Food to get the bowels working again



  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    Hallelujah for Jalapenos!!!
  • crystalewhite
    crystalewhite Posts: 422 Member
    I find that spinach and raspberries really do the trick. I also drink Republic of Tea's Get it Going, and supplement with Benefiber.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    LENTILS and BEANS are the #1 food sources for me to move things along. theyre pretty much laxatives. i find that if i eat too many lentils, my stomach gets completely bloated and i'm sh****ing for hours. no joke!!!!!!

    APPLES are good too, ALL BRAN cereal, and honestly, PEANUT BUTTER or some kind of nut. whenever i have pb with dinner, i seriously have to "go" in the morning. smooths things right out.

    there are also teas you can try too, there's SMOOTH MOVE chocolate tea or it, usually its available at certain wal marts or stop and shops.

    above all, DO NOT TAKE LAXATIVES!!!!!!!!!! they will do WAY more harm than good, they'll end up bloating you and your "go" comes out really explosively. not a fun time.
  • keithaj1
    keithaj1 Posts: 71 Member
    Try psyllium husks. I like the ones from Trader Joe's. Mix with water and drink fast. Tons of fiber.

    Some info:

    Psyllium husk or isphagula is the covering of seeds grown on the plant, Plantago Psyllium, which flourishes in the Middle East. Psyllium husk has long been recognized as an excellent means of getting more dietary fiber into a person’s diet due to its high fiber count in comparison to other grains. Oat bran, also a good source of fiber, has about five grams of fiber per a third of a cup. Psyllium husk, on the other hand, offers approximately 71 grams of fiber for that same third of a cup.

    This heavy dose of dietary fiber makes psyllium husk the choice of many who manufacture dietary fiber supplements and powders like Metamucil. For those suffering from constipation or diarrhea, appropriate daily dietary fiber intake can help improve these conditions. As psyllium husk travels through the human digestive tract, it absorbs water, but is not digested. This results in stool that is bulkier, but also softer, translating to fewer problems with passing stool.

    Although most associate psyllium husk with improving digestion, clinical studies on isphagula have also shown that it is beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol. Of course, cholesterol is more likely to be lowered when combined with a low fat diet. Yet even with a higher fat diet, psyllium husk, when taken regularly, lowers low-density lipoproteins, known as “bad cholesterol” by about 7%.

    Some studies have also suggested that regular use of psyllium husk supplements may help pass more fat in stools, translating to weight loss. Other studies suggest psyllium husk may also be helpful in lowering blood sugar counts. These studies are still in their infancy and have yet to truly prove that psyllium husk can be beneficial in these ways.

    It is important to be careful with psyllium. Some complain of bloating or gas when first using the product. Most doctors suggest taking several weeks to work up to a full dose of this dietary fiber. Early reactions might include diarrhea and flatulence.

    Some people are severely allergic to psyllium husk. This is especially true of those who handle large amounts of psyllium husk to prepare laxatives. Some have had anaphylactic shock reactions to taking psyllium husk. Intestinal obstruction may also be a risk for some, particularly those who have had surgery on the intestines or bowels.

    The most important thing to remember when taking psyllium husk is to take it with lots of water. Drinking a full glass with the supplement, and six or seven more glasses a day is recommended. This may be easy to remember if you’re taking a supplement like Metamucil, but don’t forget that plenty of high fiber cereals like Bran Buds and Heartwise contain psyllium and should be consumed with a large glass of water on the side, and at least six more glasses of water during the day.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    My daughter and I drink natural calm raspberry-lemon. It's fizzy so if u don't like that, let it sit a minute then drink. We take 1 teaspoon about every day. You can find it in health food stores or online like amazon.

    She takes it because she has cerebral palsy and bowels are always an issue.
    I take it because it really does make you feel better and the effect it has on bowels is a nice perk.
    I'm one to drink 10-14c of water daily, exercise at least 4x per wk, eat LOTS of veggies and fruits and still ... This has always been an issue.

    Best of luck! :)
  • Shauna2626
    Shauna2626 Posts: 196 Member
    Start your morning with a bowl of oatmeal (preferable the old-fashioned oats kind) with cut-up apple chunks. It's a great breakfast to encourage bowel regularity :smile:
    It's very delicious if you add some cinnamon, nutmeg, sweetener of your choice, and a splash of milk.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have this problem too. I eat health, my fibre is always over and i do cardio every second day for 30 minutes of running. I only go number 2 about 2-3 times a week since i started all this. When i have my cheat days i tend to go to the washroom more.... even though i eat very little fibre o.o

    Glancing at your diary for the days you log, fat is likely why this happens. On days you log you don't meet your fat goal. Likely on cheat days you eat higher fat.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    Broccoli and Peanuts help me. Also drink lots of water.
  • SuperWhoLock24601
    SuperWhoLock24601 Posts: 245 Member
    Water, green apples, other fruits and veggies, exercise, and... Chick-Fil-A spicy chicken sandwiches - I eat those every time my body needs a gentle nudge. :laugh:
  • autotek
    autotek Posts: 66 Member
    try psyllium husk fiber
    acidophilus get atleast 1 billion strains of bacteria
    digestive enzymes
    alove vera juice
    hope this helps
  • jenniferarnold619
    It takes nothing for me to get irregular. Usually, I can tie my issues to lack of water. Also my two foods I use to get my digestion going is oatmeal (a little sugar for flavor but not a whole lot) and greek yogurt. Normally either of these and a cup of coffee will get things going.

    But Water is the big thing.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    Along with your coffee have a bran muffin and a cigarette. Then go drive your car in bumper-to-bumper traffic on a stretch of elevated highway with no exits.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I have this problem too. I eat health, my fibre is always over and i do cardio every second day for 30 minutes of running. I only go number 2 about 2-3 times a week since i started all this. When i have my cheat days i tend to go to the washroom more.... even though i eat very little fibre o.o

    Glancing at your diary for the days you log, fat is likely why this happens. On days you log you don't meet your fat goal. Likely on cheat days you eat higher fat.

    Low fat binds me up in a heart beat.
  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I have this problem too. I eat health, my fibre is always over and i do cardio every second day for 30 minutes of running. I only go number 2 about 2-3 times a week since i started all this. When i have my cheat days i tend to go to the washroom more.... even though i eat very little fibre o.o

    Glancing at your diary for the days you log, fat is likely why this happens. On days you log you don't meet your fat goal. Likely on cheat days you eat higher fat.
    yes i do eat low fat but that is because my dr. recommended it due to my gallbladder issue. So even on my off days i avoid fats. I also had this problem before I lowered my fats :o So it could be because of that but it's something i've got to work around sadly.
  • nat3rd
    nat3rd Posts: 9
    Get yourself some high potency magnesium. I can highly recommend Cabot Health Magnesium powder if you live in Australia. You can get it from Chemist Warehouse.
  • Fenrissa
    Fenrissa Posts: 116
    Coffee, coconut oil, dried fruit, yogurt, peanut butter. I've found that those things help me the most.
  • TripZeros
    TripZeros Posts: 144 Member
    Sugar free gummy bears, or sugar free jelly beans.
    Actually, anything with a high sugar alcohol content :tongue:
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Along with your coffee have a bran muffin and a cigarette. Then go drive your car in bumper-to-bumper traffic on a stretch of elevated highway with no exits.

    Loved this!
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    I have the same problem, you've been given some great advice here, I'm going to try and increase my water intake, start taking a probiotic again and watch my fat and fibre intake.

    Thank you everyone.