Foods from your past- What you know now...



  • fredman2
    fredman2 Posts: 57
    I forgot about Johnsonville Better Cheddar Brats with BUN's. :wah: Gonna be a long summer.

    You can do ONE - so enjoy it!
    Depending on the rest of your diet you might be able to do one a day, but would you want to?
  • fredman2
    fredman2 Posts: 57
    These threads make me miss soooo many delicious foods. I feel like I don't eat anymore even though i eat plenty, lol.

    Pizza. I dearly love pizza and who eats one piece? Ugh - such a tease.

    Cereal. 1/2 cup of cereal at night just pisses me off so I don't eat it anymore.

    Some things I've gotten used to. One serving size of pasta (spaghetti, lasagna, mac and cheese). That was a hard switch for me. I'm sure I used to eat at least four servings at a time along with all the garlic bread I could hold. It was hard to cut back but I have now and it doesn't seem quite as bad.

    You just have to keep your goals in sight when you look at all foods, for me I have to remind myself EVERY TIME i look at ANY food(s). You learn to quickly turn your head and walk away..
  • mrsgoochy
    mrsgoochy Posts: 61 Member
    Is there ANY 'restaurant' that has mostly good food?
    Some folks think Panera, but that's a joke, they are like all the others.

    You know, oddly enough we were burning a gift card at Texas Roadhouse last week ( we go once a year to use the gift card we get once a year) and I just made better choices. A 6 oz Dallas cut steak, green beans and a small amount of my baked potato. About 600 calories.
  • mrsgoochy
    mrsgoochy Posts: 61 Member
    I forgot about Johnsonville Better Cheddar Brats with BUN's. :wah: Gonna be a long summer.

    Might want to look in to a nice quality and seasoned turkey brat- swaportunity as they say ;)
  • SPeffer1
    SPeffer1 Posts: 74 Member
    My biggest downfalls were Pasta, Chinese buffet, and snacks like Doritos. Don't get me wrong - I knew at the time they weren't low calorie! And my portion control was insane.

    Now I am strict about measuring pasta, I avoid Chinese buffets like the plague and I just don't eat the snacks. Not until I learn better moderation!
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    -1-2 peanut butter and honey sandwiches as a bedtime snack
    -1/2 sleeve of crackers with cheese or peanut butter

    I always knew it was bad: but I would sit at home with a bag of frosting and a spoon and eat probably 1/2 a cup or more in one sitting, then do it again the next day.
  • DoctorMcCoy10
    DoctorMcCoy10 Posts: 101 Member
    Foods from your past- What you know now....

    I know now that it wasn't the fact that I ate the stuff, it was that I ate it ALL THE TIME.

    I know now that I don't have to give anything up...just learn to work it in.

    I know now that it wasn't that one Quarter Pounder with Cheese was the Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal that I had pretty much every single day.

    Exact same thing for me. I logged what I would have eaten in a normal day before and it made me feel so ashamed. I lived on Quarter Pounders and 3 or maybe 6 chocolate chip cookies and a large Dr. Pepper everday for lunch. YUCK!
  • mrsgoochy
    mrsgoochy Posts: 61 Member
    -1-2 peanut butter and honey sandwiches as a bedtime snack
    -1/2 sleeve of crackers with cheese or peanut butter

    I always knew it was bad: but I would sit at home with a bag of frosting and a spoon and eat probably 1/2 a cup or more in one sitting, then do it again the next day.

    Sister from another mister here! I hardly know anyone who enjoys pb and honey like I do. I too would skip off to the fridge for AMERICAN CHEESE and ritz! C'mon now! hahahaha I shutter to add up the damage from football season with all our sausage, cheese and cracker platters and other 'snackies'+ dark beers!
  • melissarmonroe
    melissarmonroe Posts: 30 Member
    I just began my journey a few weeks ago - biggest eye opener I had recently was the calories in a doughnut. They brought some to work and I thought well I can have one glazed and stay within my calories. I checked first and holy crap 260 calories for a glazed donut that is 2 bites? I passed, not worth it. Generally, I eat what I want so long as I stay within my calories for the day, but somethings just aren't worth it.

    It's a wonder I'm not heavier than I am after looking at calorie counts. For me it's fast food, salty and fried and ice cream. I'd get a combo with a milkshake! I had no idea the milkshake alone was costing me 900 calories!
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I think the biggest thing I learnt was actual portion control, I was eating double portions of everything basically what my hubby was eating just he can eat anything and never gains weight and is really active!

    I gave up eating maple and pecan Danish after finding out how bad they were and dropped my sugar in coffee to 1 after realising how many calories I could save.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    How about Kraft Singles? You know...the chemical cheese in the plastic?
    I used to melt it into hotdishes, grilled cheese...everything! I bought some recently and was soooo grossed out by it I threw the package away.

