Meal Plan - How much have you paid?



  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    I paid nothing for my meal plans as I make them myself. I'll be blunt, but if you don't have the motivation to meal prep, then it's going to be ridiculously hard to lose whatever weight you want and/or gain muscle. If this is something you want, then you need to step up and work for it girl!! Get on any of the sites suggested, or even hop onto Pinterest and search for "meal plans" or "healthy meal ideas" or anything in that ballpark. Set aside some time to plan for the week or however long. Once you get into the habit of it it becomes much easier and less frustrating :)

    I was hoping to shop once, and then cook once/twice a week - looking for great tasty ideas with not a lot of prep time or recipes without a ton of ingredients, perhaps that's a dream haha.. I'm just chalking this all up to a learning experience. I have dropped quite a few lbs so far - but was just bored with the food. I expected to get something very different than what I received of course, and going forward won't be continuing with her of course, I was just curious what other people were getting if they had ever purchased a meal plan prior.
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    If it was me, I would have said something at the time she gave those to me. Refused the product.

    Now, you can call or see her and complain to which she'll most likely say, "you knew what you were paying for".

    At this point, you can stop the program and paying her anymore money. If there's a contract, you "MIGHT" have to have an attorney look at the fine print and make sure you're not stuck paying her for nothing you will use.

    Then, take some time and start making your own sensible food plan from people on MFP, searching the internet, talking to people at the gym, etc, etc for ideas. Make a plan with new meals each day so you don't get bored. Yes, it will be harder then paying someone to do it for you but in reality, were you planning on paying her for the rest of your life?

    There's no better day then today to learn how to eat right. Get started.

    Not trying to get my money back, as I've mentioned a few times. What's done is done and that's my own problem. There is no contract or obligations.

    Was just curious if anyone else had paid for a meal plan prior, and what they had received for it, was all.

    I was planning on paying for a while - and was under the impression of course that I'd be receiving something different - until I got enough meal ideas to do it on my own. It's a learning experience, my first (and only time) paying for assistance in the meal department. I was bored eating the same things repeatedly was all. I know I tend to deviate from my clean eating, when I get bored, I thought I could use the assistance.

    Thank you for the advice :)

    If you are "eating clean" then I'd DEFINITELY recommend the "Abs Diet Cookbook"

    Awesome, I'll check it out!
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    Why are you paying for something you can get for free?

    Convenience. She only has like 4 hours in the day to have a life, so it's pretty amazing that she takes the time to cook.

    yeah I was hoping to shop once a week, and try and make a bunch of meals and freeze them, or y'know, throw stuff together quickly by just putting a few things in Ziploc and off I go. I am just chalking this up to a learning experience :)

    I'm still confused as to how getting screwed is convenient

    Obviously that wasn't part of the plan, I expected to get something very different. Chalking it up to a learning experience.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Why are you paying for something you can get for free?

    Convenience. She only has like 4 hours in the day to have a life, so it's pretty amazing that she takes the time to cook.

    yeah I was hoping to shop once a week, and try and make a bunch of meals and freeze them, or y'know, throw stuff together quickly by just putting a few things in Ziploc and off I go. I am just chalking this up to a learning experience :)

    I'm still confused as to how getting screwed is convenient

    I totally understand how getting a month's worth of meal planning + shopping lists would be convenient. I probably wouldn't spend $125, but there was probably some promises of "clean foods" and "balanced nutrition to meet your goals"
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    I was just on line looking at meals. It offered three prepared meals a day for 7 days at $184. I thought that was utterly ridiculous even though they are prepared but I barely eat $170 worth of food a month, let alone a week. You didnt even get the food, so I hope you can get your money back, hope there was a satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Dont tell them you feel cheated just say it didt work and you are not satisfied.
  • LillyQTN
    LillyQTN Posts: 3
    I agree with wannakimmy, I would not pay for a meal plan either. I suggest you look at sites like Tumblr or Pinterest for really great ideas on meal planning. Do you juice or make smoothies as meal replacements? I do and they are very filling as well as nutritious! Good luck to you in your endeavors!
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    Why are you paying for something you can get for free?

    Convenience. She only has like 4 hours in the day to have a life, so it's pretty amazing that she takes the time to cook.

    yeah I was hoping to shop once a week, and try and make a bunch of meals and freeze them, or y'know, throw stuff together quickly by just putting a few things in Ziploc and off I go. I am just chalking this up to a learning experience :)

    I'm still confused as to how getting screwed is convenient

    I totally understand how getting a month's worth of meal planning + shopping lists would be convenient. I probably wouldn't spend $125, but there was probably some promises of "clean foods" and "balanced nutrition to meet your goals"

    There were many things, I expected to receive something totally different. I'm not seeking to get my money back or anything, it is what it is of course. I was just curious if anyone else had paid for a meal plan, what they had received.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member


    I just bought the second one and

    I have a couple of small kids and meals involve mac and cheese and restaurants way too often because I get overwhelmed at figuring out something that I can prepare in 30 minutes and that they'll actually eat.
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    I was just on line looking at meals. It offered three prepared meals a day for 7 days at $184. I thought that was utterly ridiculous even though they are prepared but I barely eat $170 worth of food a month, let alone a week. You didnt even get the food, so I hope you can get your money back, hope there was a satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Dont tell them you feel cheated just say it didt work and you are not satisfied.

