

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    at the moment, im uninsured and cant afford birth control

    Here's a thought: stop having sex. If you can't afford birth control, you can't afford to be pregnant either.
  • cassidyamymommy
    cassidyamymommy Posts: 71 Member
    you can afford that many plan b but cant afford condoms? also i am sure planned parenthood or a similar organization would be more then happy to hand you free condoms
  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    Most likely water retention (in your muscles, or caused by hormones) or you are eating more than you think.

    Please do something to address why you have taken Plan B so much recently. I am actually surprised you were able to get it that often from a doctor. It wreaks havoc on your body doing that, and there are much better, safer, more reliable forms of birth control.

    A world's worth of THIS.

    Plan B is for the occasional slip up- NOT a contingency plan.

    If you don't want to go on birth control (which I get- I don't take it because I've had some pretty adverse side effects), use a condom (they make both male and female varieties). Or check with your doctor about an IUD- they have programs that will subsidize the cost for certain individuals.

    Be safe. Have fun, but be safe.

    I WANT the IUD so bad!! but my doctor REFUSES to give me one because I havent had kids yet and it can rupture the uterus and render me infertile.

    It's like either way I go I cant win.
    He cant use condoms, we tried. He literally cant keep it up. He cant feel anything through them and I even made sure they were the "barely there" thin condoms.
    I cant do birth control because of hormones
    and I cant get the IUD because I dont have kids.

    im being screwed over everywhere and cant really get my body to ever do what I want.
  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    you can afford that many plan b but cant afford condoms? also i am sure planned parenthood or a similar organization would be more then happy to hand you free condoms

    I dont pay for the plan b. He does because He has a job.

    also condoms are a no go.
  • Kindone
    Kindone Posts: 138 Member

    at the moment, im uninsured and cant afford birth control and even before then, my doctors wouldnt put me on it because im so sensitive to hormones that everything would kill my libido or make me gain weight and my doctors didnt want me gaining weight when im already over weight.

    I think the same place you are able to get Plan B for free (I am assuming since isn't it about $50 a dose?), you can also get free condoms and reduced price pills or shots. Seriously.. it might be free, but it is horrible for your body and much worse than a low dose BC pill hormonally.

    And as a woman who has had three, let me tell you that pregnancy and childbirth is far harder on your body weight wise than the pill. Trust me.

    Please think about this issue. Not trying to be judge-y but this is a serious matter.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Regardless of the weight loss/gain issue, I would be remiss not to suggest considering a Plan A... I don't think Plan B is meant to be taken so often but only as an emergency. Have you considered a more permanent method that is workable for you?
    at the moment, im uninsured and cant afford birth control and even before then, my doctors wouldnt put me on it because im so sensitive to hormones that everything would kill my libido or make me gain weight and my doctors didnt want me gaining weight when im already over weight.

    Hormonal birth control is not the only option. Condoms, diaphragm, etc. If push comes to shove, the pull out method is something like 95% accurate if used properly! Jeez!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Regardless of the weight loss/gain issue, I would be remiss not to suggest considering a Plan A... I don't think Plan B is meant to be taken so often but only as an emergency. Have you considered a more permanent method that is workable for you?
    at the moment, im uninsured and cant afford birth control and even before then, my doctors wouldnt put me on it because im so sensitive to hormones that everything would kill my libido or make me gain weight and my doctors didnt want me gaining weight when im already over weight.

    Condoms. They are over the counter, too.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    you can afford that many plan b but cant afford condoms? also i am sure planned parenthood or a similar organization would be more then happy to hand you free condoms

    also condoms are a no go.

    I'm sorry but this is the stupidest thing I've heard all day. My husband doesn't care for them but unless you're allergic to latex....tell him condoms or no sex. He'll wear it.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Aren't Plan B pills like $30 each?

    and they contain hormones

    I second the condoms recommendation. And if money's an issue then raising a kid until they're financially independent costs much more money than a pack of condoms. In the UK condoms are free at birth control clinics... is that true about the USA as well?
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    try Plan C.

    also, why double-down on the gym so much?

    are you doing cardio for one of those trips and weights for the other?
    In the UK condoms are free at birth control clinics... is that true about the USA as well?

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    you can afford that many plan b but cant afford condoms? also i am sure planned parenthood or a similar organization would be more then happy to hand you free condoms

    also condoms are a no go.

    I'm sorry but this is the stupidest thing I've heard all day. My husband doesn't care for them but unless you're allergic to latex....tell him condoms or no sex. He'll wear it.

    you can get latex free and hypoallergenic ones
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    I'm beginning to think this can't actually be real.

    Just in case, educate yourself: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/birth-control-4211.htm

    Lots of things will happen if you get pregnant. The least of which being, your hopes of losing weight will go out the window. If you can't afford Plan B, try paying for diapers and formula and doctor's visits and clothes your baby will wear twice before they're too small and you have to buy more.


