Help any tips to overcome stress eating?



  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I used to stress eat nearly every night--after my kids went to bed (they stress me out almost daily). Things that work for me: looking at my diary/calorie allotment to remind myself I don't have room; making sure I do have room for some sort of treat and planning for it; having a nice cup of tea with splenda instead of ice cream (which I ate almost nightly for a while); thinking about why I wanted to change; and finding a distraction that wasn't tv (tv makes me eat).

    I still fall off, but less often, and when I do (like last night!) I usually stop at a couple bites or a small piece rather than gorging myself. Be kind to yourself when you fail, and if you get halfway through that milkshake and think, "What am I doing? I don't want this anymore" THROW IT AWAY!!! I have the hardest time throwing out food because I don't want to "waste" it, but I have learned it will go to "waste" in my body, too, by turning into fat.

    Good luck--the old cliche of recognizing you have a problem being the first step is very true.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Empathize with you. Until my daughter was about 5 I was constantly stressed and pigged out basically, although looking back I did the best I could and I haven't wasted time beating myself up about it. I lived my life in 15 min increments and I had NO time for myself, and I'm cool with that. I figured it would get easier as she got older, and it has.

    I think finding an exercise which helps to put me in a good mood is really important. I try and go for a walk when I'm stressed. I don't worry about whether it burns calories etc. Being outside with the trees and grass and birds seems to help to calm me. With the snow and ice that has not been possible for the last 3 months, so instead of that I put on my headphones and did masses of snow shoveling this winter.

    As for snacking. My husband is a huge snacker. He basically eats like a flea but packs away the snacks (which are usually fairly healthy TBH), so asking him to give them up isn't practical. I made the conscious choice to not eat between my 3 meals a day AT ALL. I couldn't do that handful of nuts as a healthy snack that lots of people recommend. I wouldn't be able to stop. Instead of that, I drink masses of tea throughout the day (the process of getting up and making it gives me a break from work as well). I found that after making that choice for the first time, and then sticking to it for a few weeks, it's become much easier and I don't miss it.

    I also find that eating with my daughter really helps. I can't eat tons of junk when I'm trying to set a good example, and it helps her see that I eat the same food as her. I don't do that every night, but when my husband is working late it seems to help me. It's also much easier just doing one dinner.

    When you find that one or two things which work for you, it does feel great though, doesn't it? Talk about the power of control!
  • tiarajena
    tiarajena Posts: 1 Member
    Not only am I a stress eater, I am a boredom eater. I find the best way to kick my habits is working out for one. Believe it or not I'm not hungry after a workout, If I go for a walk I feel better as well.

    Also I try to adopt the habit of drinking a glass of water before I eat, if I am still hungry then I eat if not I don't.

    And I just started drinking Shakeology a couple weeks ago and I have to say ALL my sweet tooth is gone, even during that time of the month...GONE!! Which is CAAAARAAAAZZZY. I'll admit just drinking the shake straight up with the powder and ice and water is a little bland, but once you get into the recipes, adding fruits and peanut butter, whatever it really mixes up the flavors and make for a GREAT breakfast the tides me over most of the morning!
  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    So got my butt out of bed this morning and hit the gym. I feel great.when I got home and was making breakfast for me and the kids my wife commented that I sounded like I was in a good mood. I thought for a second and said you know I am. So I know this is a stress reliever I just need to remember that when I am stressed and not reach for the pizza or nachos.
