Week 7, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.



  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    happy week 7!!!
    some very awesome people here.I am so happy I joined.
    Am going to make my weigh in probaly wed.Having my daughters in to visit and it will be hectic!!

    My one thing to give up.regular chocolate and switch to dark chocolate.
    My one new goal: park further from the door at stores and no more using my cane.

    Peace out
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone. I hope we all are having a good day.. I thought Id say hi to everyone. Hope your Monday has begun on a good note.. :)

    Well, yesterday I took one of my hubbys water pills to see if it made a difference sine it was the end of the tom, and for ****s and giggles i hopped on the scale... im down 2 pounds from yesterday.. haha.. I was shocked.. Kinda exciting.. Only if the number keeps going downs..

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Anyone do anything fun?? "Debating on a sort walk before getting around for work.. :)
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hi everyone! I did not put a weigh in last week because I thought I would change the day. Decided to go back to my Mondays. So I will enter my weight for today...198.4 which is a 1.2 pound loss since 9/20. Counted calories but not much exercise. Looking to ramp it up this week. I get into those funks...lose motivation...find excuses. But...my son's girlfriend sent me a facebook note that said..."You look so skinny!" Looking over my progress since the middle of January, I have lost near 36 lbs. That is definitely nothing to sneeze at. I wanted it to be quick at first, but now I am appreciating the slowness because it is less pressure. Yep, I make some bad choices...but some of those choices tasted good.
    So, to all...have a wonderful week! Happy exercising and counting. Motivate yourselves as much as you motivate others! :happy:
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    I'm talking micechat.com. I've been there since the site was born in 2005 and it has taken off TREMENDOUSLY. I can get your son's reasoning that you can spend more time there if you wait - but I don't think he understands you need for a Disney fix. I'm glad you're feeling well enough that you're back to work. While you're sending off your resumes and such, just remember that each one you send you're that much closer to getting to your happy place.

    OH and I saw you post about your Mickey purse...do you like Dooney and Bourke purses? Did you see the Disney/Dooney and Bourke purses?! DISNEYGASM!! http://www.disneystore.com/dooney-bourke/mn/1000812/

    Stacy I think you're amazing for loosing 2-3 pounds a week! Just sayin'. :bigsmile:

    No, never heard of it. I will check it out. I can't believe my son can wait that long. I, however would go as often as possible. LOL I have seen the D&B purses! They are pretty nice. No, this one was from Avon, and is black with a HUGE big ol mickey on it. And his pants are red sequins!!!!!! :bigsmile: My friends just roll their eyes at me and sigh. :laugh:

    Well not sure how much I can work at this point, the jobs are all occasional or very pt but I plan on working my way up to as many hours as I can do.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Wooooo I lost 2lb again this week :D happy happy.

    W1 169
    W2 171
    W3 169
    W4 168
    W5 168
    W6 166
    W7 164

    5lb down and my original goal, still in my singnature VVVV was 157lb, I couls do it if I work my *kitten* off.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Wooooo I lost 2lb again this week :D happy happy.

    W1 169
    W2 171
    W3 169
    W4 168
    W5 168
    W6 166
    W7 164

    5lb down and my original goal, still in my singnature VVVV was 157lb, I couls do it if I work my *kitten* off.

    yay BJ
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Week 7, has been a GREAT week..

    Last night, I was restless, I didnt make it to bed until after 5am. Blah..
    I got up at 12pm today, after 7 hours of sleep. Which I felt rested..

    Got around for the day. Got my checkbook balanced..
    Went to ruin errands and went to my moms to see her..

    I didn't eat before leaving the house, and there wasn't much to choose from at my moms house.
    So, instead of doing the norm, I chose NOT to choose fast food. I held out although I was hungry.
    I had to make a trip to Walmart.. So I got me a small package of honey roasted peanuts.
    Along with the Peanuts I got a bottle of water. It filled me up until I came home to make dinner..
    I resisted the fast food.. :) Normally I would have walked across the street and bought a LARGE Pizza & Bread stix.. Yuck..

    Im on a roll this week.. I have been packing my lunch at work to lessen my chance of making bad food choices..
    Ive got this.. I have lost 2 pounds since Sundays weigh in.. But Im not going to log anything until Saturday.. I dont wanna Jinx it.
    I took water pills for two days to help get rid of whatever Water weight I gained during TOM..

    Im soo glad to be out of that rut.. I feel amazing.. Tonight although I made loaded nachos.. I didnt eat much all day because of lack of appetite earlier in the day.. I am happy I had the nachos at home, where the toppings are controlled. Im going to try to have a more controlled "food" environment. I cant allow myself to go back into a rut.. ITs not worth it to me..

