The start of my fat loss journey part2

Hi guys I thought I would share my journey with you and share some of the things I learned about losing fat. Now I haven't been on MFP that long so I didn't use their calculator to see what calorie range I should be in , I experimented with different ranges. The range that fits best for me to stay full and lose weight is between 2,000 - 2,300 with one cheat day that would be 10x my weight. I havent even done the profile thing yet but I will soon.

When I started I was 270lbs and since I wanted to make working out a habit and not a chore I only did 10 minutes a day for the 1st two weeks . After that I slow increased my workouts to reach 30 minutes a day. I could have started off doing more but since this was going to take a months to lose all the fat I figured I start slowly. I did make a mistake with my diet in the beginning though I ate junk foods but just less of them. That left me feeling hungry and after a few weeks I slowly started going back to eating more . So after l caught myself , I tried different foods to see what would fill me up. The best foods for me were green and colored veggies like sweet peas ,spinach , carrots , and corn. The lowest calorie food I found that could fill me up was celery. Honestly I dont find the taste of veggies that great but it grows on you.

So far I have gotten down to 255lbs , but had I known what I knew now in the beginning I would have lost much more. One of the secrets to staying on your diet is figuring what foods fill you up while being low enough in calories to hit your calorie total.Also even if you fall off track like I did , don't beat yourself up you can get back on track.

Couple of things to look out for

1)Another thing is not to watch the scale too much cause it jumps up and down so much that it will freak you out . Understand that your weight will go up and down but stay with it and your weight will continue to go down week to week. Don't worry about daily jumps!!

2) If you eat too much early but still want to stay within your calorie range a night celery is a great way to fill up without to many calories. Its around 10 calories per 8 inch stalk.

3) Sleep you must get your sleep it helps a lot , on days that I didn't sleep well I felt more hungry. For a few people it might have oppisite effect but for me it makes me hungry when I'am tired.

4) Stress eating , when your stressed don't eat .

As my journey continue's I will post updates here. I haven't been keeping my profile up to date but I will work on it. If you want a friend to share your journey with just friend request me. I wish you guys all success with your fat loss. Any questions feel free to ask.


  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    One issue I do want to go deeper in because I can see this being a problem for some is weight yourself too much on the scale. The scale is a great tool but your weight can change day to day and even hour to hour. The best time to weight yourself is after you wake up in the morning before you eat or drink anything. I used to drive myself nutty going on the scale too much too in the beginning. Some factors you must consider before bugging out if the scale shows your weight going up even though your sticking to your diet.

    Factors for the scale showing your weight going up and your eating properly

    1) If you ate too much salt with your food , next day your weight will probably jump up.

    2) If you did a workout that was much more intense then usual , some people will hold water because of inflame muscle.

    3) You did not go to the bathroom for 2-3 to do poop . Your body can hold up to 8 pounds of poop , so make sure to increase your fiber so you go at least once a day.

    Its best not to bug out if your weight jumps up. Track it daily but focus on the weekly result. Resist the temptation to ajust your diet everytime to scale moves up or down. That can drive you nuts and to the point where you eat too little just because the scale moved up a little. I personally have seen my weight jump up to 3-5 pound in a 24 hour span. Relax and just stay focused on your goal , you can and will reach it.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    If I had to end my day eating celery instead of ice cream I think I would cry.

    I thought the secret was figuring out how to fit in delicious food that I truly enjoy while still eating at a deficit. I dunno maybe I've been doing it wrong all along.

    Edited because I forgot to ask... why the need for so many threads with the same information. If you truly believe everything you are saying than you should stand behind those opinions not just run and make a new thread because someone questioned you
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    If I had to end my day eating celery instead of ice cream I think I would cry.

    I thought the secret was figuring out how to fit in delicious food that I truly enjoy while still eating at a deficit. I dunno maybe I've been doing it wrong all along.

    You can as long as it keeps you full without craving. Me personally I need veggies to stay full , but I still eat stuff I like but way less of it. The celery is for those emergency days where you might go over your calories as I stated in #2 point of my 1st post.
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    If I had to end my day eating celery instead of ice cream I think I would cry.

