet. The exercise helps, but that is where you should really start first.

    Good luck
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    I live in Florida in a kind of not so nice area (Yay student living) so by the time it's cool enough outside to walk, I kind of worry about safety (8 women were just raped in my apartment complex... Sooo yeah.)

    When you are ready to try, take a self defense class (they probably offer them at the university).
  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    You can do 3, 10 min walks rather than 30 min at a time and get the same benefits. Keep at it.
  • shellydd
    shellydd Posts: 156 Member
    gonna add to the list of people saying....walk walk walk. I want to say for the first day of exercise....you worked too many muscles you haven't done in a long time. go slow and advance