
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    My son falls in to that same category.

    My reason for telling you this...

    Sometimes he can't see the forest for the trees (or is that the trees for the forest?). He is so brilliant that at times...he can't see the things that are simple. In his mind...he looks for the complicated...at times he has trouble communicating his thoughts in a way that others can understand.

    I have always told him...he is not a special snowflake...in the real world things don't always work as he thinks they should...and that he has trouble some times coming in out of the rain.

    The other thing that I taught him...never make someone else feel less than simply because he is in that top 1%.

    I generally agree with you. But when challenge with a herd mentality argument of sheer numbers (i.e. 15 say you're wrong = you must be wrong), I do feel it's fair to counter with a comparison of the individuals in that herd.

    If most people in this thread have vocalized the fact that you are confused not making sense, shouldn't you be asking yourself "what is the common demoninator here?" Instead of trying to imply that you are the genius victim of a bunch of stupid people (i.e. herd mentality'), maybe (just maybe) you might be wrong.

    I herd that.


    ETA: my sincere apologies to the mods, but this poster doesn't get why it's not okay to be rude to a multitude of people all at one time.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I wish my son, who just got his Master's in Cognitive Neuroscience, could do some indepth analysis of this one.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    My son falls in to that same category.

    My reason for telling you this...

    Sometimes he can't see the forest for the trees (or is that the trees for the forest?). He is so brilliant that at times...he can't see the things that are simple. In his mind...he looks for the complicated...at times he has trouble communicating his thoughts in a way that others can understand.

    I have always told him...he is not a special snowflake...in the real world things don't always work as he thinks they should...and that he has trouble some times coming in out of the rain.

    The other thing that I taught him...never make someone else feel less than simply because he is in that top 1%.

    I generally agree with you. But when challenge with a herd mentality argument of sheer numbers (i.e. 15 say you're wrong = you must be wrong), I do feel it's fair to counter with a comparison of the individuals in that herd.

    If most people in this thread have vocalized the fact that you are confused not making sense, shouldn't you be asking yourself "what is the common demoninator here?" Instead of trying to imply that you are the genius victim of a bunch of stupid people (i.e. herd mentality'), maybe (just maybe) you might be wrong.

    I herd that.


    ETA: my sincere apologies to the mods, but this poster doesn't get why it's not okay to be rude to a multitude of people all at one time.
    What if that *kitten* is accidental?
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member

    YES!! There are not enough fart gifs in this thread!!

    btw, Harvard Scientists personally tested my IQ and it is 2353ddjfbv3594wzzqlmn546
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    From this:

    "Questioning a person's food diary is rude, because it's personal, even if the person is using it to prove a claim."

    To this:

    "Questioning a person's intelligence as a counterargument is totally good debate."

    Lindsey, I'd like to be the first to officially welcome you to MFP. :flowerforyou:
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I wish my son, who just got his Master's in Cognitive Neuroscience, could do some indepth analysis of this one.

    Please do. I imagine he'll say something to the effect of, "This isn't that controversial of a subject. I don't understand why they were even arguing about this."
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    From this:

    "Questioning a person's food diary is rude, because it's personal, even if the person is using it to prove a claim."

    To this:

    "Questioning a person's intelligence as a counterargument is totally good debate."

    Lindsey, I'd like to be the first to officially welcome you to MFP. :flowerforyou:

    Especially when that person insinuated that you were the dumb one in the first place. That is apparently perfectly okay, but providing evidence to the contrary is horrible. Sometimes, it's like an asylum around here.
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    I guess Thermodynamics was NOT your first course you took in college!:wink:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Especially when that person insinuated that you were the dumb one in the first place. That is apparently perfectly okay, but providing evidence to the contrary is horrible. Sometimes, it's like an asylum around here.


    I never said he was polite.

    I just said, welcome to the club.

    What you choose to call it is up to you.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I guess Thermodynamics was NOT your first course you took in college!:wink:

    Not my first, but I did get an A in it. Nothing I've said conflicts with the laws of thermodynamics. Some people simply don't understand how to apply them correctly to the system of the human body.
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    Ha ha ha. This!
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member

    I meant to say: This!
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member

    Especially when that person insinuated that you were the dumb one in the first place. That is apparently perfectly okay, but providing evidence to the contrary is horrible. Sometimes, it's like an asylum around here.


    I never said he was polite.

    I just said, welcome to the club.

    What you choose to call it is up to you.

    Oh, I expected it. I just find it humorous that the pile on was to me and not a single person commented on the original nasty insinuation. Very telling...
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    For weight loss: calories in < calories out

    For body composition: get enough protein and lift heavy

    For overall health: get enough micronutrients

    For your sanity: don't eliminate a whole group of foods for no medical reason


    :drinker: :drinker:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Oh, I expected it. I just find it humorous that the pile on was to me and not a single person commented on the original nasty insinuation. Very telling...

    It's not a pile on to comment on your statements. That's part of a discussion.

    I didn't post my post to white knight anyone. You're capable of defending yourself and so are the others.

    I was "genuinely curious" about what you see as setting you apart from everyone else here in the MFP family. Oh, Lindsey talks MFP. Lindsey talks MFP very well. :wink:
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Lolz this bad boy has been going for hours!!

    I would like to apologize to any and all pooper scoopers I may have offended in my earlier post. :bigsmile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member


    There are a few other high IQ societies, but that's an aside. I find it curious that a person of self-proclaimed intelligence basically uses that as an argument since it is a very weak and basic logical fallacy called appeal to authority.
    The argument that something is correct based on a person's degree or IQ and not on intrinsic structural and information value is hubris and shows a strong lack of study of syllogistic basics, something that anyone, even a biologist, dealing with scientific theory must have learned a bit. It is in fact an argument supporting that the person that pulls out that card has weak logic skills.

    Good lawd that is hot!
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member

    Oh, I expected it. I just find it humorous that the pile on was to me and not a single person commented on the original nasty insinuation. Very telling...

    It's not a pile on to comment on your statements. That's part of a discussion.

    I didn't post my post to white knight anyone. You're capable of defending yourself and so are the others.

    I was "genuinely curious" about what you see as setting you apart from everyone else here in the MFP family. Oh, Lindsey talks MFP. Lindsey talks MFP very well. :wink:

    I don't mind it as a part of the discussion, it's the hypocrisy that drives me a little nuts. Apparently it's okay for someone to defend his statements by saying that everyone agrees with him, so obviously I must be dumb and wrong. But to counter by by pointing out a weakness of his argumens, namely that the people who agreed with him may not be of equal intelligence to me, that's terribly uncouth. The whole point was that the number of people who agree or disagree on this thread does not impact the objective reality of the facts.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    I don't mind it as a part of the discussion, it's the hypocrisy that drives me a little nuts. Apparently it's okay for someone to defend his statements by saying that everyone agrees with him, so obviously I must be dumb and wrong. But to counter by by pointing out a weakness of his argumens, namely that the people who agreed with him may not be of equal intelligence to me, that's terribly uncouth. The whole point was that the number of people who agree or disagree on this thread does not impact the objective reality of the facts.

    Oh, I don't think him saying that proved that you were dumb and wrong. I just didn't see it necessary to expend any energy to debate the point, since you made your point already (without your personal remarks about intelligence.)

    I actually thought you were articulating your points on the quality/rate of loss issue quite well.

    I don't care who would be decided as "right" in this thread. I agree that quality matters, and I agree that people can get thin on a crap diet too.

    Without naming names, at least one or two of the people in particular that you may have implied you were smarter than are actually brilliant.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member