What do you see in the mirror - Fat or Thin person?



  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Even at 54" and 130 pounds and a 26" waist I see a chubby shy girl in the mirror. My self esteem will always be an issue, but I'm working on it.
  • sgvdms
    sgvdms Posts: 33 Member
    Fat :(
  • lls5111
    lls5111 Posts: 16 Member
    G R E A T topic!

    This is something that I really struggle with. I, infact do not see a fat person. At 51 I have had no health issues, on no medications. Good right? Not so fast.
    I look in the mirror and never ever saw a fat girl. I still dont. I see a strong girl. I see a healthy girl. Pictures are a little more honest, but I never realized that I have 70 pounds to lose.

    About 6 weeks ago I got that wakup call. My mirror finally cracked.

    I have been having some knee issues and decided to get to my orthopedic doctor to see if he could clean out my knee again. I had a torn meniscus back in my 20s and I just assumed that I did something. A quick surgery and I would be back in business. Nope. I am looking at 2 knee replacements. I have no cartiledge left in either knee. And the worst part is, he wont do the surgery until I take off some weight. WHHHAAATTT? Im not fat. Im healthy! So I asked the question - how do I lose weight if I cant walk. He had no answers for me.

    I walked out of there completly shattered. My whole world changed in 20 minutes. Somewhere on the ride home the cold hard facts hit me. I am 214 pounds in a 5'5" frame. Things had to change. Change they are. I have lost 12 pounds since June 1, 2014 and my knees feel pretty good! Im eating right and getting back in the gym.

    Im gonna prove them all wrong. This 51 year old girl is about to get in the best shape of my life. I just needed a reason. Sad that I had to wait for a health scare, but I am there now!

    Thanks for reading. But mostly thanks for this thread - it theraputic putting the words down.
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I see a person who works 5 times a week. Still cannot get some weight off his middle. It bugs him. Been on MFP over over 2 years and logs daily. Trying to limit my sodium intake to see if that will have an effect. I am in shape, but would love for some weight to leave.
  • scorrea2
    scorrea2 Posts: 72 Member
    I still have issues when I look at myself in the mirror. I constantly see problem areas that I may not even have anymore. I think what has helped me recently is taking new improvement pictures and comparing them to old ones of where I used to be. Does anyone have other advise that can help?
  • 2_FitNFab
    2_FitNFab Posts: 163 Member
    I see lots of improvement but lots of areas that need improvement! It's a constant work in progress.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    In clothes, a thin person haha. I will always see something to improve on when i'm in my workout clothes or underwear.
  • awomaninsane
    awomaninsane Posts: 75 Member
    In the mirror fully dressed i think i look ok, trim with no muffin top. In the mirror naked i spot the flabby belly hanging down further than i'd like it!

    However, in the eye of the camera i am like 'whoop'! My avatar is me last week and i am proud of that. The camera never lies and i am happy to hear that currently!
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Depends on what I'm wearing.

    I've recently had to buy new clothes and thought I was doing really well, especially as I have just started wearing trousers and jeans again.

    Then I saw some photos of me in my wetsuit on holiday. Ach, still some way to go!

    ETA: I'm exactly halfway between overweight and normal BMI, so I'm still fat anyway
  • ProHealthGirl
    I feel like it depends on how we see ourselves. We are our worst critics when it comes to our bodies. Honestly, that saddens me because Its horrible that we could put labels on ourselves like "gross" or "disgusting". I'm not saying that I judge people for thinking that about themselves, (because I feel the same way, even being underweight) but its horrible that we thinki that about ourselves when we would never say those nasty words to our children.

    Being a type A sort of person, I've always felt like I could do better, improve something more. The weird thing is, I've never been considered fat, maybe a little chubby during those dreadful teen years, but never someone would refer to as fat. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't think we will ever be 100% okay with ourselves...So we just have to learn how to love our body anyways.
  • chelseababy22
    chelseababy22 Posts: 81 Member
    I see huge. I look at pictures from when I was younger and I was so thin.. and even back then I thought I was fat.. I wish I could go back down to that size. My weight gain started my Jr Year of Highschool. After two knee surgeries and being in a comfortable relationship- I let myself go. My senior year of highschool I took the initiative to lose weight and I lost about 30lbs. I have now been yo-yoing with this 20-30lbs..and I am completely over it. I see such a huge person in the mirror that it is terrible. It is affecting me, my relationship, everything. I am doing what I need to do to get my weight under control and be at least "happy"

    I do not have kids yet and I know it is in my genes to blow up like a balloon when I do have them.. So I am really trying my hardest to lose some weight because I don't want to be that woman who after she has kids gains 100 lbs and never goes back.. I see what it does to people's self confidence and marriages..
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I see a fat guy in the mirror.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I see a 360 pound person in the mirror. I can't be trusted to shop by myself because I hold up clothes that are my size and don't even try them on because they look WAY too small for me. When I see photos, I can see the weight loss, but in the mirror I just see 360 pounds.
  • missycj87
    missycj87 Posts: 24 Member
    i see a bony *kitten* stick figure and i hate it! im working really hard to correct my "situation". i have already put on 9lbs. my goal is 20 pounds, but as i look in the mirror, i cant really see the weight i have put on, so im worried when i do reach my goal, i still wont be happy. but then again, what woman is truly happy with the way she looks? sigh. oh well. i just need to keep taking these baby steps. it will all come together. sooner than later i hope.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Dressed: Thin person. Maybe even too thin.

    Nakie: Lardgut.

    And it's not a perception issue. It's just that the last bit of fat I have left is all on my belly.
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    I just see someone gross looking. Head-to-toe.
    I was diagnosed with a severe form of BDD, but I still believe I am as ugly as what it see in the mirror.
    So when I go out I imagine I look like what I want to look like (a Dothraki gladiator :laugh:)
    And the more I workout the prettier I feel. Even if I never see what I want I'm happy proving and improving my athletic ability to myself.