    I thought the secret was figuring out how to fit in delicious food that I truly enjoy while still eating at a deficit. I dunno maybe I've been doing it wrong all along.

    Edited because I forgot to ask... why the need for so many threads with the same information. If you truly believe everything you are saying than you should stand behind those opinions not just run and make a new thread because someone questioned you

    I had to make another thread because 2 users were trying to make my original thread an arguement instead of being informative . I hope this thread can still civil with just info and learning.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    If I had to end my day eating celery instead of ice cream I think I would cry.

    I thought the secret was figuring out how to fit in delicious food that I truly enjoy while still eating at a deficit. I dunno maybe I've been doing it wrong all along.

    You can as long as it keeps you full without craving. Me personally I need veggies to stay full , but I still eat stuff I like but way less of it. The celery is for those emergency days where you might go over your calories as I stated in #2 point of my 1st post.

    If I go over my calories for the day I log it and move on. There are no emergency days, there are days I say screw it I'm going over and going to enjoy every mouthful, there are days I say I'll eat just a little bit of this so it fits in my days... and days I say nope can't make it fit today, maybe tomorrow... but never emergency days that would require my only snack to be celery that's just damn depressing.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    If I had to end my day eating celery instead of ice cream I think I would cry.

    I thought the secret was figuring out how to fit in delicious food that I truly enjoy while still eating at a deficit. I dunno maybe I've been doing it wrong all along.

    Edited because I forgot to ask... why the need for so many threads with the same information. If you truly believe everything you are saying than you should stand behind those opinions not just run and make a new thread because someone questioned you

    I had to make another thread because 2 users were trying to make my original thread an arguement instead of being informative . I hope this thread can still civil with just info and learning.

    Just because people do not agree with you is not an argument, that would be a debate and the ones that disagreed have been very successful in their fitness goals, so maybe instead of taking in personal step back and think maybe they know what they are talking about.
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member

    If I go over my calories for the day I log it and move on. There are no emergency days, there are days I say screw it I'm going over and going to enjoy every mouthful, there are days I say I'll eat just a little bit of this so it fits in my days... and days I say nope can't make it fit today, maybe tomorrow... but never emergency days that would require my only snack to be celery that's just damn depressing.

    Celery is about 10 calories per 8 inch stalk and I need about 6 to fill me up. So what I do is take one teaspoon of mayo and put it on the side as a dip. The teaspoon of mayo is 100 calories and I eat 60 calories worth of Celery. For me it taste real good with mayo so its like a little treat snack thats low calorie.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member

    If I go over my calories for the day I log it and move on. There are no emergency days, there are days I say screw it I'm going over and going to enjoy every mouthful, there are days I say I'll eat just a little bit of this so it fits in my days... and days I say nope can't make it fit today, maybe tomorrow... but never emergency days that would require my only snack to be celery that's just damn depressing.

    Celery is about 10 calories per 8 inch stalk and I need about 6 to fill me up. So what I do is take one teaspoon of mayo and put it on the side as a dip. The teaspoon of mayo is 100 calories and I eat 60 calories worth of Celery. For me it taste real good with mayo so its like a little treat snack thats low calorie.

    And for 190 calories I can eat a Blue bunny Chocolate lover's Ice cream sandwich... or many other delicious foods, celery dipped in mayo doesn't even sound appetizing but whatever...
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    The only problem for me is the ice cream sandwhich won't fill me up , but the celery will. Of course I rather have ice cream!
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I'd do the celery but with peanut butter.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I'm going to leave you with just a bit of advice... first you are still at the beginning of these changes, understand that you can and need to learn a lot from many of the very successful members on MFP.

    I look for the people that have lost the weight and maintained that loss, those are the ones I want to pay attention to and not think I know it all and have it all figured out, because when I started I knew absolutely nothing on how to do this in a sustainable way.
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm going to leave you with just a bit of advice... first you are still at the beginning of these changes, understand that you can and need to learn a lot from many of the very successful members on MFP.

    I look for the people that have lost the weight and maintained that loss, those are the ones I want to pay attention to and not think I know it all and have it all figured out, because when I started I knew absolutely nothing on how to do this in a sustainable way.

