Stupid Gym



  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I would go in today, being the actual end of the month and ask to be weighed and measured. And then casually ask if they are going to update the board again.

    There is a difference between motivation and recognition. While I wholeheartedly agree motivation comes from within sometimes we all need a little recognition to increase our motivation. In the meantime support yourself with friends and family who will give those 'atta girls' that you need to push you to keep going rather than a board in the gym.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Wait... what?!? :noway:

    You threw in the towel, because you didn't get your name on some board?!?!


    that's a big fat get over it.

    we aren't in 5th grade any more- they work the gym- they can do whatever they want whenever they want.

    Not sure how your fabulous progress is affected by your name on a board. make your own board at home.

    Personally I think it's insulting and insipid to have a queen/princess themed board at a grown *kitten* woman's gym. But that's me personally- I would say keep working and move on- they are going to look at you like you are crazy if you flip out about this.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Tough love ahead...

    Suck it up buttercup.
    I hope you aren't doing this just to get your name on a board, while it may be nice to be recognized the real accomplishment is in the loss and bettering yourself. Recognize yourself and your accomplishments, don't give anyone else the power to take it away from you like you just did. Take back your self respect and move on, don't give some lowly drone that kind of control over your future.

    Best advise all day.... You are an adult, not a Kindergarden kid who gets rewarded by having her name on the "good" list... you really need to find a reason other than your name on a board to do this...YOU are so much more than non permanent ink on a whiteboard.....

    I just read your complaint again - and really!!!! Drop the sense of entitlement and start doing this for yourself - I don't give a rats *kitten* if there is a board with "Queen" in neon lights at the gym - but I do get REALLY satisfied jotting down a heavier weight on my log - because that means that I am better than what I was yesterday.... And that matters for me, my health and MY body - not some board on a wall......
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    lulz. . .
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Sorry, I'm with the tough love group here...I get that we all want support or recognition sometimes, but the only way for long-term success is to make sure you are 100% behind yourself and that you are going to own it. Personally, I'd want to kill myself going to a gym that has some sort of 'queen bee and princess court' board. Just the thought makes me gag and die a little inside. BUT, if that is the type of gym that works for you and you like that sort of thing, then to management, explain how it made you feel, or whatever, and make sure they stick to whatever plan they came up with so everyone is on the same page.

    Regardless of all that, however, don't let some idiotic 'humblebrag' board control you so much. You went and got depressed basically and binged because you won't be a queen? Argh.

    Get back on the horse. Shake it off. Plan how better to deal with it going forward.

    The journey is about you. Not about the board or the gym or the bored worker. You. You chose to lose control. Now choose to regain it. Don't browbeat yourself about bingeing or any of that...just get out there and get back into it and work on your internal motivation and other ways that you can control the external motivation.
  • allbarrett
    allbarrett Posts: 159 Member
    Add this woman to the "meh, big deal" club.

    OP, I hope you can find the motivation you need within yourself. It will be way more helpful to you in the long run! Best of luck and keep on with the good work!
  • tbucks
    tbucks Posts: 72 Member
    Focus on why you are doing this. You are doing this for you. Not to be the queen. In the end being the queen doesn't matter, but a healthier you does!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Yes I can understand why you are upset and especially with the attitude of the person changing it but does it really matter?

    Is your only incentive to working so hard the fact that you may get your name on a board in a gym? Think of all the reason why you are doing this and i think you will find there are much bigger reasons and incentives.
  • Swimnessa
    Swimnessa Posts: 44
    I am going to come at this from another perspective. Mind you I am new to this board, just started this journey, so this is solely my own personal opinion.

    For many of us, the weight began to creep up as we lost self respect. We struggle with depression and eating was a way "out" of that low feeling. As we begin making ourselves a priority and begin eating right and working toward a healthy lifestyle, those demons (depression and self doubt) dont just magically go away. We are constantly judging ourselves, questioning "Is this worth it?" "Am I worth it?" External motivation, like the success board reinforces that we are worth it and that it is worth it...Eventually we may not need that external motivation but it comes with time. WE did not get fat and sad overnight, in turn we are not going to get skinny and mentally healthy overnight either.

    Please be patient with us, especially us "newbies" We are not just learning to eat right we are learning to value ourselves, we are going to be more emotional and sensitive right now because we dont have the food to fall back on.

    Now with this being said. My suggestion to the poster is to go to the gym and ask quietly to speak to someone in charge. Explain why the board was important to you and why changing it early hurt your feelings. Explain that you dont want any special treatment or anything in return, you would just like them to be aware of how important the board is to some people and by changing it early they may have upset a few people and you just wanted to make them aware of the situation. Then walk away, let it go, and work hard this month to be on there. If the situation continues to occur then it may be time to find a new gym, but if you otherwise like the place, it is meeting your needs and you are getting what you need. Then keep at it girl! Remember we are worth it!
  • kimbux
    kimbux Posts: 154 Member
    Sorry - I think you are being a little senstitive. I would expect this attitude coming a child. I hope you are losing weight to become healthy for yourself and not for attention and recognition.
  • MainahGirl
    MainahGirl Posts: 282 Member
    Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and kick *kitten*! You don't need a board to show your success.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    be the queen of your life. :flowerforyou:
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    I can understand why you're upset; especially if you thought you deserved this extra recognition.

