Group LLC Holiday Challenge!



  • tatiana_13
    You are right VJ. We have been preoccupied! I'm getting myself on the right track. Slowly. And thanks for the motivation Grokette! I've kept to my guidelines for 3 days so far, and I feel tons better. The sweet potato pie was good, but I feel better without eating things like that.

    As VJ and profjan remind us, tomorrow is the beginning of a new month. So let's get back to it!
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Good morning everyone!!!

    Today is December 1!!!! Time to get focused and back on track!!!

    Throw away everything that is in the fridge that is not low carb!!!
    Get our minds on track. If we get are minds right our bodies will follow.
    Drink your water.
    Get to moving for at least 30 minutes daily.

    Come on!!! - I know we can do this!! :wink: :tongue: :happy: :smile: :wink:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy December ladies! Today's the first day in 2 months I've felt slightly like myself! While I'm not anywhere near back on track, I do have my mind getting back to that spot! And I am proud to say that throughout it all I have maintained my weight! OH YEAH!

    Things aren't slowing down at work one bit...I get into the office with work to do and leave with work to do, so I have zero time for MFP during the day, so I'll have to try and set aside a little bit of time first thing in the morning and in the evening.

    PLEASE help me stay on track y'all! Its time to get these last few pounds off, plus I just feel so much better when eating right and exercising!!
  • tatiana_13
    Go saverys_gal! It may not be as satisfying as weight loss, but weight maintenance is the hardest part. Now, just to get down to our goals so that we can maintain that!

    I'm being good with usual, my nemesis is exercise! I usually join a gym during the coldest of the winter months, but I'm debating doing it a wee bit early. I'm no fan of the gym, but it has it's plusses...sometimes it's just mentally easier...once you get to the gym, the exercise just happens. I've been known to just cut workouts short at home or outside!

    I'll keep you posted on the ongoing saga of my innate...stillness. (riveting...yes?) I truly think I was a rock in a past life.
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Good morning,

    I hope everyone is off to a great month. Nothing new going on - just wanted to check in to see how everyone is doing. So far I have been focused and on track. (except I didn't exercise/walk yesterday).

    Have a fantastic day!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Where are you guys finding all these cute avatar. They are just precious

  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453

    I did a web search for looney tunes pictures - selected the one I wanted and copied it to my pictues.
  • tatiana_13
    Happy Friday everyone! Its the holiday season...where every weekend can easily be made over into its own holiday. So I hope we all set weekend goals and stick with them!

    My goal be realistic. I gained a few pounds in November, and part of my brain wants to run and do a no-carb thing or or some other short term thing and lose them, quick! quick! And sometimes, a "jumpstart" is needed. But I think, given the yo-yo I've been on, I've determined that focusing on the slow and steady is a better idea right now. So, my goal is to not give into the part of my brain that wants a quick fix, but to focus on keeping to the core of my dietary guidelines, and to boost the physical activity.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    TGIF ladies! So I'm trying hard to stick to my promise of checking in daily!! I've had the week from hell at work...only because of technology! My computer has been having major issues and I've had to get my IT guy to look at it every day this week...well today it finally just didn't like me at all, so I had to have the hard drive wiped and start all over again! Needless to say I didn't get a lot of work done! I left at quarter to 5 this afternoon and my IT guy was still working on getting it back up and running. I'm hoping that next week goes smoother.
    I still haven't exercised a's always one excuse or another...a call to the IRS (LOL)...etc. I'm really trying!! At least I'm slowly getting my eating back. I know I can control my weight through eating alone. But my body looks and feels different when I exercise...and I like it better when there is exercise involved. It's like when I don't...the fat just goes even more into my tummy. Any of you guys ever noticed this before or had something similar happen???
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey ladies....moved the computer into the office and just not on it as much as I was....I am able to have it on my droid....but no community on it :(

    Hanging in there....not eating the best still.....payday is coming, food shopping for my diet and getting totally on track again....Got the new Atkins book this weekend....50 cents at Big Lots, gonna check it out and see how different it is from the New diet Revolution............

