Person called me fat at the gym!



  • Lainie_F
    Lainie_F Posts: 5 Member
    I am so terribly sorry that this happened to you! I agree with everyone when they say you should report him!! Ignorant things that morons say are no reason to give up on your goals, please don't let him get to you! Easier said than done though...I know.
  • cupcakesANDiron
    WOW. Just wow. That was completely unacceptable what he said to you. That guy was lucky I wasn't there to over hear what was said. I would have straight up knocked that guy the effff OUT! No joke. He is an ignorant *kitten* so PLEASE don't pay any mind to that douche or his unwarranted opinions. I would report it to the gym because that kind of behavior is harassment. Every one starts somewhere honey so what ever you do don't let anyone deter you from your goals & dreams. If anything use the way it makes you feel what he said to push harder to show him & everyone else like him that you are AWESOME! :bigsmile:

    As for having anyone say things at the gym, every gym has it's *kitten* who offers unsolicited advice & thinks they're better than everyone else. I was told I am already "thick" & doing deadlifts was a waste of my time. Pfffffft. You know what I said "Oh yeah, well watch how bad it is for me in 6 months when I can lift more than YOU." Yeah he didn't like that answer too much.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    report it, omg some people :?
  • Xaudelle
    Xaudelle Posts: 122 Member
    Trust me, I am the MASTER of complaining and getting free **** for it. I wish more people called me fat at gyms and restaurants.

    You are the customer every person that's ever worked retail/food industry jobs hate.

    I'm sure you're a good person and all, but ugh.

    Haha I have worked in CS for years. I only complain if the person is rude or if something is REALLY terrible, and why shouldn't I if I am paying money? I ain't gonna be insulted when I am paying money, nawh-uh honey.

    Also, who cares if this is fake? This kind of thing DOES happen...people just need to learn to stand up for themselves and have better comebacks.

    My complaint wasn't that you make complaints. By all means, if someone sucks at their job or is just plain rude and doesn't belong in CS, complaining is the absolute right thing to do and I myself will go out of my way to do so. It's the complaining = free stuff that ruffles my feathers. Just don't like that this has become normal in our society.

    Again, doesn't reflect on you as a person or anything. I get it.

    :flowerforyou: I'll stop hijacking the thread now.
  • bonoeuf
    bonoeuf Posts: 58 Member
    My guess is that this post is total BS! Nobody is going to say something like that, come on people don't be so gullible.

    Why, because he didn't say "dude" at 22 I would have probably called an older male a man, I have never used the word dude, not in my local vocabulary. Different places different words, we use the word biddy to describe an old woman; if the cap fits.
  • yafashelli
    yafashelli Posts: 112 Member
    :( I'm so sorry that this happened to you. You show that bully who's really boss, and go back there every single day. You'll get your weight down, and will look better than you ever thought possible, but he'll still be ugly.

    Never give up.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Wow, I have no words. I've rarely experienced that level of douchbaggery (and I'm not the nicest person either) but I would have been absolutely speechless for hours after. Then I would have thought of a good comeback and spent the next 45 minutes fantasizing about having thought about the results of having used it at the appropriate time. Physical violence might have been a part of that fantasy.

    Wow but F him and keep doing what you were doing.
  • mjbowman821
    mjbowman821 Posts: 66 Member
    My late wife was considered medically obese was at the gym riding the bike when a man approached her a made a comment about her weight. Although very hurt she turned to him and said, "What? you don't like this body, I have worked very hard to get this size." He walked away shamed.
    She later found out she was gluten intolerant and when she gave that up she dropped a lot of weight. That combined with her illness she lost over 260lbs. She ate much healthier than me. That is bitter irony.

