Juice plus - newbie



  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    Has it been said yet? If you want to flush toxins for better health then drink lots of water. This is scientifically sound.

    If you want to do a juice diet for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it; multivitamins are great for the lazy/low eaters, otherwise just incorporate fruit and veg.

    Hell, do all three for optimal health: drink lots of water, take a multivitamin, eat as much fruit and veg as your diet allows and in variety.


    Since you missed it the first time, let me quote here for you
    If you want to do a juice diet for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it; multivitamins are great for the lazy/low eaters, otherwise just incorporate fruit and veg.

    Geezus, read a person's post in entirety before you flip-out.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Has it been said yet? If you want to flush toxins for better health then drink lots of water. This is scientifically sound.

    If you want to do a juice diet for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it; multivitamins are great for the lazy/low eaters, otherwise just incorporate fruit and veg.

    Hell, do all three for optimal health: drink lots of water, take a multivitamin, eat as much fruit and veg as your diet allows and in variety.


    Since you missed it the first time, let me quote here for you
    If you want to do a juice diet for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it; multivitamins are great for the lazy/low eaters, otherwise just incorporate fruit and veg.

    Geezus, read a person's post in entirety before you flip-out.

    Um ... Maybe you should read your own post? JuicePlus+ is not a juice diet, like I said.
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member

    Um ... Maybe you should read your own post? JuicePlus+ is not a juice diet, like I said.

    ... for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it; multivitamins are great for the lazy/low eaters, otherwise just incorporate fruit and veg.

    Does that make it easier for you to understand? Does this help you to not get hung up on semantics? Do you like to argue semantics in a pathetic attempt to prove yourself right in all situations? Maybe I should make it even easier for you: you're right, I'm wrong. If that does not make you happy either then all I have to say to you is stfu and find someone else to argue semantics with, it is a huge and pathetic waste of my time.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Um ... Maybe you should read your own post? JuicePlus+ is not a juice diet, like I said.

    ... for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it; multivitamins are great for the lazy/low eaters, otherwise just incorporate fruit and veg.

    Does that make it easier for you to understand? Does this help you to not get hung up on semantics? Do you like to argue semantics in a pathetic attempt to prove yourself right in all situations? Maybe I should make it even easier for you: you're right, I'm wrong. If that does not make you happy either then all I have to say to you is stfu and find someone else to argue semantics with, it is a huge and pathetic waste of my time.

  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member

    Um ... Maybe you should read your own post? JuicePlus+ is not a juice diet, like I said.

    ... for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it; multivitamins are great for the lazy/low eaters, otherwise just incorporate fruit and veg.

    Does that make it easier for you to understand? Does this help you to not get hung up on semantics? Do you like to argue semantics in a pathetic attempt to prove yourself right in all situations? Maybe I should make it even easier for you: you're right, I'm wrong. If that does not make you happy either then all I have to say to you is stfu and find someone else to argue semantics with, it is a huge and pathetic waste of my time.

    Uh... I don't really think there's much of a difference between Juice Plus and multi-vitamins as they are both supplements.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    you should watch "Sick, Fat and nearly Dead" its about juicing. I have tried it but its hard, I lost 11 pounds in two weeks and kept it off

    Really? Can we get that infomercial branded as such, so people stop taking it seriously as a documentary?

    Ditto for "Forks Over Knives," please? The China Study is anti-science, whose own data disproves the writers' thesis.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP already rage quit, the cycle has once again completed itself...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Um ... Maybe you should read your own post? JuicePlus+ is not a juice diet, like I said.

    ... for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it; multivitamins are great for the lazy/low eaters, otherwise just incorporate fruit and veg.

    Does that make it easier for you to understand? Does this help you to not get hung up on semantics? Do you like to argue semantics in a pathetic attempt to prove yourself right in all situations? Maybe I should make it even easier for you: you're right, I'm wrong. If that does not make you happy either then all I have to say to you is stfu and find someone else to argue semantics with, it is a huge and pathetic waste of my time.

    Uh... I don't really think there's much of a difference between Juice Plus and multi-vitamins as they are both supplements.

    He cut this part (which is to what I was responding) out:
    If you want to do a juice diet for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it;

    Clearly, he thought JuicePlus+ was a juice diet.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    Um ... Maybe you should read your own post? JuicePlus+ is not a juice diet, like I said.

