Meal Plan - How much have you paid?



  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    As for the OP I wondered if you'd be interested in a bag of magic beans?

    I'll take TWO bags of magic beans, and you can probably charge me 1000$ because I am an idiot lol this was my first time ever paying for a meal plan, I had NO idea what to expect!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I thought it was pretty standard, and couldn't find much on the internet in regards to costs for meal plans and such from professionals.

    I am now finding out I definitely got screwed lol.

    What websites would you recommend?
    Start here. But there are many. You can customize it for whatever type of eating you're interested in.

    I have never used one myself, nor ones in a formal diet book. I like to eat what I'm in the mood for, know what I mean?
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I pay nothing.. Wow. :noway: :laugh:
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    Thank you everyone for the helpful suggestions on sites to check out!!! Much appreciated
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I wouldn't pay for a meal plan when I can use MFP for free to determine what fits my macros and calorie goals.

    I'm sorry you lost your $150 dollars.
  • helen195
    helen195 Posts: 90 Member
    Try this

    I googled free meal planners to lose weight and this came up as well as loads of others
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I would never pay for meal plans, not with the internet available. It is super easy to find recipes online that will fit into your allotted calories. It will take some time and patience to create it, but isn't your health worth it? JMO


    thats why i am on here!!!!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I thought it was pretty standard, and couldn't find much on the internet in regards to costs for meal plans and such from professionals.

    I am now finding out I definitely got screwed lol.

    What websites would you recommend?

    Just consider it a cheap lesson. You coulda been on the hook to pay this for a year or something!

    Personally, I'm an on-the-fly meal planner and I do a whirlwind of cooking on Sundays and do leftovers all week, and go out on Saturdays. I do some slowcooker pulled pork/chicken, bake 5 butterflied breasts, and lots of veggies. I only do salt/pepper so that I can season/sauce them however I like throughout the week. I've tried planning, but I'm extremely lazy and always deviate from any plan.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    As for the OP I wondered if you'd be interested in a bag of magic beans?

    There is always someone on here that wants to put someone down rather than offering help or encouragement.
  • goodc0re
    goodc0re Posts: 6 Member
    I used the online consultation service from James Collier in the UK, and I got a different plan for each day, especially because James incorporated carb cycling (more carbs on weight training days, less on cardio only days). After each week I was able to give feedback (skype, email) and then for the next week, he re-did the plans again, taking food preferences, change in timings, hunger, food availability into consideration!

    It was very well worth to pay for this service, I don't remember the exact price now it's been a few years ago, I think the prices are similar now, just check their site, you'd have to convert from Pound as well.

    I reached my goal of losing about 10 kg over a couple of months and the training program was tailored to fit in with the meal plan, too.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Thank you everyone for the helpful suggestions on sites to check out!!! Much appreciated
    Good luck. I would also suggest trying to get your money back. Worth a shot. And report what happened to whomever suggested this person to you.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    They weren't even recipes! I'm feeling really ripped off.

    It definitely isn't something I'll be doing again - you're right about 'writing it off as an experience'

    The meal plan looks something similar to this:

    meal 1 - 1/2 cup fat free greek yogurt, and 1/2 cup mixed berries, 1 scoop protein
    meal 2 - 4 ox chicken breast, mixed in with 1 cup cucumber, 1 cup tomatoes or celery, and tblspn vinegrette
    meal 3 - 2 pieces ezikiel bread 1 tbsp. pb

    so forth and so on. to add up to 6 meals a day.... aaaaand that's it.

    you paid $25 for someone to tell you to eat 2 slices of bread with peanut butter on?! and then another $25 for someone to tell you to eat a salad with some chicken...

    oops, you'll know better next time!
  • DivineLotus
    DivineLotus Posts: 93 Member
    I haven't paid for a meal plan. You can get free meal plans or even pay for a service where it might be included in the program. Id chalk this up as lesson learned and to not use her again. I think you got ripped off.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Thank you everyone for the helpful suggestions on sites to check out!!! Much appreciated
    Good luck. I would also suggest trying to get your money back. Worth a shot. And report what happened to whomever suggested this person to you.

    Could be more to the story. So, I don't know...
    As with most things. Who knows. Meanwhile, based on what she posted, she got ripped off.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Is this for real? You paid someone to tell you to eat yogurt just to avoid surfing the net for low calorie recipes. How much time did you spend surfing the net to find her or someone like her? And if you work 14 hour days and have a 3 hour commute every day, how in the world do you have time to plan 6 small meals a day (meal timing is meaningless, btw)?

    I say, move closer to work, eat at a deficit whenever you want to eat, eat what you want to eat within reason, and use that money for something less frivolous.
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I use the Fresh 20 and it is only 5 dinners for the week. I think I got a Groupon for $26 for the year. Every Friday I get a packet with my grocery list, recipes and a list of the steps to make it easier to prepare each week. It is really nice..
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    I'm not sure what you want anyone to say. No one can give you your money back. You seem to be extremely ungrateful for any advice or suggestions. So, you got ripped off. Enjoy your 6 meals. Now, stop with that non-sense and just eat food up to your calorie limit.

    Sheesh. It's not that hard. You don't need to pay someone. If you get bored, seek out foods. Or, as I tell people, stop being bored. Being bored is a state of mind, not a real thing. So, just change your mind. If you're as busy as you suggest, eating should be mindless. Just eat a can of tuna, and get back to work. What's the big deal? I have a suspicion that you're not as busy as you say. Yes, you probably work 14 hours, but 14 boring hours, that is why you need interesting food. Otherwise, you wouldn't care much.

    I see people here constantly making this so much harder than it is. It is very simple: eat the foods you like, ALL OF THEM, just staying within your calorie range. Workout with some amount of reasonableness. That's all. It's easy. There is no magical food mixture. It's not some secret that people have. It's easy.

    Actually I thanked people for their suggestions, so I don't really see myself as being 'ungrateful for suggestions or advice' I also apologized if one of my posts came off rude to someone (see previous posts?) I also posted a clarification as to what I was asking (see previous posts again?)

    I don't really work 14 boring hours - I'm a nursing coordinator. I just can't stand to eat the same foods over and over again, which is what I was doing. You can only eat chicken and veggies enough times before you're sick of them. I was staying within my calorie range - thanks to this site of course - but just thought I would try and seek out help. Yes, I realized I was ripped off - and that is nobody's fault but my own of course. I was just curious, like I said in a previous post, if anyone had ever paid for a meal plan (or if anyone professional on here creates them) what did they receive, and what was the amount? That was all.