    When they but you in the casket your real friends don't care how small your clothes are
  • MelonJMusic
    MelonJMusic Posts: 121 Member
    Whoa...To the woman whose cardiologist said something similar...shoulda gotten that doctor fired. That's ridiculous. They would've lost some teeth if not their job.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I am sorry that happened to you. I would immediately report him. There is no way that this behavior should be allowed to continure. Who knows how many other people he insults on a daily basis. I cant see how the gym would be practicing good business methods by allowing this type of insulting behavior. I am that type of person who will report it daily until I see results. THat man is an *kitten* and there is no freaking way you will break the equipment. You should be applauded for being there, not insulted. Do yourself a favor: get some earphones immediately. Next time someone tries to talk to you, just point to your ears and put your hands up to indicate you have no idea what they are saying while making it clear you don't care because you aren't talking out your earphones. WOman I am telling you that is what I do on a daily basis and it has made my life so much more stress free. I don't really like people, especially ones tyring to mess up my workout zone. Keep up the exercising.. and don't worry about *kitten*. I wish I was at your gym.. I wouldn't be able to contain my self in front of that man. I am that type that would be always saying stuff like oh look at me, a fat person getting on here. hope it holds. and loudly everytime while looking straight at him. Don't quit.. that would be him wnning. We cant have *kitten* like that win- ever. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    11:25 on a Saturday night, low post history...I'm calling BS.

    I thought the same...But, then again, it could be legit.

    They allegedly went to the gym today...not tonight. If that really happened and they were that upset they would of posted earlier. Also, you join a gym trying to get healthy, you have been working out and this is your second post?

    Go with your gut instinct...not legit.

    ETA: He writes "and a man walked up to me." that's a girl talking. As a guy, you would write...and another guy said to me....or, some dude said to me...
    different time zones dumbass. the population of the entire world doesn't live in your time zone. as far as how he composed his topic, WTF are you talking about? he's a young kid (22), it's not at all uncommon - regardless of age - for one man to refer to another man as, well, a man. lol. get your head out of your *kitten*.

    Absolutely, why are you calling him a liar?Why don't you get a life and learn how to show compassion. You are a *kitten*..
  • KristenCook2
    KristenCook2 Posts: 57 Member
    It's exactly that kind of "fat shaming" that contributes so negatively to the obesity problem we're facing in this country. There you are, clearly trying to make some healthy changes, and this a**hole feels the need to come up and say that to you? Unacceptable. Don't let that troll keep you out of the gym! You match your rapidly-shrinking rear end right back in there and shake your groove thang the whole time you're working out. If he dares to approach you again, let him know that you've got an entire army of MFP's who have your back! :mad:

    <walks away muttering under her breath about self-righteous little pricks>
  • ClaudiaKho13
    ClaudiaKho13 Posts: 229 Member
    Geez! i wonder if you told him that how would he feel
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    you have every right to be at the gym. keep on going
    you should have told them thats the reason you are at the gym to work on yourself and call him an insensitive fool.
  • timmypeace
    timmypeace Posts: 27 Member
    Honestly, this really upsets me. A gym is for people or all sizes. For him to do that is so disguisting. I agree with everyone else. I would have reported him immediately. I am sorry you went through that. Do not listen to him at all. Be proud of yourself for going in there and taking charge of your life!
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    You can lose weight but you can't fix stupid. I'd blow it off or report it if I felt the need. Do not use this as an excuse to stop going. This is about your health not his stupidity.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    11:25 on a Saturday night, low post history...I'm calling BS.

    Perhaps he hasn't posted much previously for fear that people like you will find reasons to be mean instead of being supportive. An overweight young man has probably dealt with jerks who have nothing nice to say his whole life. Great way to show them the people of MFP are different. Maybe he is in a different time zone. At 11:25 where I live, it's only 8:25 where my daughter lives and 7:25 where my sister lives. Perhaps he thought about it for a while when he got home and just figured this isn't right...I'm going to get other people's opinion who have been going to the gym for a while. Is this normal...a "should I get used to this behavior" type of question.

    To the original poster, no this is not ok. You should definitely report it. You should also ignore people who have nothing better to do than go through posts looking for reasons to not believe them.
  • JoeyTajzai
    JoeyTajzai Posts: 1,198 Member
    Just reading what you posted got me furious. That's such a low class and ***** move to make. Telling someone they're fat while they're trying to workout. If I were you honestly, this wouldn't make me wanna stop going to the gym, if anything, I would go every single ****ing day and push my body to the limit so when I get to my goal weight I can rub it in that dudes face. The guy is clearly upset and has nothing going for him, so he decides to take it out on someone who is trying to make progress. Keep your head up and move forward, let your haters be your motivators.
  • BlueOrchidMoon77
    You know, I try to stay a positive person and I don't like to use profanity online if I can help it...BUT I would've just looked at him and told him to go **** himself. Sorry if that offends anyone.