    ... for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it; multivitamins are great for the lazy/low eaters, otherwise just incorporate fruit and veg.

    Does that make it easier for you to understand? Does this help you to not get hung up on semantics? Do you like to argue semantics in a pathetic attempt to prove yourself right in all situations? Maybe I should make it even easier for you: you're right, I'm wrong. If that does not make you happy either then all I have to say to you is stfu and find someone else to argue semantics with, it is a huge and pathetic waste of my time.

    Uh... I don't really think there's much of a difference between Juice Plus and multi-vitamins as they are both supplements.

    He cut this part (which is to what I was responding) out:
    If you want to do a juice diet for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it;

    Clearly, he thought JuicePlus+ was a juice diet.

    ummm I think that was a chick you were talking to ....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Um ... Maybe you should read your own post? JuicePlus+ is not a juice diet, like I said.

    ... for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it; multivitamins are great for the lazy/low eaters, otherwise just incorporate fruit and veg.

    Does that make it easier for you to understand? Does this help you to not get hung up on semantics? Do you like to argue semantics in a pathetic attempt to prove yourself right in all situations? Maybe I should make it even easier for you: you're right, I'm wrong. If that does not make you happy either then all I have to say to you is stfu and find someone else to argue semantics with, it is a huge and pathetic waste of my time.

    Uh... I don't really think there's much of a difference between Juice Plus and multi-vitamins as they are both supplements.

    He cut this part (which is to what I was responding) out:
    If you want to do a juice diet for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it;

    Clearly, he thought JuicePlus+ was a juice diet.

    ummm I think that was a chick you were talking to ....
    Oops. :-(

    I do apologize. The way MFP cropped the photo she looked masculine. (To clarify, the larger photo on the profile doesn't.)
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member

    Um ... Maybe you should read your own post? JuicePlus+ is not a juice diet, like I said.

    ... for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it; multivitamins are great for the lazy/low eaters, otherwise just incorporate fruit and veg.

    Does that make it easier for you to understand? Does this help you to not get hung up on semantics? Do you like to argue semantics in a pathetic attempt to prove yourself right in all situations? Maybe I should make it even easier for you: you're right, I'm wrong. If that does not make you happy either then all I have to say to you is stfu and find someone else to argue semantics with, it is a huge and pathetic waste of my time.

    Uh... I don't really think there's much of a difference between Juice Plus and multi-vitamins as they are both supplements.

    He cut this part (which is to what I was responding) out:
    If you want to do a juice diet for the added vitamins and minerals, there are better ways to do it;

    Clearly, he thought JuicePlus+ was a juice diet.

    We all read it the way you did, and you're right. There, there...
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member

    If there was a way to copy this and stick it on my fridge, I'd be half way there :D
    cheap kids android tablet + duct tape. boom. done.

    you are awesome for making a gif of yourself. I'm lovin it
  • amylg05
    amylg05 Posts: 89 Member
    I am currently using Juice Plus Complete shakes and also the fruit and veg blend capsules.

    Before I started using the products I weighed over 200lbs, had zero motivation, suffered headaches, bloating and digestive issues and had no energy. I also have PCOS.

    At the start of February this year I started to use the shakes and then a few weeks ago the capsules, so far I have lost about 18lbs. I dont attribute this fully to Juice Plus, however I lost 5lbs in my first week of using the shakes alone. I didnt restrict my eating, I simply replaced my breakfast and lunch with a shake and ate healthy snacks in between such as a banana or a handful of almonds, and then had a balanced evening meal such as chicken with brown rice and veggies. I also upped my water intake. In the first week these were the only changes I made. By the start of week 2, my belly had de-bloated by a mile and I felt like I had much more energy - I also gained a lot of motivation to continue and to start exercising, which I do now about 3 times a week, was doing HIIT and recently started lifting.

    I think a lot of people THINK they know what Juice Plus is and for some reason develop a negative opinion of it. What Juice Plus ACTUALLY is, is a nutritional supplement. The shakes can be used for pre workout energy and post workout recovery. They can also be used a weight loss aid by replacing 2 meals a day (I know only have 1 shake a day for breakfast). They contain ONLY fruit and veg extracts with added minerals and vitamins. The capsules are the same but contain more fruit/veg. In my first week of using capsules alongside shakes I lost 5lbs - this was week 6.

