why am i lying to myself?



  • nmpx
    nmpx Posts: 76
    If I want a "bad" snack (like yesterday i had a whole chocolate bar) I log that asap, even when i haven't eaten it yet and log the rest of my day around it. If you have the mfp app it shows you your average calories per week (that's what really counts) and if your well below your goal calories you should be fine. Don't cut everything out, start off just being mindful of your eating habits now. Just by being mindful you will most likely eat less. When you pick up a snack and you look at the calories and know you have to log it you just might put it down for shames sake if nothing else. Start off slow and track everything, just because you don't log it doesn't mean it isn't happening. ;) You can do this!
  • nmpx
    nmpx Posts: 76
    I read a book called "body clutter" and it's more about figuring out your triggers and why you do what you do. Nobody here is going to be able to say anything that will help you better than yourself soul searching and figuring out why. The fact that you are sitting here facing the fact that you do this to yourself is HUGE, now you just need to ask yourself more questions.

    might have to check that book out! always wondered if i could find a book to just help with the mental part of weight loss.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    I've been struggling with this as well. I'm back into the bad practice of having (and not logging) snack(s) after I've closed my diary for the day. I know that I'm only hurting myself and that I need to be accountable, yet I haven't yet corrected this.
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    What has motivated me this time to hold myself accountable is that I am finally doing this for the right reasons. I began dieting when I was 8 or 9, to please my mom or a doctor mostly. I was never doing it for myself, for my future and for my health. It has finally become more valuable to me to be healthy than to eat certain foods. Doing research on nutrition and fitness and reading like-minded blogs has helped me learn so much and get excited to be a success story like so many others.

    I have my goal (to look great on my 30th birthday which is a little over 3 years from now) and that's all I have to think about. I'll actually be able to start my life rather than hide away from anything fun or new because of my size. I've missed out on a LOT because of my size and I'm tired of it.

    You have to be honest with yourself and hold yourself accountable. Log everything. Yes, you'll go over and you'll grimace, but maybe the feeling of going over on calories on those days will sway you from eating the junk. If there are no consequences to your actions (if I don't log it, it never happened) then you'll continue on the same path and never change. Best of luck!!
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    Hi - you do it because the taste of the food momentarily is more rewarding and tastes better than not eating it (to lose weight). sometimes its easier just to put something in the mouth rather than take time to eat something better for us.

    I find that the battle is won in my thoughts - my motivation, focus, determination, ability to say no. ability to make new habits to replace the old ones.

    You have to decide what do you want more and then do it.