    I never said I knew it all . Also I studied what the people who were successful did and continue to do so.
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    I'd do the celery but with peanut butter.

    That sounds good I might give that a try !!
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    If I had to end my day eating celery instead of ice cream I think I would cry.

    I thought the secret was figuring out how to fit in delicious food that I truly enjoy while still eating at a deficit. I dunno maybe I've been doing it wrong all along.

    Edited because I forgot to ask... why the need for so many threads with the same information. If you truly believe everything you are saying than you should stand behind those opinions not just run and make a new thread because someone questioned you

    I had to make another thread because 2 users were trying to make my original thread an arguement instead of being informative . I hope this thread can still civil with just info and learning.
    Asking you questions is arguing? You said people should feel free to ask questions.
    Why didn't you want to answer them?

    No asking questions is asking questions. But I know for a fact you are just looking for an opening to fight.
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    If I had to end my day eating celery instead of ice cream I think I would cry.

    I thought the secret was figuring out how to fit in delicious food that I truly enjoy while still eating at a deficit. I dunno maybe I've been doing it wrong all along.

    Edited because I forgot to ask... why the need for so many threads with the same information. If you truly believe everything you are saying than you should stand behind those opinions not just run and make a new thread because someone questioned you

    I had to make another thread because 2 users were trying to make my original thread an arguement instead of being informative . I hope this thread can still civil with just info and learning.
    Asking you questions is arguing? You said people should feel free to ask questions.
    Why didn't you want to answer them?

    No asking questions is asking questions. But I know for a fact you are just looking for an opening to fight.
    Funny because over at you aren't as aggressive and insulting to members as you seem to be here.

    Well over there people don't follow me all over the place. But you seem to follow me around every thread I post you jump in. Now your following me to other website like a sick person. Most people I meet are nice , so Iam nice to them . You weren't so I wasn't either. You also seem to not be able to let go and you harass me at every turn.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    If I had to end my day eating celery instead of ice cream I think I would cry.

    I thought the secret was figuring out how to fit in delicious food that I truly enjoy while still eating at a deficit. I dunno maybe I've been doing it wrong all along.

    Edited because I forgot to ask... why the need for so many threads with the same information. If you truly believe everything you are saying than you should stand behind those opinions not just run and make a new thread because someone questioned you

    I had to make another thread because 2 users were trying to make my original thread an arguement instead of being informative . I hope this thread can still civil with just info and learning.
    Asking you questions is arguing? You said people should feel free to ask questions.
    Why didn't you want to answer them?

    No asking questions is asking questions. But I know for a fact you are just looking for an opening to fight.
    Funny because over at you aren't as aggressive and insulting to members as you seem to be here.

    Well over there people don't follow me all over the place. But you seem to follow me around every thread I post you jump in. Now your following me to other website like a sick person. Most people I meet are nice , so Iam nice to them . You weren't so I wasn't either. You also seem to not be able to let go and you harass me at every turn.

    I'm here for help and cuddles 'cause sad . . . :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    Classic Napoleon complex.
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    If I had to end my day eating celery instead of ice cream I think I would cry.

    I thought the secret was figuring out how to fit in delicious food that I truly enjoy while still eating at a deficit. I dunno maybe I've been doing it wrong all along.

    Edited because I forgot to ask... why the need for so many threads with the same information. If you truly believe everything you are saying than you should stand behind those opinions not just run and make a new thread because someone questioned you

    I had to make another thread because 2 users were trying to make my original thread an arguement instead of being informative . I hope this thread can still civil with just info and learning.
    Asking you questions is arguing? You said people should feel free to ask questions.
    Why didn't you want to answer them?

    No asking questions is asking questions. But I know for a fact you are just looking for an opening to fight.
    Funny because over at you aren't as aggressive and insulting to members as you seem to be here.

    Well over there people don't follow me all over the place. But you seem to follow me around every thread I post you jump in. Now your following me to other website like a sick person. Most people I meet are nice , so Iam nice to them . You weren't so I wasn't either. You also seem to not be able to let go and you harass me at every turn.

    I'm here for help and cuddles 'cause sad . . . :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Oh his buddy is here now to support his friend how sweet.