    Unfortunately....(sad to say) that's life.

    Don't let this event derail you from your weight loss efforts.
    You are your OWN best cheerleader; don't depend on other people to recognize you and reinforce your
    goals--even when you deserve the kudos.

    Keep your weight loss chart UP on the wall on your fridge where you can see it.

    Remind yourself that you (like most people) are in it for the long haul. For YOU. For your health.

    You ARE worth it, you ARE worthy, and you CAN do it.

    Don't let "them" win. Get back out there and do it for YOU.

  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    I am going to come at this from another perspective. Mind you I am new to this board, just started this journey, so this is solely my own personal opinion.

    For many of us, the weight began to creep up as we lost self respect. We struggle with depression and eating was a way "out" of that low feeling. As we begin making ourselves a priority and begin eating right and working toward a healthy lifestyle, those demons (depression and self doubt) dont just magically go away. We are constantly judging ourselves, questioning "Is this worth it?" "Am I worth it?" External motivation, like the success board reinforces that we are worth it and that it is worth it...Eventually we may not need that external motivation but it comes with time. WE did not get fat and sad overnight, in turn we are not going to get skinny and mentally healthy overnight either.

    Please be patient with us, especially us "newbies" We are not just learning to eat right we are learning to value ourselves, we are going to be more emotional and sensitive right now because we dont have the food to fall back on.

    Now with this being said. My suggestion to the poster is to go to the gym and ask quietly to speak to someone in charge. Explain why the board was important to you and why changing it early hurt your feelings. Explain that you dont want any special treatment or anything in return, you would just like them to be aware of how important the board is to some people and by changing it early they may have upset a few people and you just wanted to make them aware of the situation. Then walk away, let it go, and work hard this month to be on there. If the situation continues to occur then it may be time to find a new gym, but if you otherwise like the place, it is meeting your needs and you are getting what you need. Then keep at it girl! Remember we are worth it!

    Good post!
  • hellsbells3272
    hellsbells3272 Posts: 128 Member
    my gym gives awards. There is a 'class member of the year' award. Last year people were nominated, AND a winner who only attend 3 x RPM (spin) classes a week! I attend 5-7 classes a week, a mixture of yoga, bodybalance, bodypump, kettlebells, aquafit and RPM occasionally - and get overlooked year in year out. Does my head in.

    But it doesn't stop me. I am in better shape than those RPM only people who have fab toned legs but awful upper bodies (not joking!!!).

    So I win!!
  • hughjass783
    hughjass783 Posts: 32 Member
    I am going to come at this from another perspective. Mind you I am new to this board, just started this journey, so this is solely my own personal opinion.

    For many of us, the weight began to creep up as we lost self respect. We struggle with depression and eating was a way "out" of that low feeling. As we begin making ourselves a priority and begin eating right and working toward a healthy lifestyle, those demons (depression and self doubt) dont just magically go away. We are constantly judging ourselves, questioning "Is this worth it?" "Am I worth it?" External motivation, like the success board reinforces that we are worth it and that it is worth it...Eventually we may not need that external motivation but it comes with time. WE did not get fat and sad overnight, in turn we are not going to get skinny and mentally healthy overnight either.

    Please be patient with us, especially us "newbies" We are not just learning to eat right we are learning to value ourselves, we are going to be more emotional and sensitive right now because we dont have the food to fall back on.

    Now with this being said. My suggestion to the poster is to go to the gym and ask quietly to speak to someone in charge. Explain why the board was important to you and why changing it early hurt your feelings. Explain that you dont want any special treatment or anything in return, you would just like them to be aware of how important the board is to some people and by changing it early they may have upset a few people and you just wanted to make them aware of the situation. Then walk away, let it go, and work hard this month to be on there. If the situation continues to occur then it may be time to find a new gym, but if you otherwise like the place, it is meeting your needs and you are getting what you need. Then keep at it girl! Remember we are worth it!

    Good post!

    I agree!! Great post, and great advice.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Don't base your happiness/measure of success on someone else and you'll be a lot happier. This applies to more than just weight loss.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Make your own motivational board at home with things that will motivate you. Strive to beat yourself each month instead of other people (members of your gym).

    This I do this! I have a big white board and I write motivational stuff all over it. (And homework assignments)
    At the gym, I would suggest speaking to the manager or someone about the situation and let them know how it made you feel. There may be others who were just as put off as you were but who won't have the courage to say anything. If it makes you so upset that you threw in the towel and gave up on yourself, it's worth talking to management about.

    Best of luck to you.
    Speaking up is so much better than bottling. I should know, as I am a world class bottler.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    Get over it. Get back in there and work hard. If you want to say something that is up to you. Don't make a scene though. Be classy but firm about it if you decide to say something.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Ummm serious case of overreacting and blaming the gym for your feelings. You control those you know.