Person called me fat at the gym!



  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    Nobody is above a swift kick in the balls. Just sayin.

    I'm with her.

    His ugly words are a reflection of him. You are there to get fit. Report him (if you havent already) and try not to give a flying *kitten*.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member

    Definitely report that. Absolutely DISGUSTING behaviour!!

    Good for you for doing something about your size. You were on that elliptical for a reason. You should be proud of yourself.
  • jobegone
    jobegone Posts: 91
    Report it for sure, a gym is not a place to be calling someone out on their size or shape when you're ultimately there to improve your health and fitness. What a prickoid.

    In the past I have been called out when I'm running , mostly by little chavs and I just hold my head up and think to myself, I'm doing this for me, or training for a charity run to raise money, what are they doing-walking the streets with no purpose in life probably living pretty unhealthily so feck them. I'm the better person.

    Go back to the gym, ignore these complete morons and become the person you want to be. You'll have the last laugh.
  • LadyK1P1
    LadyK1P1 Posts: 69
    Everyone has some faults and some shortcomings. It sounds like you unfortunately encountered a bully of some sort - they point out other people's "whatever" to try to make themselves "look better" (they have low self esteem and look for what THEY PERCEIVE to be "faults" in others. If you're "running your race" and someone starts something from the grandstands - don't leave the track to get into it with them. You may win the argument but lose the race for getting off the track. Ignore the idiot. His words are not who or what you are. Be better than being his "verbal victim".

    This toad at the gym was just an in person telemarketer (no offense to anyone intended if that's what you do for a living) and you just have to train yourself to mentally say "no thank you" and hang up on them and refocus on what you were doing in the first place.

    I wouldn't stay away from anywhere on account of one person. Treat yourself to a really cute and colorful workout outfit, go back and have fun :-)
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I would have reported it to management...maybe they can ban the *kitten*. I reallly don't get why people knock others down for getting out and having a go.

    I hope you will have the strength push through and still go back again and work out. I think it may be hard on you the first few times if it is on your mind, but hopefully you won't have to come into contact again.

    In a way you should go back just to prove that you cannot be brought down by his bull****, take the anger and hurt and use it as fuel to improve and reach your goals there as you have every damn right to do. There may be many road blocks on your journey, don't let it stand in your way! think of all the calories you burned in your efforts!

    A guy yelled something out of a car yesterday when I was riding my bike, exhausted towards the end of the workout and really slowly getting up a hill. I was like "Meh, not letting that get to me...I'm burning heaps of calories, and I CAN make it up this hill when a month ago I couldnt without hopping off and walking"

    If that doesn't work and he still bothers you, report him. You deserve to feel comfortable and abuse free in the place you work out, and if you feel bad about it it may be demotivating and hinder your progress. Just do what is going to be best for you :)
  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member

    Definitely report that. Absolutely DISGUSTING behaviour!!

    Good for you for doing something about your size. You were on that elliptical for a reason. You should be proud of yourself.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Yeah..Don't let bullies get you
  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member
    I would have reported it to management...maybe they can ban the *kitten*. I reallly don't get why people knock others down for getting out and having a go.

    I hope you will have the strength push through and still go back again and work out. I think it may be hard on you the first few times if it is on your mind, but hopefully you won't have to come into contact again.

    In a way you should go back just to prove that you cannot be brought down by his bull****, take the anger and hurt and use it as fuel to improve and reach your goals there as you have every damn right to do. There may be many road blocks on your journey, don't let it stand in your way! think of all the calories you burned in your efforts!

    A guy yelled something out of a car yesterday when I was riding my bike and struggling up a hill. I was like "Meh, not letting that get to me...I'm burning heaps of calories, and I CAN make it up this hill when a month ago I couldnt without hopping off and walking"

    If that doesn't work and he still bothers you, report him. Or seek out a female gym. You deserve to feel comfortable and abuse free in the place you work out, and if you feel bad about it it may be demotivating and hinder your progress. Just do what is going to be best for you :)

    Umm..OP is a young man of 22
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I would have reported it to management...maybe they can ban the *kitten*. I reallly don't get why people knock others down for getting out and having a go.

