Unconditional Support Group - October!



  • buggaboo73
    The weekends are so hard!!! We try to enjoy our time with family and friends, but it all revolves around food! It is really difficult to chew on a salad while everyone else is indulging in the good stuff. How does everyone do it? I can resist the desserts, but its the food that is calling me. Well, today is a new day and hopefully we all won't be so tempted.

    I have a very hard time with that too, I try telling myself it's only temporary but that doesn't seem to help. Let me know if you find a solution......
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    How is everyone doing this fine Tuesday? I have been planning my meals carefully, and that is helping a lot. I try not to stray from the menu, but that isn't always so easy. My work schedule varies, so when I'm not as busy I will exercise more. Can't hurt! I just don't know how some people do cardio for 60 or 90 minutes. I wish I could manage that. I have a problem with boredom.....so sad!
    I use a pedometer now and that has been a motivating factor.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    hi unconditional support group! i don't know why it took me so long to find this thread from the previous one; i've been missing the feel good vibes!

    just wanted to check in and say hi to everybody :) anyone else completely addicted to the before/after pics in the successes forums? i CANNOT GET ENOUGH! maybe one day i'll have one too!

    happy tuesday :)
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    This is turning into the longest day ever!!!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    wow, i just got a really nasty response on another topic i posted. or at least that's how it came off to me, hopefully she didn't intend it that way? it was essentially, "that never works but i'm sure you'll do it anyway". that's pretty backhanded, right?

    ugh. what a downer :( and while i'm pms-ing, too! lol, it probably seems even ickier because of that! glad i have this group to counteract the negativity!

    thanks for helping me try to stay positive!
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    I have read some nasty posts to people and I just stayed clear of it. I don't understand why some people are so judgmental. We are all trying to achieve a goal. I don't know that anyone is an expert at this! I love the fact that I can post and read replies here on this thread and not feel like I will be punished! Lets just stick together on this. On a positive note, I did really well these last few days, with today being very good. I am having some hungry moments, though. I hope everyone else is doing ok and feeling good!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    wow, i just got a really nasty response on another topic i posted. or at least that's how it came off to me, hopefully she didn't intend it that way? it was essentially, "that never works but i'm sure you'll do it anyway". that's pretty backhanded, right?

    ugh. what a downer :( and while i'm pms-ing, too! lol, it probably seems even ickier because of that! glad i have this group to counteract the negativity!

    thanks for helping me try to stay positive!

    Man, I hate when people are judgemental. Hope you can shake it off, like water from a duck's back. "Unconditional Support" is always here for you.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Well gang ... I think I'm getting back into the swing of things. At least with the eating part. I have to incorporate some exercise. I'm heading back to the gym on November 1st. How you all doing?
  • buggaboo73
    wow, i just got a really nasty response on another topic i posted. or at least that's how it came off to me, hopefully she didn't intend it that way? it was essentially, "that never works but i'm sure you'll do it anyway". that's pretty backhanded, right?

    ugh. what a downer :( and while i'm pms-ing, too! lol, it probably seems even ickier because of that! glad i have this group to counteract the negativity!

    thanks for helping me try to stay positive!

    I love to go into those threads and invite the person to join our group......just did that actually with someone getting bashed for low carb.....I hope she decides to come.

    I'm having a lot of trouble staying on track lately......how's everyone else doing?
  • debidoodle
    Hey y'all :)

    I am so glad to have this group as well. I know I can say this here and won't get jumped on. Not sure if everyone knows or not, but I had Lap Band surgery about 10 months ago. That is the main reason I've been able to be so successful with my loss so far. I don't hide that fact from anyone, but here at MFP I don't usually go around advertising it either because of soooo many negative responses. People have a weird assumption about any weight loss surgery, that is is "easy" or "cheating". And that is so not true at all. We still have to make the right decisions about WHAT to eat. I could sit around and have ice cream and candy all day and I wouldn't lose anything at all! The main thing that the band helps me (personally) with is it forces me to stop eating when I'm full. People say "well, just stop eating when you are full". D.U.H. If I could do that on my own then I wouldn't have been fat in the first place, right? I still struggle with the desire to eat things I know aren't good for me and I still have to be very mindful of what goes in my mouth and how much I move my body. I just have a tool that helps me personally accomplish that.

