Can we stop saying quiting/cutting out sugar from your diet!



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    A = amazed
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    F = Fruit

    R = Rocbola

    Ok........I'm a bit late to this but :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    One of these may or may not have been the one who called me an A-hole in another thread :grumble:

    Happy Monday peeps!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I'll throw in my two cents because...well, I can.

    I think it's absolutely asinine to say you are cutting out all of any type of food. If you ate sweets, drank gallons of soda, or gorged yourself on pasta for years to get fat, than chances are you like those things..there's a shocker. So, it's nice to say "I'm giving up all sweets and sugar," but reality is that you're surrounded by it and you really need to find some way to deal with it.

    Yeah, you can deal with it by not ****ing eating it, it's not that hard. If sugar makes you over eat, then don't eat a lot of sugar.

    The traditional Inuit diet had only trace amounts of sugar, far less than the west considers safe.

    Back in my low carbing days I recall a woman on a board who lost all her weight on a near-zero carb diet. She ate once a day, a huge, fatty steak. Loved it so much she kept eating that way. Maintained it for years, and had excellent labs for a middle aged woman.

    I personally have gone the "no sugar" route, including fruit; felt good, health was perfect. I never intended to stay that way, but it's not impossible at all. I've met a few people through the years who eat that way and are perfectly content.

    This website clearly states, upfront, that it's a platform for all programs. It's not an "everything in moderation" website whatsoever. People can set whatever macros they like. These threads never cease to amaze as people seem to think this board is about one way, and only one way, to eat. Wrong.

    I could care less how people eat..

    I believe what some are trying to point is the logical fallacy of saying "I quit all sugar but still eat fruit"….

    or if one truly cut out ALL sugar are they not eating carbs, fruit, honey, etc? or the statement that one is 'addicted to sugar, but still eats sugar…" always amazes me...

    I totally agree. I too find it absurd when people say they cut sugar...while downing bananas and honey.

    I'm merely pointing out that it is possible to cut sugar truly, and that some people stating such are being quite literal.