I abandoned 1200 calories per day, and so should you



  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    1200 calories would never work for me. But the 2200 I'm eating now to lose sure does.
  • dogreene
    dogreene Posts: 1
    Is it possible to lose 30 pounds in 10 weeks safely on 1200 caloires a day?
  • angel5561
    angel5561 Posts: 142 Member
    I love reading about how people realized 1200 calories per day is ridiculous and is not the way to set yourself up for long-term success.

    What I hate is when people comment on these threads with, "Well it works for me!" Of course it works - you're depriving your body of the calories it needs, so you're likely to lose weight. HOWEVER, if you CAN eat more and still lose, why the hell wouldn't you?

    What annoys me about these 1200 calorie people is that they don't listen to reason, and they don't rely on simple math. Your BMR and TDEE are insanely useful numbers, and unless you're 3 feet tall, eating 1200 calories per day puts you at too much of a deficit.

    And then there's those people that say, "I know I should eat more than x amount of calories, but I'm not hungry and I can't force myself to eat!" If you can't eat more than 1200 calories, how did you get fat in the first place?!

    ^^^^ this! Lol and where was this post when I first started out and I was eating 1200 calories a day !!! I eat 1600 now and im still losing!
  • My BMR says I should eat 1900 to lose.

    I do have trouble eating that much. Also I can't believe I could eat that much and still lose.

    I came in this room to see what you guys think. I have a large frame and have always been heavy-even as an athlete (so no bikini for me-even as a teen pre kids). But I've gained 60 pounds in the last two years while depressed, weigh more than ever, now I'm 5'10" and 297.

    I got fatter eating 1200 ( if that) calories most -not all days (went a week and only had ONE protein bar and water, coffee)
    So yes, you can gain eating too little. I also would severely dehydrate myself until my urine was dark and hot. (Note I wasn't trying to lose weight by doing this- just wanted to die at the time or at least hurt myself). I stopped exercising during this time.

    I would like to get down to 170 - 180. Will I be able to with my measurements eating 1900? I started working out again and now work out 5 days a week, burning about 400-600 calories per session.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    One thing I found interesting about this Topic was the excitement to spread the word about how weight loss was not achieved. Don't get me wrong? Totally glad you feel better at a high cal count, just confused as to why everyone else should take note to something you aren't succeeding to lose weight at. No disrespect though, sincerely. Just curious as to your motives.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Is it possible to lose 30 pounds in 10 weeks safely on 1200 caloires a day?

    Depends where you're starting from. If you weigh over 300 lbs then very likely yes, providing you pay attention to what's in the 1200. There are countless clinical studies of obese people losing fat and weight on less than 1200 and nobody died.

    If you were here in the UK 1,200 calories isn't even a thing. LOL.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I love reading about how people realized 1200 calories per day is ridiculous and is not the way to set yourself up for long-term success.

    What I hate is when people comment on these threads with, "Well it works for me!" Of course it works - you're depriving your body of the calories it needs, so you're likely to lose weight. HOWEVER, if you CAN eat more and still lose, why the hell wouldn't you?

    What annoys me about these 1200 calorie people is that they don't listen to reason, and they don't rely on simple math. Your BMR and TDEE are insanely useful numbers, and unless you're 3 feet tall, eating 1200 calories per day puts you at too much of a deficit.

    And then there's those people that say, "I know I should eat more than x amount of calories, but I'm not hungry and I can't force myself to eat!" If you can't eat more than 1200 calories, how did you get fat in the first place?!

    This post is exactly why you are on my friends list.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    These 1200 calorie posts always turn into a poo tornado dont they?

    they're bound to, because a group devoted to calorie restriction has a cognitive crisis when a calorie restriction doesn't deliver the required outcome.

    If "the only thing that matters is a calorie deficit" why does this cease to be true if what's left after the deficit is 1200 (leaving aside the mathematical errors in MFP's approach for such people), or if the deficit is bigger than <x> % or <y> calories (insert chosen magic numbers for x and y), or if the deficit is created by the "wrong" sort of exercise.

