what foods to you AVOID/LIVE BY??



  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I avoid salad like the plague. I fuggin' hate that crap.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    I avoid salad like the plague. I fuggin' hate that crap.

    I have yet to enjoy a salad without half a jar of Hellmans
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Lima Beans

    Live by:
    Almond Milk
    Peanut butter

    Because list 1 is gross and list 2 is awesome
  • SunnyDuckling
    SunnyDuckling Posts: 204 Member
    I'm avoiding foods that I can't moderate myself with yet.
    I love ice-cream, chips (fries), chips (crisps), cheesy crackers, pizza, Burger King, cake, donuts, lasagne, cheese.... all the high calorie goodness! But I know I can't eat all of them all of the time. I'm learning how to eat and enjoy them in moderation.

    I've learnt for instance, that I can buy donuts and stick them in the freezer and eat them over a few months. Same for cake, pizza and lasagne. I just dish them out little by little and can make them last for ages.

    Ice-cream however, I buy with all the best intentions of making it last properly, only eating 1 serve at a time. But then I go back and have a second or third serve and before I know it, I've eaten the whole box in 2 days! So that's something I can't moderate yet. Every couple of months, I try again and see if my willpower is any better. It's a work in progress and a muscle I need to keep exercising.

    As far as live by? Lettuce, carrot & zucchini. Whenever I'm making a one-pot type dish like stew, or spaghetti or chilli or pasta sauce I will always grate carrot and zucchini into it. I just can't help it. For those other kinds of meals like 'meat-and-3-veg' kind of things... Lettuce. I will have shredded lettuce in my satay rice. I will heat up a square of lasagne and eat it with heaps of lettuce. Grilled fish? Eat with a side of lettuce. I've even been known to put it into toasted sandwiches.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I avoid eggs because I'm allergic, I avoid liver because I find it disgusting.

    Other than that I eat bacon, pizza, and anything else I want in moderation. If I started restricting myself from eating things I like it would make this too difficult and I would quit or my husband would divorce me because I would be an angry miserable woman
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I avoid salad like the plague. I fuggin' hate that crap.

    I have yet to enjoy a salad without half a jar of Hellmans

    Now that sounds like my kind of salad!
  • detarrevo
    detarrevo Posts: 45
    I avoid things like pop, Gatorade, and juice unless I truly truly want one. I haven't had one in months. Same with alcohol.

    what is gatorade? is this like an energy drink?

    Pretty much, and kind of like soda, they have special low calorie Gatorades.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    I avoid eggs because I'm allergic, I avoid liver because I find it disgusting.

    Other than that I eat bacon, pizza, and anything else I want in moderation. If I started restricting myself from eating things I like it would make this too difficult and I would quit or my husband would divorce me because I would be an angry miserable woman

    wow excellent weight loss!! xx
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I avoid things like pop, Gatorade, and juice unless I truly truly want one. I haven't had one in months. Same with alcohol.

    what is gatorade? is this like an energy drink?

    It isn't an energy drink it is considered a sweet sports drink'. It is fruit-flavored drink designed to supply the body with carbohydrates and to replace fluids and sodium lost during exercise.

    I have no idea if it is a good for people to drink it when they are playing sports or not. I see it all over during games. Many/most people drink it as an alternative to soda/pop. Since I don't play sports I don't have to worry about it ;) Gatorade is a brand name - there is Powerade and probably others.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    we have lucozade in the UK, very sweet orange stuff...yak
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Live by fruits and vegetables, because of the anti-oxidants, micro-nutrients, minerals, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, phyto-chemicals, etc. They just make me feel energized, and help my body heal.

    What i avoid,
    animal products (ethical, health, humanitarian and environmental reasons)
    isolated nutrients, like sugar, oils, protein powders, vitamin pills, etc, because they create imbalances in the body, and hinder absorption of necessary nutrients.
    Man-made food chemicals, like dies and preservatives.
  • ChristineOlivarri
    ChristineOlivarri Posts: 62 Member
    I eat anything I want, just in small amounts...I love cookies, cake, ice cream, pizza, soda but in smaller portions
  • detarrevo
    detarrevo Posts: 45
    I love eating salad! Fat free ranch tastes like crap.....but as long as the salad has some grilled chicken in it I will eat it!