    ETA: Forgot a sentence.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    you can afford that many plan b but cant afford condoms? also i am sure planned parenthood or a similar organization would be more then happy to hand you free condoms

    I dont pay for the plan b. He does because He has a job.

    also condoms are a no go.

    If he can pay for Plan B 5 times in the last 3 months, he can pay for BC. If you are taking Plan B so often, you are putting WAY more hormones into your body than you would if you were to use the pill. Why no go to condoms?
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Most likely water retention (in your muscles, or caused by hormones) or you are eating more than you think.

    Please do something to address why you have taken Plan B so much recently. I am actually surprised you were able to get it that often from a doctor. It wreaks havoc on your body doing that, and there are much better, safer, more reliable forms of birth control.

    FYI: Plan B doesn't require a prescription.

    OP: Do you realize how much you could be effectively destroying your lady business right now? Plan B contains enough birth control for 3-5 days depending on the type you take. Generic (2 pill) costs 30, but the brand name 1 pill format costs around 50. So you're saying that instead of taking precautions, you've paid out potentially over $200 dollars as an afterthought instead of seeing a doctor about something that would cost a fraction of that?

    Upping exercise makes you gain weight initially this is true...

    However, the female body responds to major influxes of estrogen (ie Plan B taken irregularly but frequently) with increases of testosterone. This is going to make you feel more aggro, retain water, and eventually grow extra body hair.

    There are non-hormone options for birth control, or low-estrogen options, which will limit the weight gain many women experience.

    Female metabolism is directly impacted by the health of our ovaries. Bathing them in uber-doses of hormones without getting checked by the doc is a recipe for disaster. The rule of thumb generally is, you take it only if absolutely necessary, and if you take it more than twice, it's time to see a doctor.

    I personally took it only one time. That was enough to tell me I never, ever wanted to take it again. It's really really rough on the body.

    As another user said, they are 100%. They only work if fertilization and implantation hasn't occurred. I'd go to the doctor ASAP and get a workup.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    While in a diet is absolutely the worst time to increase the workload on your body when you are already doing alot.

    The body is already impaired for recovery when eating in a diet, just adding more is going to just stress the body. Hope you aren't eating less at the same time hoping for a positive effect.

    You will get some benefits for a while, but not nearly what you could get and for nearly as long as doing it wiser.

    I'm glad you at least are splitting the days up, and I'm sure at this point doing Zumba for a long time it's not nearly the workout it was, so that may be decent recovery type.

    Also, why would you want to just lose water weight the body is needing?

    Are you wearing a scale on your back with the weight displayed on it, with another sign saying goal weight for people to compare?

    Or do people and you see the body? Therefore inches?

    I'd suggest a tad too tied to the scale if body's natural responses to exercise are causing you stress.
    Did you know for all that cardio the body's response is to store more glycogen, which stores with water, and will increase weight too?
    If you want to lose more water weight - stop doing the cardio and the body won't feel the need to store that extra.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    Regardless of the weight loss/gain issue, I would be remiss not to suggest considering a Plan A... I don't think Plan B is meant to be taken so often but only as an emergency. Have you considered a more permanent method that is workable for you?
    at the moment, im uninsured and cant afford birth control and even before then, my doctors wouldnt put me on it because im so sensitive to hormones that everything would kill my libido or make me gain weight and my doctors didnt want me gaining weight when im already over weight.

    If you're sensitive to hormones, you should consider a copper IUD. Even without insurance, they cost about $300 and last for ten years. I have one and it has been a real godsend (I also don't tolerate hormones well). $300 may seem like a lot, but if Plan B is still running $50/dose, you've already almost spent that much. Copper IUDs are (to my knowledge) the cheapest form of birth control on the market when you figure out the cost over ten years.

    Side note, babies are a lot more expensive than ANY form of birth control out there, in case you need to justify it further to yourself.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    I'm working different muscle groups every day. Monday was abs and legs, chest and triceps, yesterday was back and biceps, today i did a little more back because im not feeling it anywhere and tonight I'm going to do plenty of abs...

    but this is just so weird for me... how long until it flushes that water weight out???

    I usually only weight train one or two days a week so I've upped it, but it's nothing my muscles aren't used to. I didn't go up in weight unless my prior weight was just too easy.

    I have noticed a large jump in strength. Especially in my biceps...

    when will it fall off, I dont want to be 160 again... I was right at 152 at the start of March and held onto that pretty steady until about 2 weeks ago I was 153 then last saturday I was 157 and then today 159 TT

    Have you noticed a change in your size in either direction? Relatively speaking your actual weight is pretty unimportant. It's all in your head.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I'm beginning to think this can't actually be real.

    Just in case, educate yourself: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/birth-control-4211.htm

    Lots of things will happen if you get pregnant. The least of which being, your hopes of losing weight will go out the window. If you can't afford Plan B, try paying for diapers and formula and doctor's visits and clothes your baby will wear twice before they're too small and you have to buy more.


    ETA: Forgot a sentence.

    Not saying babies aren't expensive but formula is definitely not a necessary expense :-P
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