Do we burn more calories in summer?



  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I had a similar.problem. You need to have blood work done. Make sure they test for thyroid, D3 and B12. I have Pernious anemia, B12, low thyroid, need supplement and MS, which requires high vitamin D.

    Not that you would have any of these, but you really need to check it out. Any time you feel a change in your body doing something you've been doing, your body is trying tell you something.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Between the organic garden and the hay farming, I certainly burn more calories in the summer!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Its funny to me how I swim all summer and burn HUGE amounts of calories, eat more fresh and healthier food and lose very little in the summer!!! Its cray cray!!!

    Cazy enough there have been studies on it.
    Might see if any of the possible reasons were effecting you.

    Swimmers, especially female swimmers, face an energy balance conundrum. Elite swimmers typically undertake 4000-20,000 m per day in training, burning thousands of calories. However, the typical body fat levels of these athletes are significantly higher than runners or cyclists who expend similar or even smaller amounts of energy in their training. Many female swimmers have fought well-publicized battles with their body fat levels and with their coaches!

    Could that be the eternally wise and mysterious human body turning us into something that floats better(more fat)?

    I also read it was something to do with water temperature but I can't remember what...

    I burn 6/700 cals per hour full on running but only 400 swimming. Lack of HRM in pool doesn't help either. I think the more efficient swimmer you are - particularly swimming- the more efficient you are at a lower calorie burn. You can get your technique so smooth that the water just sucks you along!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Its funny to me how I swim all summer and burn HUGE amounts of calories, eat more fresh and healthier food and lose very little in the summer!!! Its cray cray!!!

    Cazy enough there have been studies on it.
    Might see if any of the possible reasons were effecting you.

    Swimmers, especially female swimmers, face an energy balance conundrum. Elite swimmers typically undertake 4000-20,000 m per day in training, burning thousands of calories. However, the typical body fat levels of these athletes are significantly higher than runners or cyclists who expend similar or even smaller amounts of energy in their training. Many female swimmers have fought well-publicized battles with their body fat levels and with their coaches!

    Was thinking about taking up swimming, again. Not so sure, now.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    Guys I actually got a blood work done and everything came out normal. In the middle due to holiday season a gained a few pounds back and its winter now and I am not losing a bit :( trying my best though. Stuck at 112 lbs.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    How is your energy level (and sleep pattern) these days?
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    Well, I cannot deny due to some changes in workplace and personal life as well I am under a fair amount of stress.
  • steff274
    steff274 Posts: 227 Member
    I recon I burn more in the winter am active anyway and am out in all weathers.. you body burns more to keep warm..
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    edited December 2014
    samamps88 wrote: »
    No it doesnt! And the same goes for wearing more layers when you exercise sweating more does not cause fat loss just water loss! In fact the opposite is true it is actually cold that has a slight effect on calories when you body is cold it has to use energy to keep you at a constant temperature so realistically it is winter where you should eat more.

    In summer if you do not rehydrate properly this could be the problem, being dehydrated will make you feel hungrier, tired and lethargic so try drinking more! Surprised no one has suggested this

    I find this to be anecdotally true for me. I can usually eat more, yet lose more weight in the winter when the temps drop. I am usually cold by nature, so I guess my body has to work harder just to maintain my core temperature, especially as I lose more "insulation." It usually surprises people that I lose weight over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, but this year has been no exception.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    edited December 2014
    Not sure about burning more during summer, but I've really been finding it difficult to eat the same amounts now as I was just a few months ago. During the summer I could manage a surplus comfortably, now not so easily, and I was eating 2200- 2400 net calorie back then, now I could easily eat 3000 (my maintenance limit).

    I suppose its the fact it's colder, our bodies are colder, and we need more food to heat our bodies to the same extent. I thought my difficulties had been from being on a constant deficit for 5 months or so, but after a 2 week dietary break at maintenance to help my body to settle back down, I'm convinced it's all winter and the colder weather, lol :smile:
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    samamps88 wrote: »

    She already said in her original post that she loves water and drinks 3-4litres of water a day. I don't think she really needs to go even higher than that?

    Appoligies I missed that paragraph when I read but 3-4 litres whats that about 6-7 pints? If so then yes why not a little more especially if exercising and depending how hot the weather and what else is being drunk. That amount of water is roughly what is advised per day supposedly! (8 cups) if the op is exercising then she will want more for certain. And in hot weather this is more important. In the UK its not that hot but I will still drink 5+litres per day (including my hot drinks) and more if I am exercising (can get through 2litres in one gym session)

    Actually, she's already drinking up to 16 cups. A cup is 250 ml, a litre is 1000. 4 cups per litre and she's drinking 4 litres. That's 16 cups. That's a LOT.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    yeah well.. its hot here.. and I tend to get very thristy.. I am kind of very fond of drinking water.. I remember one time in my teens when I was having stomach problems very often doctor asked me to cut down on water as I was drinking an insane amount.. I know it probably sounds very crazy.. I tend to get crazy if I do not have a bottle of water with me all the time :\
  • noor_v
    noor_v Posts: 133 Member
    I would recommend increasing protein in your diet - being of Indian origin myself, I know that this is one area that I need to pay special attention to