    Thanks for listening to me rant for a second. I read several really negative posts yesterday in other topics that got me riled up.

    Here's to good decisions and NOT GIVING UP!

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Debi, thanks for sharing that. I'm glad you found a tool that helps you out. God knows it's still a struggle. I lost a bunch of weight last year after having a paniculectomy (which basically is they cut off the excess skin and fat that hung down in front ... you know ... a belly apron). They took off 10 lbs. of yuck. But then I joined MFP and lost another 30 lbs. Getting all that crap away from my thighs really helped me become more active. Of course there are those that say, oh sure, I could lose weight too if I had surgery. I say to hell with what those people say. Little do they know that I completely changed the way I ate and exercised daily to do it. They don't know what they're talking about and just need to justify some kind of negativity they feel about themselves. God bless them. They'll never find inner peace. Wow ... that vent felt pretty good. :wink:
  • buggaboo73
    Me too on the negativity on the board lately. Must be a side affect of heading into the holidays, people are revving up to be angry and stressed out with each other. :wink:

    Personally, if my crappy insurance covered it, I would try the lap band as well. It is definitely NOT as easy as just stopping when you're full, if you eat for psychological reasons. My brain will tell me NO and my hand will still reach for the cookie. In fact, I reach for it faster cause that part of me that doesn't listen just knows that if I wait even a couple seconds I will stop myself. Very frustrating and depressing.

    So anything that helps you keep that control is a good thing in my book. :smile:
  • buggaboo73
    Debi, thanks for sharing that. I'm glad you found a tool that helps you out. God knows it's still a struggle. I lost a bunch of weight last year after having a paniculectomy (which basically is they cut off the excess skin and fat that hung down in front ... you know ... a belly apron). They took off 10 lbs. of yuck. But then I joined MFP and lost another 30 lbs. Getting all that crap away from my thighs really helped me become more active. Of course there are those that say, oh sure, I could lose weight too if I had surgery. I say to hell with what those people say. Little do they know that I completely changed the way I ate and exercised daily to do it. They don't know what they're talking about and just need to justify some kind of negativity they feel about themselves. God bless them. They'll never find inner peace. Wow ... that vent felt pretty good. :wink:

    And I gotta say, your vent was the sanest thing I've read all day!

    I still remember the post that prompted me to start this group, it was about one particular kind of diet on here so controversial I'll just call it "The Diet That Shall Not be Named" :tongue: And I gotta say, it's not a diet that would be safe for me, but when people have done their research and talked to their doctor and made an informed decision.....who the hell am I lecture them? Ya know? People come here for support and should be able to get it, regardless. Weight loss is hard enough......
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    This journey is never easy and its a life style change. And LIFE happens and we have to roll with the punches. No need to be negative. We all need a pat on the back saying your doing a great job keep it up.

    Everyone have a great day! and keep up the good work.

  • debidoodle
    ... "The Diet That Shall Not be Named" ...

    You are cracking me up with this ... especially since I've been listening to all the Harry Potter books again (currently on #7) so I can get ready for the next movie!

    Thanks for all the support y'all. It really means so much to me :)

    Onward and Downward!
    Debi :flowerforyou:
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    You guys rock :)
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning Everyone. I'm going to try and make Fridays my weigh in day for a change. All my life I've used Mondays because that's what my mom told me it should be. Finally ... I'm 48 years old ... I'm such a rebel. :laugh: So I've lost 1.5 lbs since my last weigh in ... YAY ME!!

  • buggaboo73
    ... "The Diet That Shall Not be Named" ...

    You are cracking me up with this ... especially since I've been listening to all the Harry Potter books again (currently on #7) so I can get ready for the next movie!

    Thanks for all the support y'all. It really means so much to me :)

    Onward and Downward!
    Debi :flowerforyou:

    My Dad is a huge Harry Potter fan, reads the books and watches the movies frequently.

    We call him a "Potter Head".........LMAO........kinda like a "Pot Head" only I think Harry Potter may be slightly more addictive!
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    I am so a fan of Harry Potter. can't wait to see the movie.

    GREAT going, I see you are down another 1/2 lb. You are doing so great and the Pedometer has helped, right?

    . Ok. Weekends seem tough since I do not have a schedule to stick too. And lately those M&M's have been calling my name all the time.

    I did have a few, not the whole bag.

    Love the cooler weather for walking.
