Challenge of not eating out for a week.



  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    My wife and I are not eating out for the month. So far so good :) Leaves more money/calories for good home cookin'
  • sheenashe10
    I have to take baby steps and only do this challenge for a week. I have to see how it goes. But Chris_Pierce that is amazing. Did you lose any weight from it yet? You must feel amazing.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I haven't eaten out since 15 Mar, it saves money and calories to eat at home. Kudos to you for trying it!
  • sheenashe10
    thank you, I hope I can continue once I do my week challenge.
  • sheenashe10
    Enjoy your grocery shopping and prepping today everyone. Tomorrow we start our challenge. I can't wait!
  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    I've lost 4 pounds since I started MFP. Eating out doesn't really make me gain weight since I fit it into my macros as best I can.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    how would altering my love life like this make me lose weight?
  • drewmmm
    drewmmm Posts: 130 Member
    I'm in! Last week I wasted all my money (and calories) sitting in restaurants and coffee shops!
  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    OK had a big piece of failcake today. On the way home from the gym my son was complaining he was starving and talked me into stopping at Chipoltle. At least lunch was relatively healthy. I can think of far worse places to stop. Honestly, I forgot about this thread.
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    Haven't eaten out since March 4th. You can do it sheenashe10!
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I've managed to plan todays food so far :) lunch and snacks all prepared, and I'm going to make a smoothie for breakfast.
  • WisheeNY
    WisheeNY Posts: 72 Member
    I'm in :D
  • sheenashe10
    Ok I bought all my chicken breast and fish at Costco. All my veggies are all ready to be dip in hummus. I'm ready for tomorrow. :) It's going to be a fun challenge.
  • sheenashe10
    I've managed to plan todays food so far :) lunch and snacks all prepared, and I'm going to make a smoothie for breakfast.

    Amazing! way to go. Starting off to a good start.
  • sheenashe10
    I ate subway today :)

    We are starting tomorrow, Monday. So people can prep today. Today is the last day to eat out. :) I ate a Costco hotdog while I was buying my chicken breast and salmon. :)
  • sheenashe10
    Ok day 1 of not eating at restaurants. So what did you bring for lunch? I made a piece of salmon and had left over sweet potatoes and carrots. Tonight I'll be making something with chicken. I just don't know what yet. :) any ideas?
  • pammerz88
    pammerz88 Posts: 58 Member
    I could easily not eat out for a week but I can't and won't give up my daily coffee.
  • sheenashe10
    I could easily not eat out for a week but I can't and won't give up my daily coffee.

    You don't have give up coffee. You can make your coffee. If you want to drink coffee out just get it plain. This challenge is all about trying to cut back at all the extra cals we get from eating out and a bonus of saving money. :)
  • sheenashe10
    Who would like to join me in a challenge of not eating out for a week? and that includes not drinking coffee out.

    This challenge is all about trying to cut back at all the extra cals we get from eating out and a bonus of saving money. If you really need to buy coffee do so without sugar or milk or just bring your own coffee. I use to bring my instant coffee to work and have a cup there because if I bought coffee, it would always end up as a latte. lol