Team Uk October10



  • JimJam87
    Hey Jain, I'm not too far away from you, I'm in Blackburn! x
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    I'm here, i'm over in Norfolk UK, Ellie, two kids ones 2 and a half and the other just turned 1 last month.

    I had a rubbish month last month and really really hoping i can do better this month but i've no motivation at all, seems to have walked out on me whilst i've been poorly!

    any tips for gettin re-started??
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Katzpawz, I'll be happy to share recipes, but I'm a veggie, so they might not suit your taste buds. But you could always add meat .

    Hi JimJam87, we're practically neighbours!
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Hey Katzpawz, I'll be happy to share recipes, but I'm a veggie, so they might not suit your taste buds. But you could always add meat .

    We're actually interested in going veggie (or at least cutting down the amount of meat we consume). I just need to learn how to get the right nutrition and satisfying meals without meat. I'd be grateful for anything you'd like to share! Thanks!
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Jain and BJShooter - welcome to the thread! xxx

    Katzpawz - feel free to add me as a friend and check out my food diary. xxx

    kpnuts - hope you survived the cinema!!!

    Lesley - well done chick - I will go and check out the other thread! xxx

    Ellie!! - hello! I am a Norfolk girl - now live in Suffolk! You can do this!! xxx
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hi to the newbies. This group of UK'ers is excellent.

    Glad to see that you are all doing well. KP well done on avoiding the sweet stuff for so long. I wish I could do that. In fact I wish I could get out of this little rutt I am in. I go a couple of days being good then fall straight back in to my old ways. I can only put it down to work. Things have stepped up a pace here and sometimes I just do not get the time for myself. For the past month or so each Monday I say to myself "this is the week that I find time for myself" and by Wednesday/Thursday it has gone down hill :mad: :explode:

    Coming here and seeing how you are all doing does give me that motivation to keep trying and I will!!!!

    Good luck to the rest of you with your own challenges.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I've had a week off work so been utterly naughty as been catching up with friends for lunch. Chinese restaurant yesterday and a pub lunch today. Not over bothered though, life is for living after all and I don't eat out often.

    On a completely different note stumbled across this article on The Mail website whilst I was looking for info on something else

    I knew that low fat or light products often have more sugar to try and put some taste back but I'd missed the fact that light mayo had more salt in too. I thought I'd done my homework and was making a good choice....hmmmm.
  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    Not a good month for me thus far. This time last month I'd about lost my 9lb target, this month I've only lost 4lbs. Certainly a good loss by most standards, but a little disappointing.

    Shouldn't be a surprise, I've had a bit of illness and not done much gym time. Really annoying anyway, I was expecting next month to be a slow month (honeymoon and all that) but should still meet the target I'd set myself for the wedding slightly early still anyway.

    How's everyone else going?