Do you tell friends and family?



  • JMPMJ1986
    JMPMJ1986 Posts: 10
    I have told a few close friends and some family. The ones that know are very supportive. I have put my self in the situation before where I have told people who weren't supportive. And there's nothing worse that hearing "That's what your eating?", "All you have to do is get off the couch and go for a walk every now and then", "Come on you can work out later" or the ever popular "You want some? .... Come on you know you want it." So for my sanity I have decided to share with only the people I know are going to be supportive of my choices. As for the rest ... It's none of their business.
  • pinklemonayde530
    pinklemonayde530 Posts: 29 Member
    I have only told my boyfriend and 3 friends. I don't like having it out there for the world to see. If I lose weight its my business. It's getting to the point where it shows so I was asked by my grandmother if I had lost weight and finally told her. I didn't want to because I knew what was coming. She was trying to talk to me about food and weight loss for the next 2 hours. I can't tell her the real reason that I want to lose weight so I said it's what the dr wants (which isn't a lie) but I'm more motivated by seeing how she and a friend of mine are without having the exercise and I don't want to end up like that.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I tell people all the time - no point in keeping it a secret - I also tell them that I am not on a diet - I eat what I want - I am just changing my eating habit (truth).
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Why wouldn't you tell friends and family that you are trying to better yourself. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

    Because they usually turn into the Food Police. Here are the basic questions/statements:

    "Can you have that?"
    "Do you eat potatoes/rice/bacon/cheese/etc.?"
    "Oh, she doesn't eat cake/pie/ice cream/insert dessert here anymore."
    "Are you supposed to eat that?"

    My ILs and their friends are like this with me, MIL especially. My husband is absolutely bril about helping me keep on track.

    All of this.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I almost never tell people that I'm trying to lose weight, except my wife and sister.

    This go round I've lost so much that I don't have to say a word. I did just tell one of my best friends, but he lives down in TX and rarely sees me.

    While I know it's common, I have almost never in my life gotten negative response about my weight loss. But that might have something to do with the fact I don't have a lot of fat/obese people in my life, don't have relationships built around eating, and am largely surrounded by people who care about fitness and nutrition on some level. I am also a man who doesn't really present himself in a way that is likely to even welcome any kind of negativity about what I chose to put in my body.
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Why wouldn't you tell friends and family that you are trying to better yourself. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

    Good question.

    I view this as a very private battle with very public results. For me. I can't speak for others, but I am not ashamed. However, the battle is personal and I do have some demons to wrestle. That is private. Mostly between me and God, and a couple super close friends with whom I have an accountability relationship. My kids (grown) know.

    Family of origin is often the source of woundedness that can cause over eating that leads to weight gain or other eating disorders. That healing may or may not come, but I am not gonna pick that scab now. Sadly, friends aren't always good friends.

    The Real Life people around me will eventually figure out that I've lost weight.

    For now, I am thrilled to find friends here on MFP with whom I can share transparently with the benefit of anonymity. It matters to me. At least for now.

    Not sure if that answers the above quote or the OP. Thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts.
  • flyingbeta
    flyingbeta Posts: 42 Member
    I found all the positive support I need online through the computer.
    I'm with you on this, Shari. I've said it a couple of times in other posts -- I know that everyone on MFP wants me to succeed, and I feel that way about everyone on MFP. With such a huge virtual support system, I don't need anything else.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    I told them I was a lesbian. They kicked me out. It was Easter.

    Fortunately I did not have the chance to tell them I was dieting and wouldn't eat the Cadbury eggs they had lovingly purchased for me. They may have disowned me for that. Fortunately that was many years ago and they love me again.

    Now I tell my family I am working to lose weight and exercise to increase my accountability, but my family is a great balance of support without being annoying and nosy Otherwise I wouldn't tell them..
  • JulsiePie
    JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member
    Nope - I started a week ago and only my husband knows.....

    For me, it's because I have so much weight to lose. I'm afraid if I start telling people, all they're going to do is look at me and start examining me and seeing if I'm actually losing weight. If they start noticing, great! If not, I don't care! I'm doing this for me and for my one else needs to know!