    There really isn't too much I will not eat, nutrition wise. I just try to spread my daily allowance out so I can eat whatever I'm craving.
    If I'm just a little bit over on my allowance I may just exercise another 10 - 15 minutes until I'm in the green.

    On a regular basis though I tend to eat apples and plain air popped popcorn. The popcorn is a great snack between meals.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Strictly due to celiac disease & other food allergies I avoid:
    mushrooms &
    egg yolks

    Foods I live by:
    Egg whites
    Bob's Red Mill orMcCann's Irish Oats (because I can trust them to be GF - I get on kicks about this though & haven't been eating them lately)
    yogurt - usually Yoplait Greek 100
    veggies & fruits - preferably from my own back yard or the farmer's market
    lean meats
    coffee with cream (7 more days and I get the cream back - I gave it up for Lent)
    Chex cereals

    ETA: i also avoid refried beans because I don't find them very satisfying for the calories they pack into my diary. I used to eat them regularly, now I sub in black beans and like it better.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Avoid: cake, cookies, muffins, donuts, cupcakes, chips, fast food, pizza, candy, soda, caffeine, tomatoes, chocolate, citrus fruits. I don't drink alcohol either.

    Live by: I'm gluten free and dairy free (with the exception of greek yogurt).

    For protein: eggs, chicken, steak, ground beef, ground turkey, greek yogurt, salmon, chick peas, black beans.
    For carbs: Udi's bread, gluten free pretzels, rice cakes, brown rice, sweet potatoes, baked potatoes, Chex cereal, veggies, and fruits.
    Fats: Earth balance dairy free butter, olive oil, nuts, avocado.

    *I avoid the things I do because I'm insulin resistant and hypoglycemic. Those foods aren't good for me. And I avoid caffeine, tomatoes, chocolate, and citrus fruits because I have severe acid reflux.*
  • rak173
    rak173 Posts: 105 Member
    I avoid chips! Those things are deadly.

    I eat a lot of produce and since I love snacking I have a lot of low calorie snack options. They are not quite the same, but make due on most days.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    Avoid: cake, cookies, muffins, donuts, cupcakes, chips, candy, soda, caffeine, tomatoes, chocolate, citrus fruits. I don't drink alcohol either.

    Live by: I'm gluten free and dairy free (with the exception of greek yogurt).

    For protein: eggs, chicken, steak, ground beef, ground turkey, greek yogurt, salmon.
    For carbs: Udi's bread, gluten free pretzels, rice cakes, brown rice, sweet potatoes, baked potatoes, Chex cereal, veggies, and fruits.
    Fats: Earth balance dairy free butter, olive oil, nuts, avocado.

    *I avoid the things I do because I'm insulin resistant and hypoglycemic. Those foods aren't good for me. And I avoid caffeine, tomatoes, chocolate, and citrus fruits because I have severe acid reflux.*

    Do you cope ok without all these foods?x
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Foods I avoid:

    Foods I don't like

    Foods I live by:

    Foods I DO like.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I avoid:
    Deep-fried foods cause they give me a bellyache with bloat.
    Okra, coconut (except for fresh), liver and ham cause I dislike them.
    Transfats cause they are very unhealthy.

    I eat everything else.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    There's nothing that I really avoid, although I'm not the biggest fan of chocolate bars, pastries or cake so that helps. I try not to keep large quantities of things I might overeat in the house. If I want ice cream I go out to get a cone or a single magnum bar.

    Things I eat every single day:

    Greek yogurt, bananas, apples, granola, oatmeal and some kind of chips that are super flavorful that I can eat a lot of (where 2 weighed out portions equals less than 300 calories) - lately I am in love with Kashi hummus crisps. What I just listed is pretty much what I eat while I'm at work. It leaves me about 800-900 calories for dinner and keeps me satisfied.

    ETA: The things I eat every day are the same things I was eating before I started logging food. I used to go way overboard at dinner and clear 3500 calories a day just because I didn't pay attention to portion sizes and would binge on chips or ice cream late at night and so, was overweight. Now I eat the same things but weigh everything. You don't have to eat anything different to lose weight, you just have to know exactly how much you are eating.