    I dont want to come across rude here and this is just my own personal experience. But, for me Juice Plus has genuinely changed my life and given me so much more confidence and energy. I am happier and genuinely enjoy my healthier lifestyle.

    OP - if you have any questions I will be happy to answer them. And yes, I am (only as of last week) a Juice Plus rep. But no, that isnt why I am saying any of this - this is my genuine experience.

  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    OP already rage quit, the cycle has once again completed itself...

    And harmony had returned to the realm......

    But they were all of them deceived, for another Juicing fad diet was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Capitalism forged in secret, a master Juicing diet, to control all others. And into this diet he poured all his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. One fad diet to rule them all. One by one, the free peoples of MFP fell to the power of the Diet. But there were some who resisted. A last alliance of men and women marched against the armies of Mordor, and on the very slopes of Mount Doom, they fought for the freedom of MFP.
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    curious as to what toxins this cleanse will get rid of that your body does not detox on its own? Can you please name one?

    I see this question all the time; has anyone every given you an answer for this? You poor soul, just wanting an answer.. :sad:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    curious as to what toxins this cleanse will get rid of that your body does not detox on its own? Can you please name one?

    I see this question all the time; has anyone every given you an answer for this? You poor soul, just wanting an answer.. :sad:

    nope, no answer..

    and Joff is the original crusader on this quest...I have just taken up the "cross"....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am currently using Juice Plus Complete shakes and also the fruit and veg blend capsules.

    Before I started using the products I weighed over 200lbs, had zero motivation, suffered headaches, bloating and digestive issues and had no energy. I also have PCOS.

    At the start of February this year I started to use the shakes and then a few weeks ago the capsules, so far I have lost about 18lbs. I dont attribute this fully to Juice Plus, however I lost 5lbs in my first week of using the shakes alone. I didnt restrict my eating, I simply replaced my breakfast and lunch with a shake and ate healthy snacks in between such as a banana or a handful of almonds, and then had a balanced evening meal such as chicken with brown rice and veggies. I also upped my water intake. In the first week these were the only changes I made. By the start of week 2, my belly had de-bloated by a mile and I felt like I had much more energy - I also gained a lot of motivation to continue and to start exercising, which I do now about 3 times a week, was doing HIIT and recently started lifting.

    I think a lot of people THINK they know what Juice Plus is and for some reason develop a negative opinion of it. What Juice Plus ACTUALLY is, is a nutritional supplement. The shakes can be used for pre workout energy and post workout recovery. They can also be used a weight loss aid by replacing 2 meals a day (I know only have 1 shake a day for breakfast). They contain ONLY fruit and veg extracts with added minerals and vitamins. The capsules are the same but contain more fruit/veg. In my first week of using capsules alongside shakes I lost 5lbs - this was week 6.

    I dont want to come across rude here and this is just my own personal experience. But, for me Juice Plus has genuinely changed my life and given me so much more confidence and energy. I am happier and genuinely enjoy my healthier lifestyle.

    OP - if you have any questions I will be happy to answer them. And yes, I am (only as of last week) a Juice Plus rep. But no, that isnt why I am saying any of this - this is my genuine experience.


    LOL...I am not also a successful user, I am also a rep ...but please know that that my uhh hummm "experience" is no way a marketing ploy to sell you more stuff that you have no use for ....
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member

    Uh... I don't really think there's much of a difference between Juice Plus and multi-vitamins as they are both supplements.
    Except multivitamins are cheaper.
  • jeccalou
    jeccalou Posts: 92 Member
    And for the people who are talking about juice fasts, that is NOT what JuicePlus+ is. It's supplements that are supposedly "real food) (though how pills and powders and gummies are "Real food" is beyond me) that give you some sort of megadose of fruit and veggie servings to "bridge the gap" for not eating enough fruits and vegetables during the day.

    And if all you are looking for is a quality "whole food" vitamin, there are plenty out there that are not attached to a pyramid scheme.
  • amylg05
    amylg05 Posts: 89 Member
    No ploy here, thats my honest experience whether you believe it or not...im really not sure why people are getting so upset over a fruit and veg food supplement.