    Nah, nothing like that, and no contracts. Not seeking to get my money back or anything like that, just a learning experience. First and last time, that's all :)
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    I agree with wannakimmy, I would not pay for a meal plan either. I suggest you look at sites like Tumblr or Pinterest for really great ideas on meal planning. Do you juice or make smoothies as meal replacements? I do and they are very filling as well as nutritious! Good luck to you in your endeavors!

    Juice, no. But smoothies yes! I am never quite sure if they're really okay as everyone says they are to use as a meal replacement. I have been told yes by some, and others have said no. It's all personal opinion on what works for one, may not work for another type thing. I never even thought of tumblr/pinterest for that (I'm not big into those two sites, I really just use this and facebook) but I'll take a look. Thank you for the suggestion!
  • bethanp
    bethanp Posts: 72 Member
    Self Magazine has some great meal and workout plans. I've gotten quite a few good recipes off of their website or in the physical magazine that comes to my doorstep :) I believe it's free to create an account on their website and then you can join their "Drop 5 or Drop 10" plan and have access to the meals and workouts. They're all about incorporating super foods into each meal too which I like :)
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    Self Magazine has some great meal and workout plans. I've gotten quite a few good recipes off of their website or in the physical magazine that comes to my doorstep :) I believe it's free to create an account on their website and then you can join their "Drop 5 or Drop 10" plan and have access to the meals and workouts. They're all about incorporating super foods into each meal too which I like :)

    That's awesome! thanks!
  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member
    I haven't paid for a meal plan, but I did do this ridiculous monthly calendar of family dinners with recipes just because I hate wondering what I'm going to make for the family at 4pm when I'm in the middle of getting the kids off the bus and getting homework started… LoL..
    It took me a whole weekend to prepare, but I took a calendar from Word and starting filling in meals on each day, with notes as to saving beans from baked beans as planned overs to use in chili that week and saving half the ham from making the baked beans, or baking two loaves of bread instead of just one, so I have a loaf for the next day when I use the planned over ham to make split pea soup… It's really crazy when I think about it, but it's great to just pick a random week, shop that grocery list on the weekend, pull all the meat I'll need for that week out to thaw and then I have everything ready to cook good healthy meals for the family all week. I have 5 weeks planned out and can rotate them however I want…
    Definitely worth the effort if you can find the time.
  • jazzcatastrophe
    jazzcatastrophe Posts: 54 Member
    A lot of food blogs also put up free meal plans with grocery lists. They aren't always tailored towards specific macros, but the convenience is nice. Off the top of my head, posts a weekly (meatless) meal plan with 5 dinners and a shopping list
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    Thank you everyone! On a similar yet different topic - how do you find out about your specific macros?? That eatthismuch and eatwell sites seem to have something KINDA similar to figuring it out. I mean I go by the basic MFP diet to figure out how much of what to consume, but is there something else that calculates what you REALLY should be inputting into your body?? (How many carbs/fats/proteins etc)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Thank you everyone! On a similar yet different topic - how do you find out about your specific macros?? That eatthismuch and eatwell sites seem to have something KINDA similar to figuring it out. I mean I go by the basic MFP diet to figure out how much of what to consume, but is there something else that calculates what you REALLY should be inputting into your body?? (How many carbs/fats/proteins etc)

    What you really want to be paying attention to is protein, and then fat, then filling the rest up with carbs.

    The MINIMUM amount of protein you need is 1 gram/pound of body weight

    The MINIMUM amount of dietary fat you need is .63 grams/pound of body weight.

    I am no expert on this, and I'm sure the community will correct me if I'm wrong/debate this until the thread is shut down, however, these are the minimums I've seen used most often.
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    Thank you everyone! On a similar yet different topic - how do you find out about your specific macros?? That eatthismuch and eatwell sites seem to have something KINDA similar to figuring it out. I mean I go by the basic MFP diet to figure out how much of what to consume, but is there something else that calculates what you REALLY should be inputting into your body?? (How many carbs/fats/proteins etc)

    What you really want to be paying attention to is protein, and then fat, then filling the rest up with carbs.

    The MINIMUM amount of protein you need is 1 gram/pound of body weight

    The MINIMUM amount of dietary fat you need is .63 grams/pound of body weight.

    I am no expert on this, and I'm sure the community will correct me if I'm wrong/debate this until the thread is shut down, however, these are the minimums I've seen used most often.

    I'd never heard that! So I should be having about 170 grams of protein a day and roughly, 107 grams of fat per day or somewhere in there. It's pretty interesting stuff!! Thank you :)
  • ActuarialChef
    ActuarialChef Posts: 1,413 Member
    PM me and I'll share my Google Spreadsheets menu calendar with you for $20/month.

    Kidding. I'll share it for free :) (unless you actually do want to pay for it HAH)
  • bmannen1
    bmannen1 Posts: 77 Member
    As for the OP I wondered if you'd be interested in a bag of magic beans?

    I'll take TWO bags of magic beans, and you can probably charge me 1000$ because I am an idiot lol this was my first time ever paying for a meal plan, I had NO idea what to expect!

    I can see how you would be frustrated! I was looking to go to a dietitian and it included a 60 minute session with 1 days worth of suggestions for $299... obviously I never went. it is a shame that people will just rip off in a second with out thought...