    It's broadly amusing, until it becomes depressing.
  • LadyTalulah
    LadyTalulah Posts: 174 Member
    Sure, it depends on the person, but I agree that in general, 1200 is not nearly enough, especially if you're active.
    If you're interested, here's an open letter by a personal diet and fitness trainer at a weight loss clinic to her clients. She talks about how the 1200cal diet isn't enough yet we're all convinced that it's the "magic number".
    Best wishes :)
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    In my personal experience; I lost weight at 1200 cals and I lost weight at 1800 cals. Why would I want to eat less calories if I can eat more and still lose weight? Why would I want to deprive myself of food I love and create an unhealthy obsession with food when I can eat a balance variety of food and still hit my goals? Sure you can lose weight at 1200 calories and it may work for you short or long term. But I rather lose weight eating more and fueling my body. I'm not going to live the rest of my life on 1200 calories so why start now?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    In my personal experience; I lost weight at 1200 cals and I lost weight at 1800 cals. Why would I want to eat less calories if I can eat more and still lose weight?

    a) You might want to lose it faster. If you're a calories in calories out person that would appeal and I guess is why people dial in 2lbs/week and hit the 1200 bottom stop.
    b) You may not want to do the extra exercise required to maintain a deficit and adequate loss rate at the higher intake.
    c) You may want to spend less on food, or not have enough money to eat more.
    d) You might believe that calorie restriction prolongs life (I don't, but they're out there)

    Of course you should do what works for you, but why question others doing what works for them. They might say you have an unhealthy obsession with eating food whereas you see them as having an unhealthy obsession with eating less. In Western society as a whole the former is looking to be a bigger problem than the latter - I haven't heard of an "anorexia crisis", ever.
  • ND_Figgzie
    ND_Figgzie Posts: 1,480
    Did you use a food scale? This sounds like under estimating calorie intake. At 5'7" 150, 1200 should have led to weight loss.

  • After taking many nutrition classes, I learned that a 1200 calories does work. The important thing here is working your body to be ready for it. Also, you should eat 6 small meals a day not 3 meals. This will help with not being hungry. Also the food choices you make will impact your hunger as well. Eat more fibrous rich foods and you will feel fuller longer. Sorry it didn't work for you, but that doesn't mean you should discourage others. 1200 cals is the minimum needed for your body. Therefore if you burn off any you should eat them back. I started a 1200 calories diet last summer and lost 25 pounds in 3 months. I was never hungry and looked very healthy!
  • LadyTalulah
    LadyTalulah Posts: 174 Member
    1200 cals is the minimum needed for your body.

    For who's body? I'm 163cm and weigh 52kg and my minimum is 1300 and that's if I lie in bed doing nothing all day. Throw in exercise and someone my height and weight can't survive on 1200 a day!

    Also, IMO even that number is too low, as it doesn't account for muscle mass.
  • I understand your thoughts on calories, but if they are the wrong kind you will feel hungry all of the time. I have been watching carbs instead. With that emphasis I have trouble reaching 1400 calories per day. My portion sizes have been shrinking without me working on it too. Evening snack with very low carbs helps me go to sleep earlier too. I don't think I could do this without MFP. I made a promise to myself to log everything I eat, so exceptions and it has really helped. I have lost 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    Everyone's different and for some of us 1200 is a good starting point. I lost 25 pounds at 1200 calories exercising about 3-4 days a week. Now that I'm exercising 4-5 days a week with about 2400-3,000 calories burned through cardio plus some strength training, I'm moving up my daily intake to compensate. Yes, I can be a bit hungry occasionally, but nothing I can't handle and I'm losing about 5 pounds a month without making everyone around me miserable. I'm 52, 5'5", now 160 lbs. and had plenty of success at 1200 calories but I weighed/measured/logged everything going in and logged all my cardio so I know it works.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    1200 cals is the minimum needed for your body.

    Only in the USA
  • ChristineRoze
    ChristineRoze Posts: 212 Member
    Replying to the OP, I have lost 15kg before by only eating 1200 calories a day for 6 months and i looked amazing, the only problem is that it wasn't ideal and so 2 years later i gained half of it back anyway.. I'm currently at a 1,700 calorie goal which is much more ideal and easier to stick to as i enjoy eating high carb meals like bread, pasta and rice.

    Eating 1200 calories is a quick way to lose a lot of weight but it's just not maintainable for me. Not sure why you didn't lose weight though, that's a bit weird. =/
  • KentWhiteRabbit
    KentWhiteRabbit Posts: 92 Member

    unless you're 3 feet tall, eating 1200 calories per day puts you at too much of a deficit.

    That's not true at all! I'm 5' tall and my TDEE is 1556. So to lose weight 1200 plus exercise cals is about right once you add in the odd day over. Agreed 1200 is not a good catch all number but please don't assume that it suits no one.

    I would just say that everyone should get to know their body and not just blindly follow any numbers that are generated by websites. My goals are very much based on what I've learnt about my own body over the last 43 years.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    confused…you were not losing on 1200 so you upped to 1700 and still not losing…is there a point here besides 1200 was not working for you ? From your post it appears that 1700 is not either...

    ^^^^^Exactly what I was thinking.