    How are all of you?????

    I have missed you all <3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Birthday SaverysGal
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Awwwwwwwwww! Thanks Marie!!!! :blushing: :smooched:

    You guys made me feel very special this morning! :bigsmile:
  • tatiana_13
    A little quiet in here...

    Its that point in December when we could just say, with most of the western world, well, the holidays are almost over. I'll get back on track when they're over.

    Let's not do that! I'm not going to build Rome in a few weeks, but I can certainly accomplish something.

    We do you all want to accomplish in the next few weeks?
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Hi Everyone,

    And yes, tatiana, it is very quite here. I have been wondering where is everyone. I too, have been MIA, probably because I knew I hadn't been doing right. It has been a struggle for me with food and exercise since mid October. I had been telling myself that I would get back to work but it just never seem to happen - and I know that it is because I didn't make it happen. When I was on point, I was very proud of the pounds lost and I tried to use those feelings to help motivate me - but it didn't work. . Each day I told myself to get it together and each day I failed. I looked up and had regained about 10 pounds!! :huh:

    December 1 came and with it a new day!! I have re-lost those 10 pounds and some. I'm still working on the daily exercising. Hopefully I'll have that mastered this week.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Just wanted to stop by and see how everyone is doing?

    It is cold, cold, cold here in St Louis..........Brrrrrrrrrrrr
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Hello to everyone!! I have missed MFP! I am still struggling with my weight, LLC, & exercise. I'm not sure why - but I let go of everything "healthy". My body responded by picking up a couple of pounds & now I am soft like the pillsbury dough boy. The external "stress" in my life is pretty significant, and not anything that I can control.

    I am eating low carb & I will try to get back to the gym. It is a daily struggle.

    I wish all of you a happy healthy holiday season.
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Just checking in again - jeez - where is everybody?
  • tatiana_13
    Hey Mom216...I suspect quite a few of us have an "after the holidays" mentality going on! I'm just focusing on maintaining, not losing, until after the holidays. Right after Thanksgiving, I had gained some weight...I did start to reverse the trend...I'm 3 lbs away from my first mini-goal. But I decided that maintenance was just where I'm at right now. I'm not exactly doing low-carb...I guess it looks more like a fatty south beach...I'm avoiding grains and sugar. But am eating all dairy, beans, and some fruit. I lost a few pounds doing this...but this is my maintenance diet, not my weight loss diet. So, my weight has now stabilized, and I'm doing just that...maintaining until after the holidays!

    I've also stopped logging my food everyday. I start restricting when I log...and the beauty of low-carb for me is just relying on good food and not having to count calories. When I count calories, I start trying to go lower, then lower, then I get hungry and binge. So, when I'm hungry, I just eat. I sometimes estimate calories in my head...and they are far greater than MFP says I should be able to eat. I think its better for my long as its good food, mind you...I had a period of time where I ate nothing but cheerios, gummi bears, and eggs, and I needed to stay right around 1300 to not gain weight!
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Hello to everybody!!

    Tatiana - Your post made me laugh out loud (gummy bears & cheerios) I too have subjected my body to a number of crazy diet foods. The divorce is still dragging on - which translates to really good days & really bad days. I spent Thanksgiving with family, however I felt like the circus side show freak. Everybody wanted the details, and of course they all offered their opinions. (gag!)
    I am hoping Christmas & New Years will be better.
    I too stopped logging my foods, exercising & basically taking care of myself. I am starting to get back on track - it is just a slow up hill battle. I have stocked the house with healthy foods, and I am making meal plans. Now if I can just force myself to get back to the gym - I might actually see some progress. My weight is still bouncing up and down by 2 lbs - however my body is "doughy" from lack of exercise. Todays excuse - it snowed here (2 inches) and the town basically shut down. (the local government closed the schools, libraries etc and most business' also closed) It is sad and funny; this town reacts like a blizzard came through. Tomorrow will be better - I'm praying for bright sunshine & some common sense.

    I hope everybody else is doing well. I miss seeing your adventures!