    Yay to real cheese!
  • MelisaBegins
    MelisaBegins Posts: 161 Member
    Keeping my sweet tooth in check on this journey has been a challenging eye-opener. I could eat Krispie Kreme every day and never grow tired of it, but the problem is I don't want ONE Krispie Kreme, I want three. So I have none. I think one thing for me, too, is that I like to EAT. I don't want to feel hungry, so I eat 6 times a day. In order for me to stay within calorie goal, I have to constantly be on top of choosing "quality" calories instead of empty ones or I risk getting hungry between meals.

    After a lot of trial and error over the years, I'm a big believer that this is a LIFESTYLE and I'm in it for the long haul so I'm not going to cut anything out of my day that I truly love (except maybe Krispie Kreme, for now) but I feel like I have to constantly be on top of it. I give myself one - just one! - free meal per week (almost always on Saturday for dinner) and boy do I pay the price Monday morning! Case in point: I am up 4 pounds today from my ONE free meal on Saturday. Yeesh....

    Also, I have cut alcohol out entirely (except during my free meal) because as I've mentioned, I want to EAT my calories. One glass of wine could easily turn into 3 and that is just not where I want to put my calories at this point on my journey.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I forgot about Johnsonville Better Cheddar Brats with BUN's. :wah: Gonna be a long summer.

    You can do ONE - so enjoy it!
    Depending on the rest of your diet you might be able to do one a day, but would you want to?

    Nope, that might be a little much :) We have them with pasta in the winter - I usually eat a half but it is on top of calorie heavy pasta. Always a trade off. I love them though - I could easily eat at least three, lol. Portion control is definitely my downfall.

    I forgot about Dorito's. I don't miss them all that much but if I start eating them it is very hard to stop. They are a chemical nirvana, haha.. I have them only once in awhile usually when there are kid friends around. I eat my portion and 6 or so kids manage to devour the rest in no time at all so it is safe, lol.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I barely eat instant noodles now. Once in a while, I'll have it, but it's not really worth it anymore, seeing that there are healthier noodles available.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Is there ANY 'restaurant' that has mostly good food?
    Some folks think Panera, but that's a joke, they are like all the others.

    You know, oddly enough we were burning a gift card at Texas Roadhouse last week ( we go once a year to use the gift card we get once a year) and I just made better choices. A 6 oz Dallas cut steak, green beans and a small amount of my baked potato. About 600 calories.

    Yes, I was pretty surprised that a steak dinner could be that low. I get the broccoli there and just get a double order, and everything comes without any seasoning on it (like a good steak needs any :love: )
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    How about Kraft Singles? You know...the chemical cheese in the plastic?
    I used to melt it into hotdishes, grilled cheese...everything! I bought some recently and was soooo grossed out by it I threw the package away.

    Yay to real cheese!

    OK, I'm not proud of this, but after a few margaritas I will VERY shamelessly make a kraft singles grilled cheese. Or three. You know, to share.... with no one.

    But yeah, as long as I'm sober, real cheese wins! :P
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I regret all the Mocha Frappuccinos from Starbucks! I was having one of those almost every day there for a while when I first discovered them. They are now a once in a while treat that I enjoy when I can work the calories in (400 cal, 15g fat).
  • Duggie54
    Duggie54 Posts: 17 Member
    Two words... Krispy Kreme. I could easily down 4 of the glazed doughnuts when they were fresh. That's 160 calories per doughnut/640 calories in one fell swoop.

    Haven't had them since last October. Planning a cheat day sometime in the next month and I'm lookin' for a "Hot" light.

  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    It's been a long time since true junk food was a thing, but Cheese..... now Cheese that is an easy downfall form me Grommit

    I've been known to sit down after a (big) meal with the remainder of the wine and polish off oh say half a pound of triple creme cheese with half a baguette, or an equivalent amount of stilton and a half bottle of port. ... so say 2600 calories after the meal. in the case of the stilton and port and the meal probably was in the 1600 -2000 range depending on how much wine. Didn't do this daily but regularly enough that when my cholesterol levels would come back normal it drove my doctor nuts.
    there was a period where my weekly cheese bill would have run between $80-120 depending on if we were entertaining or not. My weekly food bill (before pets and cleaning products) is less than that most weeks now. Same 2 people eating but different financial circumstances and both out to lose weight


    IMGP3022.jpg by Eddie Smith, on Flickr

    Workin' on my Night Cheese. . .

    (That's the husband's vice. A wedge of cheese the size of his palm. Olord.)

    My vice: gigantor binges at sushi restaurants.
  • bmbaldridge
    bmbaldridge Posts: 15 Member
    I think french fries and sugary juices are the main things. In the past, anytime I would eat out I would order a grilled chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato only (no mayo) and convinced myself I was eating sooooo well...totally ignoring the mound of french fries I was also eating along with it. I absolutely love juice - orange, apple, cranberry, grapefruit, grape...I love it all. I used to drink juice like I should have been drinking water. Now I limit myself to 8oz. once or twice a week.