    I hope you will have the strength push through and still go back again and work out. I think it may be hard on you the first few times if it is on your mind, but hopefully you won't have to come into contact again.

    In a way you should go back just to prove that you cannot be brought down by his bull****, take the anger and hurt and use it as fuel to improve and reach your goals there as you have every damn right to do. There may be many road blocks on your journey, don't let it stand in your way! think of all the calories you burned in your efforts!

    A guy yelled something out of a car yesterday when I was riding my bike and struggling up a hill. I was like "Meh, not letting that get to me...I'm burning heaps of calories, and I CAN make it up this hill when a month ago I couldnt without hopping off and walking"

    If that doesn't work and he still bothers you, report him. Or seek out a female gym. You deserve to feel comfortable and abuse free in the place you work out, and if you feel bad about it it may be demotivating and hinder your progress. Just do what is going to be best for you :)

    Umm..OP is a young man of 22

    Omg crap sorry! I just didn't look at the profile and there was no pic here so I stupidly guessed wrong. Fixed my post :) soooo sorry OP! hope that I didn't make you feel worse.
  • coolblondenerd
    coolblondenerd Posts: 90 Member
    Report that <insert expletive here>! You are going to the gym to get healthy, and you're paying membership fees just like he is! You have every right to use whatever machine you want!
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    You should have told him that you may choose to go to another gym so you could avoid his ghastly looking face, and bad smell. (he would thus be made complexed) *kitten* like that deserve to be brought down.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    You also could have said

    "In a few months time I will be fit and healthy ... you on the other hand will still be a ****!"
  • lorarte
    lorarte Posts: 56 Member
    If you paid to go to the gym you have the same rights to use the equipment. I'd have used my standard reply which is

    "I can lose the weight pal, but you're stuck with that personality"

    Make a formal complaint to the owners of the gym and ask them if they feel this kind of bullying and intimidation is what their client's want? Also would they like it if you splashed those comments all over social media? I think not.

    Time to slap them back. You're a human being and deserve the same respect and decent treatment any person would expect.
    I do hate bullies and have the overwhelming urge to kick their feet from under them.
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    I always tell myself if someone is acting like a douche canoe that it is more about them than it is about me. *kitten* just have to be *kitten*. It's sad really!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Let him know that he and the gym management can have a chat about what happens to fees when others don't feel comfortable coming in anymore and drop their memberships. Maybe management can solve his problem and let him know there's no need for him to pay dues since he can't come in anymore.
  • Kathumm
    Kathumm Posts: 33 Member
    I would not give in to his bullying. The only thing we can control in our lives is what WE do, not what OTHERS think we should be doing. DON'T let his words cause you to quit.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    ETA: He writes "and a man walked up to me." that's a girl talking. As a guy, you would write...and another guy said to me....or, some dude said to me...

    How is it you know these things?

    Uh, yeah. I'd have said "some dude"...

    Seriously though, I'd have told him to f*** off, then reported him. Wow...just can't imagine what goes through some peoples' heads.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    What an *kitten*! Equipment is made so that all kinds of people can use it. At least you are exercising! And I'm sure you are doing well!

    I would have reported the incident to management right away. Maybe they could have done something if they knew you might switch gyms ( $$$ ).
  • aclockworkblonde
    aclockworkblonde Posts: 21 Member
    Just remember this and feel better knowing that exercise and hard work can and will change your appearance, but no amount of exercise can change an ugly personality. He's stuck that way.
  • kathywygant
    kathywygant Posts: 8 Member
    Definitely report it. Then go back & jump on that machine again. & again. & again. Don't let this jerk drive you out or make you feel self-conscious. When I see an overweight person at the gym, I'm glad they're there, because it's obvious they care enough about their life/health to show up & make changes. Either put this guy in your rearview mirror (after reporting him), or use him as positive motivation to keep up the good work.
  • nydog
    nydog Posts: 1
    Now I see why I've never come to the forums. 99% of the forums on the net, when someone asked for help, there's people who jump them and call them out as lairs. Now the person that started this thread won't return to two places now.
    1. To these forums because he/she may run into azzholes.
    2. To any gym because he/she may run into azzholes.