Foods from your past- What you know now...



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Ugh...Jack-in-the-Box...the glut of trans fat in their food now makes my skin crawl.

    Same with Long John Silvers. Scary.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    I never paid attention to serving sizes. So when I was "just having some ice cream" or "some cookies" or "hey let's have a fancy iced drink" It never occurred to me I was consuming multiple servings and thus a crazy amount of calories!

    I lived on Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccinos in the summer. A large is something like over 400 calories and the originals are made with cream! lol Gosh! can't imagine how I got so fat?? :noway:
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    The huge carrot cake cupcakes from Costco. 840 calories a piece. I could polish off 6 of them in 3 days. I am not going to lie, I still love them, but I took them to my mother's as she has never had one and only ate a 1/4 of one cupcake.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    It's never the calorie count that surprises me; it's the sodium.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    It's been a long time since true junk food was a thing, but Cheese..... now Cheese that is an easy downfall form me Grommit

    I've been known to sit down after a (big) meal with the remainder of the wine and polish off oh say half a pound of triple creme cheese with half a baguette, or an equivalent amount of stilton and a half bottle of port. ... so say 2600 calories after the meal. in the case of the stilton and port and the meal probably was in the 1600 -2000 range depending on how much wine. Didn't do this daily but regularly enough that when my cholesterol levels would come back normal it drove my doctor nuts.
    there was a period where my weekly cheese bill would have run between $80-120 depending on if we were entertaining or not. My weekly food bill (before pets and cleaning products) is less than that most weeks now. Same 2 people eating but different financial circumstances and both out to lose weight


    IMGP3022.jpg by Eddie Smith, on Flickr
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    In High School I was at my highest Ive ever been and I couldn't tell you how much I weighed. I was shopping at Layne Bryant but I do remember I was a constant binger I couldt be absolutely full and still eat caue I loved the way it felt regardless of the bloating. But to answer the question, I am very carb sensitive I can't eat rice, tortillas, pasta, crackers, bread, oatmeal.. etc.......
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    It's been a long time since true junk food was a thing, but Cheese..... now Cheese that is an easy downfall form me Grommit

    I've been known to sit down after a (big) meal with the remainder of the wine and polish off oh say half a pound of triple creme cheese with half a baguette, or an equivalent amount of stilton and a half bottle of port. ... so say 2600 calories after the meal. in the case of the stilton and port and the meal probably was in the 1600 -2000 range depending on how much wine. Didn't do this daily but regularly enough that when my cholesterol levels would come back normal it drove my doctor nuts.
    there was a period where my weekly cheese bill would have run between $80-120 depending on if we were entertaining or not. My weekly food bill (before pets and cleaning products) is less than that most weeks now. Same 2 people eating but different financial circumstances and both out to lose weight


    IMGP3022.jpg by Eddie Smith, on Flickr
    Cheese is not bad, its the bread and wine you eat with it.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Foods from your past- What you know now....

    I know now that it wasn't the fact that I ate the stuff, it was that I ate it ALL THE TIME.

    I know now that I don't have to give anything up...just learn to work it in.

    I know now that it wasn't that one Quarter Pounder with Cheese was the Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal that I had pretty much every single day.
  • cchew686
    cchew686 Posts: 108
    BW3 boneless wings...I always thought they couldn't be that bad, it's boneless chicken, right? I was soooo wrong. But I still love it so.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I would say pretty much anything in liquid form. Coffee is the only thing I drink these days that has any calories, other than the very occasional cocktail or glass of wine. I don't enjoy any drink enough to sacrifice food for it on a daily basis.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Ugh...Jack-in-the-Box...the glut of trans fat in their food now makes my skin crawl.

    Same with Long John Silvers. Scary.

    YES. OMG yes. Two restaurants completely off my radar for the last six years.

    Applebees is a very close third. The sodium they cram into their food is beyond ridiculous.
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    When I first started logging I realized how little PROTEIN I was actually eating. What I was eating was FAT and CARBS.

    I used to love the microwave chimichangas from Costco. I would eat at least 2 at a time loaded with yogurt (it is healthy :laugh:) and lots of salsa. Easily a 650 to 700 calorie "snack".

    The kicker is now I can't even eat them anymore they give me horrible headaches. :ohwell:
  • Ashes_To_Beast
    Ashes_To_Beast Posts: 378 Member
    When my son's mother was pregnant we got into the habit of getting 1 triple chocolat cheese cake each/week... I miss cheese cake:sad:
  • mrsgoochy
    mrsgoochy Posts: 61 Member
    I would say pretty much anything in liquid form. Coffee is the only thing I drink these days that has any calories, other than the very occasional cocktail or glass of wine. I don't enjoy any drink enough to sacrifice food for it on a daily basis.

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Cheese is not bad, its the bread and wine you eat with it.

    Agreed. I don't know why people make such a huge deal about calories in cheese. One ounce of most cheeses has about 100 calories, and that's a good amount of cheese. If you're eating a really well-made, flavorful cheese, an ounce at a time should be more than satisfactory. And if you're eating crappy, flavorless cheese, I'm not sure why you'd want more than an ounce anyway.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    These threads make me miss soooo many delicious foods. I feel like I don't eat anymore even though i eat plenty, lol.

    DQ Mocha Moolattte. OMG - probably an entire day's worth of calories in one of those things. I haven't had one in a long long time. they are so good. ETA: I looked it up. 830 calories.

    I love Chinese buffet and still eat it about once a month. My oldest son and I usually go there after his orthodontist appointment.

    Pizza. I dearly love pizza and who eats one piece? Ugh - such a tease.

    Cereal. 1/2 cup of cereal at night just pisses me off so I don't eat it anymore.

    Some things I've gotten used to. One serving size of pasta (spaghetti, lasagna, mac and cheese). That was a hard switch for me. I'm sure I used to eat at least four servings at a time along with all the garlic bread I could hold. It was hard to cut back but I have now and it doesn't seem quite as bad.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Coincidentally, I think The Frosty was my last big shocker (about 2 years ago I think). I figured - oh it can't be that bad, a soft serve cone at McD's is only 150 so a small frosty can't be much more than that. Wrong! Oh well, it was good.
  • fredman2
    fredman2 Posts: 57
    A synopsis of what I used to eat is a 'what's what' of bad:
    Two large pizzas, eight Wendy's singles, a package of hotdogs AND buns AND cheese AND chili, a dozen donuts with a full tub of ready-made frosting, 3/4 of a pound of cheddar, 2 liters of pepsi, 8 brats off the grill, etc (not all at once, obviously!).

    As was said, today, with me, it's all about the SODIUM - if you cut that, you cut the fat and carbs along with it (usually).

    But I also feel you MUST indulge once in awhile, to some extent, such as the person that had a 'Frosty' - to me that's not a killer to do once in awhile, or a donut or two, stuff like that, you just have to gauge it with everything else you intake.

    I have not eaten anything I would call 'crap' like the above in a month, and I'm due for something, I am just trying to figure out when, and then what it will be.

    And the amazing part of all of the above? I have good cholesterol levels, do not had diabetes, do not have high blood pressure (never have!), blood-wise I have zero issues, other that being morbidly obese.

    I'm down 24 lbs in 30 days so far..
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I forgot about Johnsonville Better Cheddar Brats with BUN's. :wah: Gonna be a long summer.
  • fredman2
    fredman2 Posts: 57
    Is there ANY 'restaurant' that has mostly good food?
    Some folks think Panera, but that's a joke, they are like all the others.