    Instead of sitting on my butt thru the entire Biggest Loser show, I got up and used my Wii Balance Board, to do a Step Up exercise.. I used my hand weights to change it up a bit. :) Did it for 15. I broke a sweat. My arms and legs are feeling it but its good.. :):flowerforyou:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    April you inspired me to get up and get moving. I did the Wii Fit Free Step tonight for 30 minutes, added in weights for the arms. So along with the stepping, got in 150 curls.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I heard this article mentioned on the news this morning and thought it was something y'all should read:


    The study took overweight men and women and had them live in a controlled lab environment for two separate two-week periods. They were all fed the same controlled diet, and over the course of each period lost an average of 7 pounds. Here's how the two periods were different - in one they got 5.5 hours of sleep, and in the other they got 8.5 hours. So yeah during both periods the average weight loss was 7 pounds, BUT, during the 8.5 hour test, 55% of the weight lost came from fat. With less sleep, only a quarter of the weight loss was fat.

    If you have the time read the full article. Just don't let it interfere with your sleep. ;)
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Ok weigh in date. I had a gain last week :grumble: Think it was from not eating enough or enough of the right foods and no sleeping. My sleeping is way off track again due to fibro. When that happens, I tend to gain. :sad:
    Anyways, I am working my way back DOWN again. ::ohwell: I tracked it for the purposes of this forum but normally I wouldn't track till I went back down again. Posting gains does not motivate me even though I track my weight every day.

    Well here it is.

    My weight as of Aug 31 was 206.8
    Sept 26 - 202.
    Week 6 - Sept 29 - 201.52
    Week 7 - Oct 6 - 202.4

    loss - 0 :sad:
    goal for my bd 190 - 12.4 to go
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Good for you for moving while watching Biggest Loser and making better fast food choices.

    Pink and Shiney - YAY to you for doing step for so long too!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Here we are about Half way thru our week.. How are we feeling about this week? Anyone struggling that needs a little encouragement..

    Today Im struggling to get moving.. Thinking of taking my phone and going for a walk.. :) I use it as an mp3 player.. :) I <3 it!
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    You guys are rocking! Almost at 20 myself. Defiantly keeping busy and on track.. I've been so busy the last weeks but still very much on track. As some of you know we do a haunt every year for Halloween ( will add pics went setup is complete) and prop building has 100 percent taken over our lives at this point! Still logging in and here for support though if anyone else needs a new friend for motivation please add me! Have a great rest of the week guys. Much love
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Today's my weigh-in day, and I'm down three pounds to 183.6! This is my lowest weight for the year, and I'm realizing I'm sneaking up on my lowest logged weight ever of 178. It's a great day!

    April, enjoy that walk of yours.

    iluvwdw - you didn't gain, so that's an accomplishment. I think maintaining means you're doing things right. Keep on truckin', and get some sleep!

    zenzoes - can't wait to see pictures from your haunt! I go to Knott's Berry Farm Halloween Haunt every year, so I'm excited to see what you guys come up with!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Today's my weigh-in day, and I'm down three pounds to 183.6! This is my lowest weight for the year, and I'm realizing I'm sneaking up on my lowest logged weight ever of 178. It's a great day!

    April, enjoy that walk of yours.

    iluvwdw - you didn't gain, so that's an accomplishment. I think maintaining means you're doing things right. Keep on truckin', and get some sleep!

    zenzoes - can't wait to see pictures from your haunt! I go to Knott's Berry Farm Halloween Haunt every year, so I'm excited to see what you guys come up with!

    Way to go Pinky.. :)

    Thanks, I had a nice walk.. I forced myself to go, and i even forced myself to walk a little further than normal. Did it relatively fast.. :) I loved it!! Found two little buddies along the way.. 2 dogs.. SOO cute!! I love dogs! :) I should have been scared of the one but he looked friendly and i petted him.. priceless moments.. :) Took a picture of him with my phone.. :) hehe!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hows everyones Motivation lately? Ive had more this week then ive had the past 3 combined.. :) hope everyones weight loss journey is going well.. Keep on trucking.. Remember you ARE worth the hard work.. NEVER give up, because when you give up your giving up on yourself. ♥
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I love doggies too! Whenever I'm out and come across someone with their dog, I always say hi and talk to the dog, not the human. :laugh:
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks Pink! Everyone is doing well on their weight! I feel good about my eating today so that is something. Got to get my sleeping back on track though - that will help with the weight loss.

    Doggies are so cute!! I love them too and want one - just not sure my baby Sylvester would think that is a cool thing!

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Last week I gained 0..2lbs to get to 243.5. This week I gained another 1.4lbs. I know TOM is on the way, just wish she'd get it over with.....this is driving me mad. My eating wasn't terrible this week and neither was my water, although I did just scrape by on that front.......
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Well done everyone :D

    I have been making some shocking food choices and I have had no sleep as I have a teething baby :(

    I kicked myself up the butt today though and have done the shred this morning and I shall walk for a few hours later, may calm the baby down as well.

    Not feeling confident for my next weigh in though.
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